It's bee too long since I've posted.
A few weeks ago it was a Unplug and Be outside week where there were free activities around the valley to get kids off computers and TV and up and active.
I took Jillian to this free dance class. She loved it and I loved watching her dance. She just loves music and I love that about her.This is the 'sunbeam ball' because Paul will sing the sunbeam song and bounce the kids up. They love it. When it's not being used by the kids I do occasionally exercise with it.
I'm tired mommy. Well yes you are, you just fell asleep there on the chair. So cute!
This is going to go viral soon as the latest dance move. You simply rest your head on the couch and alternate kicking your legs out. Simple and so fun!
We took a walk around the temple to see the beautiful tulips and feel the spirit of the temple since it was closed for cleaning.
what a good year
On Mother's Day we went for a walk and when we got back this is what I saw in the stroller. Are they brother and sister or what?! Too adorable not to capture on camera. Love my Will and JillWilliam's figuring out how to play with toys. He absolutely LOVES this toy! Thanks Aunt Kim for loaning it out to us.
Will and Jill in the crib. Now if only they'd sleep like that...
Can't forget our Erik! He and Jillian have been playing a lot with these bears. Makes me wanna have a teddy bear picnic with them.