Sunday, May 19, 2013

Tribute to Will and Jill and Erik

It's bee too long since I've posted.
A few weeks ago it was a Unplug and Be outside week where there were free activities around the valley to get kids off computers and TV and up and active.
 I took Jillian to this free dance class. She loved it and I loved watching her dance. She just loves music and I love that about her.
 This is the 'sunbeam ball' because Paul will sing the sunbeam song and bounce the kids up. They love it. When it's not being used by the kids I do occasionally exercise with it.
 I'm tired mommy. Well yes you are, you just fell asleep there on the chair. So cute!
 This is going to go viral soon as the latest dance move. You simply rest your head on the couch and alternate kicking your legs out. Simple and so fun!
 We took a walk around the temple to see the beautiful tulips and feel the spirit of the temple since it was closed for cleaning.
 what a good year
 On Mother's Day we went for a walk and when we got back this is what I saw in the stroller. Are they brother and sister or what?! Too adorable not to capture on camera. Love my Will and Jill
 William's figuring out how to play with toys. He absolutely LOVES this toy! Thanks Aunt Kim for loaning it out to us.
 Will and Jill in the crib. Now if only they'd sleep like that...
Can't forget our Erik! He and Jillian have been playing a lot with these bears. Makes me wanna have a teddy bear picnic with them.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Happy BIRTHDAY William

We have a sweet little addition to our family now. 
William Owen Nielsen!!
He decided to come early, which I fully supported. Born 1/31/13 weighing 7lbs 1oz and 19 3/4 in long
 The delivery went so well! We feel so blessed that there were no complications and that we have such a healthy baby boy in our family!
With Mommy and Daddy
 Daddy gave him his first bath. It's tradition now that Paul gives the kids their first bath.

 All cleaned up and chillin with Mommy.
 Meeting Big brother and Big sister!
 Erik LOVES this boy. Always wants to hold him and snuggle with him, it's so sweet. Jillian loves giving him kisses and re-assuring him when he cries. She'll tell him, "It's OK baby!"
 Our family of 5!!

 Daddy bonding time. I love that they match in the photo below.

Lil baby in a 'big' car seat. I think newborns always look so small in their car seat. Well we've been home now for 2 weeks and things are going well! I'm recovering very quickly, he's sleeping well at night and I've gotten a lot of great help from family. We are SO blessed.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Look Who's 5!!

Now that Christmas is passed I feel like I have some time to blog.
Erik turned 5 this month!
We had B-day cake pancakes to celebrate for breakfast, yum, oh and they have to be Mickey Mouse shape, those are the best :)
 Erik opened a present from Grandpa Nielsen after breakfast, Jillian thought he would look better with a floaty around his neck.
 He got a Lego watch!!!! 

 Erik and Daddy building the Lego watch.
 Erik loves Legos and time, so this is the best of both worlds. We now ALWAYS know the time.
 We had a party that night with the family. Spiderman, I mean Hendrick, gave him a Spiderman sword
 Grandma JuLee gave him more GeoTrax!! Now we have enough track to surround the Christmas tree and also build what ever track Erik can imagine.
 We got him a helicopter book with a helicopter toy that moves around a track in the book, very fun.
 It took Erik awhile to decide, but he finally chose to have a pirate ship cake. So this was my attempt.
 I had a couple problems with assembly and it didn't turn out like I had imagined, but Erik liked it and my family thought it was cool, and that's really all that matters.

Happy Birthday Erik! Hard to believe you're 5 already. We've had so much fun with you the time has just flown by.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

It's Autumn Time!

We took a fun trip to see family in UT a few weeks ago and we got to go to Grandma JuLee's school carnival. The kids loved it, we all had fun!
Jillian and Erik waiting for the reptile show to begin.
Fishing for prizes and candy
Oh this is history...our kid's first twinkie! Thank you cake walk for providing this memorable experience
Glow sticks in the dark car makes for happy kids. I think I need to remember that on our next road trip
We saw Aunt Laurie and Uncle John in their play, they did great! Erik loved that John shared him costume with him, so cute!
And now the reason we came to visit, baby blessing of lil Jonathon! He's adorable!!
Such a sweet baby, so glad we came down to see him before he tripled in size, he's already so big, only 6 weeks old and he doesn't even look like a newborn anymore :(
Oh Erik's first boy cousin on the Nielsen side. They already look like friends.
Poor Jillian was sooo overtired from all the events of the day she found her Uncle Nick and soon fell asleep. Great snuggle time
We came home to a yard full of leaves so we all went out to rake them up.
And jump and play in the piles.
Where's Erik?
There he is!!
Daddy, do you want to eat a leaf?

We've got great lil helpers, it was so fun to work together as a family on this project. Almost makes me wish there were more leaves to rake....naaah

I love to see our kiddo's loving on each other! Family is great!