Monday, July 27, 2015

Scott and Roah at Sandy Beach

S went with his best friend R to hang out they decide to go to Sandy Beach because R just got brand new tires for his jeep.  While they were out there playing R got stuck and started to sink.  They were asking everyone there to pull them out or if they had a tow rope.  R came running over to S with a tow rope and S looks at him really what do you expect us to do with it?  Finally someone in a truck came to help out they tried calling me I was taking a nap and didn't answer.  The guy in the truck kept saying that they will need a tow truck to get them out as he is pulling them out.  R's girlfriend came to the rescue in her dads truck to pull them out.  While they were waiting for someone to help S told R that he has his truck keys and if R wants to give him a ride to his house then he will come back in his truck to get his jeep out.  R thought that was a really good idea until he realized that they had no way to get to his house.  Oh jeez!!! S and R have been best friends since kindergarten I am so glad that they are there for each other, even though alot of people are scared of them "R and his bad ass friends" I just laugh every time because these guys are the sweetest and nicest guys you will ever meet!! I still think of them as little boys not ready to accept the fact that they are all grown up into fine young men. So proud of them!!!

Fishing at Spring Lake

Yesterday we went fishing at Spring Lake T, B, and Miss S met us there.  It was really nice even though we didn't catch anything  I guess I should rephrase that me, P and S did not catch any fish but T and B caught a really huge frog and 3 Crawfish!!! T was trying to put water in the container that he put the frog in and the frog jumped out :( The kids were swimming and having fun playing with the cousins.  I just enjoyed spending time with them and soaking up the same never realized how pale I was.  Before we headed to the lake we made a picnic lunch to take with us.  We had left over barbecue chicken from the night before and I made a pasta salad and put the chicken in it, had some rolls and got some lunch meat from the deli and Gatorade to take with us also some chips.  The boys brought their swimming goggles and pool noodles with them.  We spent the afternoon there had a blast!! Afterwards T dropped B and Miss S off and T spent the night. S found this video on YouTube if you get zip ties and put them on the drive shaft right before the metal plate it will make alot of noise when you drive.  S put them on T's truck I forgot all about it because we went for a walk (LA gave me a Polar band which tells you how many steps you take, calories and etc..) I was close to my goal so we all went for a family walk to help me reach my goal S and T were racing just having fun, when we got home T needed to get something from his house so him and T were leaving and we heard the noise so we went outside to watch and I have not laughed so hard in a long time.  T is driving slow down the street T is running along the side of the truck with his phone as a flash light trying to figure out what the noise is. They come back home and trying to get the younger boys to keep a straight face was hard they were looking every where T sees the zip ties and T said that is normal to have them there me and P just busted out laughing finally I told them because I couldn't take it anymore if they were to remove the zip ties the noise will stop. T did not believe me not until P told him.  Good times

Day 7 Adventures with the Lopez's

Finally on our way home so excited!!!!  The drive wasn't too bad had some wind in spots but nothing was going to get me down.  There was so many cops out on the road and to watch my speed alot and Oliver really likes to speed.  L slept almost all the way home we only stopped a couple of times for bathroom breaks.  Finally home!!!!!!!   Best husband ever and the boys cleaned the house and did all the laundry for me they even had flowers for me.  As we were unloading L's car somewhere I had lost a bag of souvenirs :( not happy about it but I am so excited to get home that I really don't care.  I really think that all the boys have grown while I was gone.  Talking to Best husband ever and the boys telling them all about the adventures I have had with L we have decided that we are wanting to go to California for our 20th wedding anniversary and will take the boys with us! We are going to rent a minivan to go and everyone is going to start saving money so they can help pay for it. I can't believe how expensive it was down there. Gas was over $5.00 a gallon, just to feed me it was almost $20.00 every time so I know that it is going to be really expensive but I know that it will be worth it even if we don't have enough money to visit Disney Land they will have fun! There are so many more places that I wanted to go see but E forgot her cane and she can't do alot of walking neither can L I am glad that I wasn't able to go to every place I wanted to go to because I want to be able to experience and have a new adventure with best husband ever and the boys and so the count down begins until the next adventure....

Day 6 Adventures with the Lopez's

Our time has ended here in California had alot of fun but I am so ready to get home and be with best husband ever and the boys I miss them so much!!!!!  Started packing up our stuff and taking it to the car and I noticed that M and Z left there stuff so we called LA and she was at work A was staying home with the kids today the boys had a dentist appointment so we had to wait for them to get done at the dentist and come to the hotel so that put us back some.  We didn't want to leave until later so we would miss most of the traffic so we went to the Hollywood Walk of Fame and I got some more souvenirs I got all turned around and backwards.  Finally met up with L and her mom and we started to head home, Since we made it there in one day we figured we would drive home in one day instead of staying in Las Vegas.  We got lost and all turned around even with the GPS (L is driving) and we ended up zig zagging through the neighborhoods.  With the small detour we did make really good time even though we ended up in Pasadena.  Traffic was still horrible and so we stopped at McDonald's to get breakfast at El Cajohn Pass and come to find out that after we left Victorsville they had a flash flood and wiped out most of the roads. So crazy because we could have been caught in that! The drive to Las Vegas took forever it was good weather because L was driving we switched drivers in Las Vegas and it was horrible again wind blowing really hard and the traffic sucked especially in the downtown area!! Finally made it to Mesquite and ate talked to best husband ever and he suggested that we stay the night so we weren't driving at night if we didn't stay the night we would have gotten home around 1am.  Had a hard time finding a room everything was booked I really think that since it was a 4 day weekend in Utah everyone went to Mesquite,  We got a room at the Eureka Resort and Casino it was ok They did have a swimming pool and that is all that I cared about because the hotel in California didn't have a pool and the weather was not the best so I wasn't able to go to the ocean and swim.  L and her mom went to the casino and I went to the pool and hot tub, it was so perfect even with all the little kids.  I didn't realize how sore and tired I was until I was sitting in the hot tub.  Went to Walmart and got some Tylenol PM so I can get some sleep since I will be driving all the home.  I slept so good even with L snoring I think it was because I was so excited to go home and see best husband ever and the boys!!!!

Day 5 Adventures with the Lopez's

Got ready and we met L and her mom at the Grove for breakfast then we did some shopping E really wanted to get an American Girl Doll so L got her one for her birthday, I seriously can't believe all the stuff they have for it and how expensive it is. The have a spa package that you can get for you and your doll you can also go to the salon and get your hair done to match crazy...
Afterwards we were heading to Santa Monica Pier. We had to stop for gas LA gets out then L so M, Z and me were all in the back seat and Erminia was in the front next thing you know there was a loud pop and something exploded all over M's hair, Z's side and my arms and some how it was all over the right side of E it turned out to be E's orange juice! It was all over the windshield, the drivers seat, dash board, visor, the hood of the car, her sunroof, L's seat, the floor, backseat, even the back window!!! It was every where and if LA was to stay in the car she would have been covered in it. I laughed so hard the thing is the orange juice was in a sports bottle under the drivers seat and it has been there since Saturday.  Had to find a car was they were expensive, slow and didn't do a very good job.  While we were waiting for (Oliver) me and the boys were sitting on the bench outside and these pigeons came over didn't know the boys were terrified of them. While we were waiting a white van pulled up to get cleaned and polished there was graffiti all over it on both sides of the van, LA asked him where did this happen and he said downtown and LA said you can't park downtown he then told us that he was in a secured car park whoever did this climbed the wall to tag it. The car wash place charged the guy over $200 to clean it.  We finally were on our way to Santa Monica Pier.  It was a nice place wishing I would have brought my swimsuit to go swimming in the ocean it was nice weather really windy but the ocean looked inviting. I walked the length of the pier (When I figure out how to get the pictures off of my phone I will post them) it was crowded we did get to see the Italian Special Olympics team it was really neat because everyone started to clap. M and Z went on the rides there Z threw up on one of the rides so he stayed with us and LA took M on the roller coaster and M threw up. I liked the pier better at Santa Monica then I did at Venice Beach.  It was a really long day since we were leaving in the morning I stayed at the hotel I got all the pillows and made me a bed on the floor to try and get some sleep.  If I fall asleep before L I can get some sleep. 

Day 4 Adventures with the Lopez's

LA had to work today so we went to Venice beach while they were at work. I LOVE VENICE BEACH!!!!  So many people just to sit and watch people will keep you entertained for hours. We had lunch at a nice place on the boardwalk called the Sidewalk Cafe. Walked the pier and watched the street performers they were awesome very very talented group of young kids. They were dancers and did all these flips and stuff they got the crowd involved which was fun to watch. Don't remember what their name was but they were a black group that was performing. They asked for volunteers and got 3 ladies then they asked for more volunteers and then they said they wanted 2 rich white guys, then they asked for another volunteer but he had to be Asian with a camera around his neck and holding a map, then they got 3 kids to volunteer.  The leader repeated everyone that was there then he said they are finally politically correct it was so funny!!!  They got the youngest member of their group and he did a flip over all of them without the help of a trampoline or anything it was so neat. I tried to video tape it with my phone but it didn't turn out. I highly recommend everyone to go check them out.  I then went and watched the skaters at the skate park and they were really good I am horrible with names but there was professional skaters from the Dew Tour I know the older boys would have liked that.  They also have a graffiti wall where you can pay and graffiti whatever you want on it, Venice Beach is also the home to Muscle Beach they have an area where you can lift weights or do gymnastics or even box! The entrance is in cement and its of 2 dumb bells its pretty cool I highly recommend everyone to go check it out. Also on the buildings (houses) around Venice Beach almost everyone painted their homes this one house has Albert Einstein and a bunch of famous faces it was really neat!  I hated to leave Venice Beach.  Afterwards we went and drove around and just explored we went to Beverly Hills and was on Rodeo Dr. We saw Kim Kardashian she was driving wasn't able to get a picture and I also saw Carlos Santana he was outside our hotel going into the Guitar Center I guess they do alot of recordings and free concerts there. We didn't know who the guy was playing so we didn't go. We met LA, A and the kids at the hotel after they got off work and we had dinner at the Grove it was the best food ever! Everyone got something different to eat me and L went to a Brazilian food place OMG so yummy!!!!  Walked around some more I stayed the night at LA's I really missed that futon and was able to finally get some sleep. LA has a nice roof top deck and a view of the Hollywood sign.  She lives across the street from the boys school I find it so weird that the kids are not allowed to go out and play unless they are right there no way I could ever live in the city my kids are always outside

Day 3 Adventures with the Lopez's

Next day we met LA at the eye doctor picked up the boys (got lost trying to find her and they we got lost trying to get out of the hospital) finally made it to Del Taco to wait for LA. LA finally found us and we dropped her car off at her house and we went to the Natural History Museum it was ok my kids would really enjoy it there was so much to see and do we didn't even get to the second floor or cover the outside. LA has a family pass to the museums and we were able to get in for free and if you have handicap parking sticker you get to park for free you don't have to pay.  We went to Zankou its a Mediterranean place really yummy. We got it to go and had dinner on the roof top deck finally stopped raining long enough to eat up there.  After dinner A came to the hotel after work and he took us to the Grove with M and Z.  It was really neat basically a shopping mall and farmers market that is outside they had a train that you can ride and water fountains. A was telling us that they have outdoor concerts there all the time with big names of course there wasn't one when we went.  Finally got back to the hotel and L was going to sleep with her mom and again none of us got any sleep. L really needs to go to the doctor for her snoring you could hear her all the way down the hallway. I had 2 pillows covering my ears and no luck

Day 2 Adventures with the Lopez's

After we all got up and ready went to the hotel to pick up L and her mom. We went to the La Brae Tar Pits it was ok next time I go there I want to go on a tour of the actual excavation the younger boys will like it.  After we got done there we met up with A and went to Roscoe's that was the best place I have ever had fried chicken and waffles!! So yummy I can't wait to go back!!   Afterwards we went to the Hollywood Walk of Fame. LA and E did some shopping then they took the boys back to the hotel.  Me, L and A went to Tinhorn Flats for a bourbon tasting thing again not a fan of the alcohol. Afterwards we walked around the Walk of Fame and I got some souvenirs for everyone again it was still raining, I kept teasing LA and A "come to LA it never rains they say..." Finally got back to the hotel and we were given a different room they were 2 queen beds but I think they were doubles! So me and L shared a bed until I kicked her out of it oh my gosh her snoring was horrible!!! I forgot how horrible it was I was wishing that I was back at LA's sleeping on that horrible futon.  I went up to the roof top deck and there was a homeless person sleeping under the covers to protect the furniture went down and told the front desk, dang it was scary!!

Day 1 Adventures with the Lopez's

Lyna and her mom came and picked me up early Saturday morning our plan was to drive to Las Vegas stay the night then continue to California.  We were making good time (even with the many stops along the way)so Lyna decided to drive straight through to California.  Lyna took the first shift on driving she made it to Mesquite had lunch then I would drive.  They gambled and I watched I had no desire to throw away my money (I suck at gambling) It was windy leaving Mesquite didn't think anything of it even after I had to hold open the door so Erminia could get in it kept hitting her legs. I was nervous driving Lyna's car she has a brand new 2015 Ford Focus (Oliver) it wasn't my car and I have never driven it before I just thought all the wind was because I wasn't used to her car.  We were about 50 miles outside of Las Vegas when we hit a HUGE SANDSTORM!!!  It was like driving into a brick wall you could not see the vehicles in front of me so much wind it was horrible you could only see maybe 10 feet in front of you. Once we reached downtown Las Vegas it did get better but not by much. When we could finally see good enough realized we were stuck in the express lane and we had to get gas of course I would take a wrong turn trying to get to the gas station finally get gassed up and it is raining and windy so not fun to drive in the first part of our trip we had really good weather of course when I drive it is horrible! We stopped again in Victorsville for a break we switched drivers in Barstow Lyna wanted to drive El Cajohn Pass (The day before there was a wildfire at El Cajohn Pass it burned 8 cars and a semi damaged a couple of other ones people were leaving their cars and running up the hill super crazy) It was a downpour with the firefighters and tow truck drivers I think our top speed was 20 mph.  With it raining and windy Lyna decided she had enough of the freeway and wanted to get off even though we only had a 1/2 mile to our exit to get to the hotel. We were so lost we ended up in Downtown LA, East LA and China town (the worst areas to be in) finally get Lyna to follow the direction to the hotel and we make it there safe.

We stayed at the hotel called "The Moment" it was on Sunset Blvd across the street from Guitar Center.  It was really nice kinda small especially for 3 of us it had a really nice roof top deck that I spent alot of time on when it wasn't raining. Loretta, Andre, Marley and Zane were all waiting for us at the hotel they took us out to their favorite dinner "El Coyote Mexican Restaurant" me and Lyna laughed that I don't get enough of Mexican food in Utah that I had to go to California to eat it. It was good different but I prefer ours.  Andre wanted to celebrate Lyna's last night in her 40's and he order all of us Margaritas I tried telling him that I am not a drinker he wouldn't listen so I gave my drink to Lyna they were strong!  The first room we got at The Moment was only a one bed so the first night I stayed at Loretta's and slept on her futon oh man that thing is so uncomfortable!!!

Adventures with the Lopez's

It has been 20 years since the last time me and Lyna went on a road trip and that one didn't end up to well.  So we had every right to be nervous on this road trip, but it turned out to be AWESOME!!! It was Me, Lyna and her mom Erminia went to Los Angeles, California to visit her sister Loretta and her family.  We have been planning this trip since February we were originally going to go 50 miles for 50 years to celebrate Lyna's 50th birthday but we soon realized that we would end up in Nephi and decided to go to Wisconsin to see her niece Raquel but for whatever reason we decided to go to California to see Zane and Marley.  I was able to take 10 days off of work and I was gone for 6 days! It was really fun but I sure missed Paul and the boys!!!!!!  

Lyna and her mom came and picked me up early Saturday morning our plan was to drive to Las Vegas stay the night then continue to California.  We were making good time (even with the many stops along the way)so Lyna decided to drive straight through to California.  Lyna took the first shift on driving she made it to Mesquite had lunch then I would drive.  They gambled and I watched I had no desire to throw away my money (I suck at gambling) It was windy leaving Mesquite didn't think anything of it even after I had to hold open the door so Erminia could get in it kept hitting her legs. I was nervous driving Lyna's car she has a brand new 2015 Ford Focus (Oliver) it wasn't my car and I have never driven it before I just thought all the wind was because I wasn't used to her car.  We were about 50 miles outside of Las Vegas when we hit a HUGE SANDSTORM!!!  It was like driving into a brick wall you could not see the vehicles in front of me so much wind it was horrible you could only see maybe 10 feet in front of you. Once we reached downtown Las Vegas it did get better but not by much. When we could finally see good enough realized we were stuck in the express lane and we had to get gas of course I would take a wrong turn trying to get to the gas station finally get gassed up and it is raining and windy so not fun to drive in the first part of our trip we had really good weather of course when I drive it is horrible! We stopped again in Victorsville for a break we switched drivers in Barstow Lyna wanted to drive El Cajohn Pass (The day before there was a wildfire at El Cajohn Pass it burned 8 cars and a semi damaged a couple of other ones people were leaving their cars and running up the hill super crazy) It was a downpour with the firefighters and tow truck drivers I think our top speed was 20 mph.  With it raining and windy Lyna decided she had enough of the freeway and wanted to get off even though we only had a 1/2 mile to our exit to get to the hotel. We were so lost we ended up in Downtown LA, East LA and China town (the worst areas to be in) finally get Lyna to follow the direction to the hotel and we make it there safe.