I am grateful for my little Morgan, and her sweet spirit that she has brought into our home
I never bore of kissing her and can cuddle her all day long
I adore her precious little toes, fingers and ears
I fall more in love everytime that she gets the hiccups or smiles (I know its just gas, but still adorable)
I cannot believe how patient, sweet and easy she is
I will forever love that she came 3 1/2 weeks early and took me out of my misery
I am grateful for her patience with her brother and sister who are absolutely head over heels for her
I love the look in Paul's eyes when he picks her up
I love hearing my kids giggle when she burps or makes "other" such sounds
I love taking a nap with her curled up on my chest
I love how much she looks like her sister
I wonder how I will ever get anything done because all I want to do is stare at her for hours on end
I love her dark hair and how it sticks straight up after she has a bath
I love how she smells
I love how she belongs with us and is meant to be in our family