Monday, September 21, 2009

A Little Detour...

We are in Utah as we speak and decided to detour in Phoenix for a get together with some Tucson Buddies! We had a great time catching up, introducing Morgan to new buddies, seeing Mary's beautiful home, eating some tasty Cafe Rio (what I would give for that joint to be in Tucson), reminiscing and letting the kids run wild together.
(I stole your pics Mary, thank ya!)
Jean...we were ALL thinking about you and wishin' you were there!

Good Times!

Monday, September 14, 2009

A little of this, a little of that...

Wow...I am seriously behind!
So here is a little recap of the last few weeks...
The last 3 weeks have mostly consisted of holding, loving and staring at our new addition.
She is such a sweetheart!

Brig got to spend some quality time with dad going dove hunting!

Raegan had her first tap and ballet dance recital! The little girls were so cute, in the ballet dance they were in a circle holding hands at one part and they were all giggling...definitely the highlight of the night. (there is a video at the very bottom of the post)

Raegan is a crack up...these are her wearing her "gloves" and notice her "matching flip flops"
She doesn't seem to be phased by the heat here, in fact she is usually seen sporting around in winter clothes with a pair or two of socks on her feet and some on her hands to be her gloves.

Brig is a goof too...the other day he told Paul he wanted to dress up as a clown.
So this is what they came up with...I love it!

Brig started soccer this week! They are the Orange Jaguars, and Brig was HILARIOUS! The first half of the game he was running around the field ROARING like a Jaguar. By the second half he got more focused and competitive. This is going to be an entertaining season.

We had our ANNUAL "Happy Kids Day!"
The kids woke up to pancakes for breakfast, got to go to Monkey Business that night and then topped the night off in our PJs watching a movie and eating popcorn!!

Brig hunting! Yep he got a moose and looks super proud. This kid clearly is Paul's kid ;)

Last but NOT least, we had my mom and dad here for the new baby!

Seriously, we are so lucky to have them.
My mom came as soon as the baby was born and stayed for 9 days, and my dad came out for the weekend too. It was so fun to have them here to meet Morgan and play with Brig and Morgan. It was also so great to have my mom cooking and cleaning and doing EVERYTHING you can possibly imagine to help out (we even squeezed in lunch and a little shopping outing). And my dad fixed my computer and got my wireless internet working...seriously they are such great guests :)
When they left I cried and cried, it was so great to have them and this the first baby I have had not living close to them. I am so grateful that they will be coming back out next month for another visit.

(scroll down to the bottom of the page to mute the blog music, so you can hear them giggle)
Wow that was a long, random post.
If you made it to the end...CONGRATS, you must really love us.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


of little Morgan when she was just 4 days old...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'm in LoVe...

I am grateful for my little Morgan, and her sweet spirit that she has brought into our home
I never bore of kissing her and can cuddle her all day long
I adore her precious little toes, fingers and ears
I fall more in love everytime that she gets the hiccups or smiles (I know its just gas, but still adorable)
I cannot believe how patient, sweet and easy she is
I will forever love that she came 3 1/2 weeks early and took me out of my misery
I am grateful for her patience with her brother and sister who are absolutely head over heels for her
I love the look in Paul's eyes when he picks her up
I love hearing my kids giggle when she burps or makes "other" such sounds
I love taking a nap with her curled up on my chest
I love how much she looks like her sister
I wonder how I will ever get anything done because all I want to do is stare at her for hours on end
I love her dark hair and how it sticks straight up after she has a bath
I love how she smells
I love how she belongs with us and is meant to be in our family