We headed over to Cresent City to see the tide pools and the Light House. Above is Alex in the red jacket waiting to start our adventure. In the top left is ZiZi holding Austin. You can also see all the little munchins running down the trail.
From top left going L to R: Alex heading off into the great blue yonder, Dominic, Austin getting mad because i forgot his pacifier in the car, Alex showing us a shell, and Alex and ZiZi fixing a shoe.
Sari (in the dark blue hoodie) was acting as our local Tide Pool Expert and kid magnet, Rochelle (in the purple hoodie) acting as Sari's assistant kid herder. Mathias is in the red hoodie, Alex in the blue hat, Dominic in the red hat, Annie in the green striped hoodie, Gracie has the pink camo pants.
Heading up the steep hill to the lighthouse, the start of the trail is in the bottom middle picture. Seated on the bench from Left to Right: Mathias, Annie, Gracie, Dominic, & Alex.
Alex and Annie were fascinated by these buoys hanging in this dead tree. Dominic thought they were pretty cool, too. Alex touched every one that he could reach with his finger.
The many faces of Alex and ZiZi exploring with Dom and Alex.
Alex showing Dominic and the other kids a dead crab (i think).
We went to the Redwood forest on our way home. The trees were awesome and fun to play on. The ferns made a nice jungle for the short ones. :) Alex is wearing the yellow shorts and Power Ranger shirt, Dominic is wearing the orange Nemo shirt. And, ZiZi is in the pink plaid.
We climbed on top of this HUGE stump. And then got inside of it.
The trail was really cool. The kids loved it. The group shot is Left to Right: Dominic, Alex, Annie, Mathias and Gracie.