Wednesday, November 28, 2012


The past couple of months have flown by, we have been so busy! First off, Paul and I have been dreaming about snow for 2.5 years.. we would lay in bed and talk about it and get giddy thinking about it! (Last Christmas when we visited it was hot in Utah. Major let down) Capri has only seen tiny bits of snow a couple times, she has never actually seen snow fall or played in it so we were soooo excited to get a few big storms!! 
Capri and Cam! Capri's first snow angel! 

AND her first snowman!

This storm was awesome, this was the first time Capri actually ever saw snow fall, we were driving to Peytons house and HUGE gorgeous flakes were falling and capri was screaming "THIS IS INSANE!!!" Love how kids make everything so much better.

Playing in the snow with babe!

Capri lived in this wig the whole month of October! 

Trick or treating with Cam

Trick or Treating with Peyton

Capris Preschool did a Halloween program and it was sooo cute! I was dying laughing, kids are funny! Capri sang so loud and it was so cute watching her!

Grandma Cindy and Capri

Papa Bob and Grandma Denise

Temple with these girls and my 22 week belly

 When its nice outside we love going on bike rides!

 These 2 are besties

 Christmas light show parade with cousins! 

My mom takes Capri one day a week on a date and Capri loves it! Usually Friday nights my dad and mom take her on a night date so Paul and I can go on a date too. Its SO nice to have a whole day to go to lunch with friends, shopping, or do errands by myself, and then get to go on a date with Paul! We are so lucky to have them! AND Capri loves it, She is always planning out their dates all week!

We have seen Santa twice, Capri LOVES him and everything is so magical to her. Toddlers are so fun, anyways, both times she asked him for a blowdryer! Both times he was shocked and said "A blow dryer?!" haha so funny

I talked Paul into putting up our tree early and it was so much fun to decorate it together, all of my decorations have been sitting in storage for almost 3 years so I was excited to get them out! 

AND last but not least!
This guy made his first appearance. (ELF ON THE SHELF) We named him Cliffy, and Capri loves finding him every morning! she keeps asking me "is he real or is he pretend?!" duh, of course he is real!