Saturday, April 28, 2012

Paul told me today I have a problem. He said he googled it and there are groups for this kind of thing. I'm seriously addicted to these things. Only the mint kind! Im a pack a day girl! He is so funny, 6 months ago we were driving and he said, "oh I know why you love mentos to much!! Cause you drink diet coke and then eat mentos and there is an explosion in your stomach that makes you addicted!" he was dead serious! He is a funny guy! I guess there are worse things I could be addicted to right? Haha

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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Aloha Our Hawaii Home

Our last few weeks in Hawaii was different than I expected, nothing went as planned, it wasn't the last 2 weeks I had envisioned, but I am grateful we got in a lot of beach days! Its crazy we have done everything we need to do and its already over! It was magical, we will miss the beach and the bike path like crazy! I know Paul wont miss school, but he tells me he will miss the ocean! Especially the smell of it.
 My sweet little Capri has grown up here. This is all she knows! When we first got here she was 11 months! She was walking, but walking on the beach was a task for her, now she is swimming and is the craziest little fish in the sea. Im sad for my other kids that they wont know or experience all of this like she got to!  She has been my little adventurer!  We have explored this island together, and I will cherish these memories forever! To say we will miss it is an understatement. But I know it's the right time, I need my family right now, and my poor hub is so burned out from school!
I am so incredibly grateful for the experiences we had out there, the person I have become, I am glad I can look back and know I literally seized the day every day for almost 2 years, and did more there than most people do in a whole lifetime living there. We are so sad to be gone but so excited for this new chapter in our lives.  
I will miss the Aloha spirit, and all the beautiful things that makes Hawaii such a special place. Walking everywhere, warm beach days with my babygirl, being so close to Paul all day that we can go visit him whenever we want, surfing, the smell of the ocean, you know all that good stuff?
so here is our last weeks in hawaii. 
Aloha Oe. 

side story..this little fish talked my ear off last night when I was putting her to bed. And then cried. our conversation went like this: after talking about a million things like disneyland, papa, tinkerbell getting attacked by dinosaurs and having to go to the hospital cause her wing was bleeding.. she said
Capri: We go to the beach in the morning?
Me: No sweetie, we dont live in Hawaii anymore remember?
Capri: (starting to cry) I want the beach and the sand. 1 more day! 
Me: Im sorry, no more Hawaii, but we get to go to UTAH!
Capri: NO UTAH! I want the beach, Im saaaaaad :(  
This isnt the first time she has cried about this since we left.. and I have a feeling it wont be the last. ugh it breaks my heart. I know once we get settled she will be just as happy somewhere else! 

We loved feeding the pig on the way to foodland

We loved going to the museum on campus, especially on hot days. its freezing in there and we loved that!

Crazy post beach and nap hair

flying kites in the field in front of our house

A date with daddy

Sunday BBQ at the beach

one of the perks of living in appts is always having friends to play with

playing with Mr. Seal @ Alligator Ponds

Swimming with Jack and friends at Cassie's Pool

Capri already misses "her Cooper" so much. I will miss Sharla! She is such a good friend, I am so lucky that we met and got to be friends. 

My mom last minute flew out to help me, Im so grateful to have a mom that will do anything for me when I need her. I love my family! 

Our last goodbye to Ono Yo

Pauls parents came and visited and we had a blast with them! Capri was so happy to have "2 grandmas in Hawaii!" They helped us move and take all of our stuff to ship and to the airport, and we got to hang out, spend the night at their condo, and go to the beach which was tons of fun!

Our last night in Hawaii.. Cuddling and watching Storage Wars. Paul is obsessed with Storage Wars haha so funny

Capri and I woke up early and walked to the beach and said good bye! Paul and I went for a little swim in the ocean a little later.. glad I got to swim in the ocean one more time! 

We had some time to kill, Bob had a good idea to go to the Aulani Disney hotel, so we went, it was gorgeous! And we got to see goofy and Mickey! Capri was soooo excited.. and it was good prep for Disneyland! 

Saying Goodbye to Hawaii
Capri on the plane : Bye Hawaii, bye Cooper, bye beach, bye sand, bye parker harper, bye sharla mossi, bye jake sadie, bye capris bed and room. MOM! no more Hawaii?    I sad! Its ok. I have a room at PAPAS HOUSE!!! I HAPPY NOW! 
This little girl experiencing real cold. shaking "i freezing cold. my feet are freezing cold."

and last but not least, we had a layover in Utah super early and we may or may not have eaten Cafe Rio for breakfast. (which would have been 4am in Hawaii!) I am pretty sure Paul ate his burrito in 10 seconds. He said "that was worth the extra 5 hours to fly to utah". Little did we know, when we got to California there was a Cafe Rio a block away from the airport haha

The end. 
Aloha Hawaii.
It was amazing. more than amazing.
Until we meet again.

My Graduate!

I'm seriously so proud of this guy! I never thought I would be this proud, but I am one proud wifey. Graduation was so cool. Paul's parents got to go to come and my mom last minute flew in to help me out, so she got to be there too, which made graduation extra special having them there.
 Friday night, we went to a graduation dinner at the school which was pretty cool.

 Me and Sharla making lei's for the boys and their friends! Sharla's mother in law picked all the flowers and it was fun to make them!


Paul is offically a member of this.

He got "initiated" in. Not gonna lie.. I thought it was pretty funny, it was pretty intense haha.  Robert, denise and I teased him the rest of the day, but I guess its pretty good to have on a resume, you have to graduate in a certain percentile. It was fun to watch and I am really proud of him!


Thursday, April 12, 2012


Easter in Hawaii is definitely one of my favorites, along with Halloween. I feel like we wont be able to beat Halloween and Easter here. Its just too good! We went to Gunstock Ranch.. which is a couple miles away from our house. Its a huge ranch and they do an easter egg hunt for the community every year. Its really cute, the Easter Bunny come riding over the hill, comes down says hi to everyone, and then the Easter egg hunt begins! After there were horse rides for the kids, and a cute tiny petting zoo with goats and sheep and ponies. Capri was more excited about the dog named "poopie" she thought that was the greatest thing ever. It was seriously gorgeous up there and its so much fun having a little Capri to spend our holidays with! She is at such a fun age!

PS my mom last minute flew out here to help me. she is a saint. Im lucky to have such amazing parents. Capri is in heaven and I seriously dont know what I would have done without her! Pauls parents get here on Thursday for graduation and to help us! Paul walks on Saturday and we are gone Monday. Crazy!