Wednesday, March 28, 2012

yup. I'm a nerd.

My friend Tawny grew a few butterflies and it made me want to do it before we left! It was really cool, Paul thought I was ridiculous for caring about a caterpillar so much, I think he got a little jealous ;)

The whole process took about 25 days.
He started out itsy bitsy. This little hungry caterpillar ate and ate. When he was bigger he would eat a leaf about the size of my hand every day! Seriously, I could practically see him growing before my eyes. in the morning I would check on him and by night he was fatter and longer. 9 days later he curled up into a little "J" and hung like that for about a day. Then turned into a cocoon.  He was in a cocoon for the other 15 days. The cocoon started out green.. but the last few days started turning more transparent and you could see his wings in there. pretty cool. Once he came out, his wings were wet and he couldn't fly for about 4 hours, so it was fun to hold him and hang out with him before he flew away. 
I think I thought it was cooler than Capri, but she was really excited to hold it and we walked to the beach and she held the butterfly the whole way! Seriously if anyone gets a chance this summer to do this, do it. its pretty cool.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

We are gonna miss this place...

Well people, we have less than 3 weeks here. its crazy to think about. One of the perks of living in Hawaii is we get Hawaiian holidays too. The past week Paul has had 2 no-school days so its been fun to enjoy some family beach time before we go! Not gonna lie though.. I am ready to go. I will miss the ocean, the bike path, the way Capri lights up at the beach, and so many things so much, but I feel like its time! Paul is so overwhelmed with school, I am excited for him to be done. A 9to5 is looking heavenly right now. we have sold a lot including our car (and that puts a damper on our activities). You know that last day of vacation, your bags are packed, you dont wanna leave paradise, but you are ready, so there is no point in delaying it? Thats how I feel right now. Why delay the inevitable? So we are gonna enjoy our last few weeks here and take advantage of it every day, but I am excited to see what the future holds for us. So crazy proud of my hub.. and so excited to watch him walk! 

Temple beach

Monday, March 19, 2012

rain, rain, go away.

This past month has been rough, it has rained A TON! seriously, every day for a month+.  In a normal place this would be ok, but in our little town we dont have a lot to do if it is raining. I usually enjoy rain for a couple weeks but I think Capri was so sick of me from being stuck inside and we were both starting to go crazy! Usually I love at least running in the rain, but Ive had Bronchitis for awhile now, so I cant run. And Running is good for my soul.. so not running makes me feel even more cooped up and crazy! Last thing, and then Ill stop whining.. we sold our car last week! (Which is a good thing! a way good thing. we sold it in 3 hours. huge blessing ) but it makes leaving this town hard. Last week we got little spurts of sun, every one around here needed it! Capri was so happy to be back at the beach.. so was her mama!

(This little girl has been wearing rain boots a lot lately)

(A lot of Sweatshirt wearing, movies, and cuddling)

(This is our street. it looks like a river. It was crazy deep! and our appt was inches from flooding!)

(Pauls muddy classroom, classes got cancelled for the day :) that was fun) 

(Since we dont have a car now we have walked (just a few minute walk) to temple beach a few times, and she loves it there)

(My little munchkin freezing all bundled up)
  (Steph and the 3 amigas)

 (Capri and Cooper love playing together @Alligator ponds)

(Paul and I got to go on a date to the temple Friday (another perk of not having a car.. we actually have no other option besides taco bell or subway, it makes a good date) we are lucky to live a 2 minute walk to the temple. Capri loves running past it every morning, we will miss it! 

We went to sea life park yesterday with Melissa and Dario, it was super fun to get out of Laie and we have been wanting to take Capri here forever!

Capri loved seeing the seals and dolphins.. her and Cooper were more interested in dancing to the music instead of watching the dolphins cool tricks! 

This is our forecast for the week. wish me luck. i might go insane.
28 more days till we leave... I hope we get some sun before then!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

sand monster

Just found this pic and it made me laugh. I love these 2. Capri has been such a daddy's girl lately, they went on a date and she was so excited I wasn't going! She asks for him all day, and every time we get home from the beach she runs in and looks for him (but he usually is at school). She always asks to go visit him and if she is in a bad mood, she perks up right when he walks in the door. She strokes his face like she is so in love and she calls him babe! When he is leaving she always yells "BYE BABE! Have fun at school! Wait! What about me? you forgot kisses!"
 love these 2.