Saturday, November 26, 2011


We enjoyed Pauls Thanksgiving break so much. We have missed this guy. He has never been paddle boarding with us so we borrowed an extra board and took him up Kahana River! It was fun for me to see him, see Capri, loving it. and how much she enjoys it. And it was fun just to have him there. It was gorgeous as always, and Capri loves our little adventures and that she can "paddle paddle paddle" by herself. 

{soooo gorgeous}

We stopped and let her play on the beach and she didnt wanna get back on! 

 {monkey tree tunnel}

The weather has been really cool lately. I have been loving it. In the day time it has been kind of chilly and at night is has been pretty cold.. and by cold I mean between 73-75 degrees. We have been taking the girls to the pool a lot (cause its heated) and they dont seem to mind the ocean if its not too windy.

{Capri has been getting really brave in the pool lately}

{pounders right before the sun went down.. she was so stoked}

{turtle bay with the girls.. love harp}

{we have been taking the girls to sharks cove cause they can swim without their floaties if they want and its good place for them to learn how to swim, we saw a big black eel the other day and the girls loved the "black snake" linds was poking at it with a straw and I was screaming like a baby while it attacked the straw. she is a brave chap.}

{their "slide" @sharks cove}

{I love this "paul" face}

{steph and harp}

 {"moommy-ya" and capri. }
{the past few days capri has been calling me "mommy-ya" she calls her puppy "puppy-ya", and adds a "ya" to random words. it weirds me out. i dont get where she learned it from but she seems to think its normal so hopefully its a phase cause im not diggin "mommy-ya"}

{holding hands.. these 3 little monsters love each other. sometimes they wanna kill each other and sometimes they are the sweetest things ever. i love when they are like this. it melts my heart}

{my mom has been sending packages in the mail to Capri and she gets so excited! She wont let anyone touch her "present" and she has to carry it all the way back from the mailbox herself"

Friday, November 25, 2011

happy planksgiving

Thanksgiving was awesome this year! We had a big pot luck with all traditional Thanksgiving food, there were 4 turkeys and so many yummy sides and desserts. we stuffed our faces until we couldnt breath. one thing led to another and we spent the rest of the evening planking. haha yeah, we thought we were pretty funny! I think Tawny and Linds took the award for best plank.. they had good style! This was all of our first times planking, and we dont know why we didnt start this weird hobby sooner.. its hours of fun and laughs. Its crazy this was my 4th Thanksgiving spent in Hawaii (Paul's 3rd)! 2 in Maui and 2 in Oahu.. no wonder this place feels so much like home! 


{Capri was stoked she got her own soda}

{my honey lounging} 

{my favs.. minus tawny (who was sleeping)}

{silly face}

{Steph and Harp}

{some of our other fellow thanksgivingers}

Ps. These 2 recipes are keepers. Loved both of them. (links for both of them)

8 average size sweet potatoes
1 tbsp. vanilla
3-5 tbsp. sugar (to taste)
1/2 stick butter
1/4 tsp. cinnamon to taste
1/4 - 1 tsp. nutmeg to taste
1/4 c. orange juice to taste
Marshmallows (lg. or miniature)
Cinnamon sugar (opt.)
Boil (or bake) sweet potatoes until done. Remove peeling from HOT POTATOES and mash well, removing all strings. Add all ingredients but marshmallows and cinnamon sugar; mix well. Spray or grease lightly Pyrex or Corning dish. Put a layer of potatoes, layer of marshmallows until filled. Sprinkle cinnamon sugar for added flavor. Bake about 350 degrees until HOT. Remove from oven and put marshmallows on top. Place again in oven to brown lightly. Serves 10 to 12.You may add 1 cup scalded homogenized milk to potato mixture.
Orange extract may be used instead of orange juice. It is stronger in taste so add carefully to taste.

 and this one was so yummy and easy! 

Number of Servings: 14


    1 box Betty Crocker Super Moist Carrot Cake Mix 1 15oz. canned pumpkin


Mix pumpkin into cake mix
Bake at 400 degrees for 18-20 minutes

Number of Servings: 14

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Best friends forever

Tonight Capri and I were driving to drop off some food for paul at school and we were being silly and I asked her "are we silly girls?" she responded "yeah! We gonna be best friends forever (as she throws her hands up in the air in the most excited voice)". So cute, she makes me feel so good!

A couple of days ago I was laying on the couch reading and she walked up to me and stroked my face so gently and looked at me with her bright blue eyes and said in the softest voice "we gonna be best friends forever"

She melts my heart, seriously, i am lucky. I hope she remembers this "BFF" stuff in 13 years.. I'm gonna need it. I love my little bestie

Ps. She LOVES fox and the hound, and thats where she learned this "best friends forever" phrase

{speaking of Bff's.. Aren't these 3 so cute? i love that they love each other so much}

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Confession. There has been a dead cockroach under our sink for weeks. Every morning and nap Capri wakes up so excited to see it, she opens the cupboard and says "mommy! Did you see it?! The coproach is gonna getch you!" She feels the need to show her friends when they come over too. I know it's gross I haven't cleaned it up, but how can I when she gets so excited to see that poor dead "coproach"? Have I lost my mind?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Laie, Hawaii

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Capri talk

Ever since Capri turned 2 I have been a little bit on the emotional side. I just really can't believe she is so big now. I just  feel like my baby is gone, 2 is so fun though, my favorite so far! she has been saying the funniest things lately and is so animated! She loves to sing and makes up her own little songs all day (just like me when I was little). 

We were reading a book with a cheetah in it and she told me "yeah, cheetah, cheetahs run fast!"

Every night when she goes to bed, like any kid, she tries to say/do anything and everything to get out of bed. She always tells me "mommy, pretty eyes pretty .. other ones eyes, pretty hair, pretty nose". She knows this trick works and I will lay by her!

Last night I forgot about prayers and she yelled " mommy mommy! PRAYERS!" Her prayers get cuter every day, after she prays for everyone she usually prays for the mommy turtle, daddy turtle and the baby turtle.

Whenever she doesn't agree with Paul she yells "BABE! (and then tells him her mind)"

I love my little bestie. I love my job.

PS. I took her to see "Puss in Boots" today and she loved every minute of it! I couldnt believe she sat through the a whole movie. See what I mean? She's not a little babe anymore.

{I love this pic, it captures her personality so much.. playing/dancing in the water, singing her little heart out}

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Some pics of the past few weeks! We have been enjoying the cool fall weather, a lot of rain, and the waves! 

{these 3 little girls are inseparable, its the cutest thing ever, they love to play all day every day}

{Capri is starting to love to "accessorize"}

{A day at the beach with daddy. She loves her daddy}

{Cute little besties taking a little break}

{Pool time.. they love this}

{playing in their fort under the table}

{gives me anxiety just looking at it}

{zoo with kennon and gloria}

{Paddle Boarding up Kahana River.. beautiful as always. they were filming a movie the day we paddled up and there was a huge boat with machine guns on it and stuff.. pretty cool.. i wanna see the movie now haha. This past time she stood up the whole time and "helped" me paddle with "Pri's paddle"! She loved it, she kept saying "pretty outside" "pretty mountains" "pretty water" "pretty trees" love my little hawaiian baby}

 {Snuggling with daddy @Kavela Beach (filmed Blue Crush here.. and a lot of Pirates of the Caribbean, i think?)}

{Love this little girl.. how cute is it that she LOVES her boots so much? If we are not at the beach she usually has them on.. good thing, cause it has been raining a lot. i dont mind a little fall weather, its been fun to have sunny beach mornings and rainy afternoons!}

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Since April I have been so excited for Halloween! I have been counting down the days and Im sad its gone! Capri is at such a fun age, this year Halloween was not a let down. Halloween in Hawaii is my favorite! We got to do my favorite.. THE HAUNTED LAGOON at the PCC! It was so fun.. scary.. and I was drenched by the end! Paul loves it too he says its his "favorite haunted house". Of course riding in a boat and having monsters jump out of the water is going to be fun! 

{3D Haunted House before we get on the boat}

{Erin and Me}

 We took the girls to the mall on Halloween for trick-or-treating (which we missed.. wrong day) but every lady stopped and adored them, so it was cute and fun anyway! 

We went to a little Trunk-or-Treat with Eden and Taya.. it was a good little practice run!

 All of our little friends ready to go! 

Jack and T T and my cute little mermaid

My favs..

Harper the Bee and Capri, Capri was so cute  she would say "Trick-or Treat" and then "thanks"

 Steph Harp and Rivers

Parker and Matty

Linds didnt get the scary memo?

Linds and Parker the cutest fairy ever

The girls stopped in the middle of the road and decided they were tired and wanted to eat their candy

Kennon and Capri
Hope everyones Halloween was fun!! Im so glad it was warm for all of you Utahns! That is the best!