Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday fun..

Anyone that has ever had their husbands do summer sales knows that Saturdays are the most dreaded day of the week! The boys are gone from the time we wake up to very late! I feel like even though Paul is gone all the other mornings at least I get to make him lunch and give him a kiss half way through the day.. Saturdays I say my goodbyes at 9am! Today it has actually gone by pretty fast! Ive had a sore throat for the past few days but I woke up with a really bad one, body aches, a head ache and a little fever! It was raining all morning so it was perfect weather just to watch a movie, chill and not feel good! I finally drug myself off the couch and took a shower, I swear when you are sick a shower makes you feel 10x's better! Its Camillas birthday Monday so the girls got together and we went to lunch at PF Changs! It was so much fun and the food was so good! People were giving us dirty looks cause we had 4 babies 1 prego and 6 YOUNG girls! So funny! They dont sing at PF Changs which kind of made me sad but oh well..we will sneak a sing in before monday! Now I only have 4 more hours until I see my hub! not bad!

Camilla with her shot glass full of chocolate deliciousness!
Lucy is on her lap, she is 4 months and THE best baby ever! Camilla is such a chill and good mom she has an 18month and almost 4 month year old and she makes it look so easy and fun! (Which I am sure its not easy at all!).. oh and PS. Camillas husband is the greatest too! He has been helping Paul out a ton, he said they talk about parenting everyday so I think Paul is going to be great! We are lucky to have these two in our office! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAMILLA!

The girls.. Gwen, Christina and baby Cohen (he has the cutest hair ever its so curly!) , Wes and little Zuri (who is seriously the funniest and cutest little baby! She is soooo animated) , Camilla and Baby Lucy, Me and Sophie (Camillas other daugther, I call her my BFF cause she is sooo fun!) and Kylie. Fun girls Im glad we did this!

This pic is for Steph... 23 1/2 weeks! Its crazy to think Tuesday I will be 6 months! Time is flyin!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I love...

I LOVE that my little brother came for a week...

We had so much fun together! We went to the beach a couple times, the pool, played volleyball and had a BBQ, went to Sea World and played tons of halo! I was so sad when he left! He was such a good help and put up with being bored while I worked!

I LOVE Sea World...

The dolphins were my fav! I could have watched them all day! There was a spot where you could touch them and throw them their ball and play with them, I swear we were there for an hour! I loved it! I could have stayed there all day! Did I mention I got a season pass cause I love it so much (and it was the same price haha)

My bump! I can't wait to take Capri here in a few years!

Dolphins are so funny and playful! They are way fun to watch!

I love this pic of Collin! He is a cutey! All the girls love him and his long hair!

The penguins were hilarious!

These seals looked a little stuck up so I had to take a pic!


I LOVE my hubby!!

He is the best at making me laugh! I love his facial expressions! Hands down he has the best smirks and you know exactly what he is thinking by his facial expressions!

Paul is the best, he is such a hardworker! When we were at Sea World and it was sooo hot I thought of Paul and felt bad that he had to walk around in the heat EVERY day! I am so excited to spend time with him in the fall.. I miss him! :(

I LOVE my bump, I LOVE that Capri is kicking like CRAZY, and I LOVE that I am over half way! 21 weeks!

At the beach the other day I had my first "so.. are you 3 or 4 months along!?" I was so excited I said "You know I am preg!!? I dont just look fat!?" Right now being preg is fun.. I feel normal, I can feel her kicking (which is way cool! it feels like I have a really hyper fish swimming around trying to get out!) and I'm not to the huge uncomfortable stage yet.. but I always feel fat and I never sleep! I am enjoying it though, I will only be preg for the first time once! No rush..

I LOVE the dog beach...

The dolphins we saw! They were so close!

The sea urchin I stepped on and all the spikeys went into my foot! :(

Chloe swimming.. she has only swam on her own free will once and she was chasing ducks but the second time we went to the beach she had a break through and was swimming all day and had a blast!

Little boxer friends

Me and Coll! We had so much fun! The dog beach is so fun, all the people are so chill and there is so much entertainment cause their are dogs running everywhere!

I LOVE my job...

.. I work in the office and I love it! Its the perfect job for me, I wish I could do this all year!

I LOVE that I am having a little girl..

This picture speaks for itself! This is Sophie, Camilla's girl... She is soooo good and sooo cute! She loves accessories especially purses! Her little sis is 3 months and is adorable too! Being around them makes me feel impatient for Capri to come! (everyone that has or is having a boy.. I think it will be just as great! I would have taken either!)

I LOVE expecting mother parking...

Livin it up while I can!

I LOVE Chloe and her awkward cuddling/sleeping positions!

EVERY morning as soon as Chloe hears us talking she comes up stairs and jumps on our bed and has to have every one of her appendages touching us, and she has to weasle her way right in the middle! This is a typical spot for her to lay her head.. right inbetween your head and shoulder!

She had the whole front to herself but she found the littlest space and crawled in it haha

She tried everyway to fit into this little crack.. she was so good on the drive out

Another funny nap! I swear this doesnt look comfortable for either of them but Paul sleeps through anything and Chloe just loves to be right on top of you!

I LOVE my green drink every morning..

Becky taught me how to make this really good green drink last summer, then my friend Carla showed me how to make another way good one.. So.. I combined them and it not only tastes pretty good but it has tons of Calcium.. tons of Vitamin A,C,K, Tons of Iron and Magnesium, tons of fiber, and all the folic acid I need for the day! Plus.. it helps me crave healthier things and make healthier choices!

I LOVE going on walks around this pond right as the sun is setting..

Me and Chloe go around this trail 3-4 times throughout the day and it is way hot but the best is when the sun is going down, its sooo pretty and there are all these ducks with little babies, its not hot and it just calms me down and it is a good stress releiver! I snapped this pic on my phone so you can only imagine what it looked like in real life! SO cool!

Last but not least, I LOVE my new calling!

We teach the 16-17 year olds, it is so fun, We have 3 girls that are active and 1 boy! They are all so sweet and have way good testimonies. They bring a way good spirit to the class and I have been learning way more teaching than listening! (Paul does most of the teaching cause he is a really good teacher, I just add in my 2 cents here and there! haha)

Monday, June 1, 2009


Steph came up from Fort Meyers (2 1/2 hours away) today and it was SO much fun! We went to lunch at Pf Changs SOOOOO yummy! Then we literally shopped until we dropped! We shopped FOREVER went to 2 malls and Kohls! We got so many good deals, got a ton of stuff and didnt spend too much! It was way fun to hang out with a prego haha! Thanks for coming Steph!

Im just a little bit taller haha

All of our cute clothes... We found so many cute clothes for her baby boy! Way more than cute girl stuff!