Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Oh my gosh! The bachelor is getting so good! I feel like I can't wait 2 whole weeks to see the final rose ceremony! Melissa is my fav she is so cute and nice! It's between Molly, Melissa, and maybe Deanna? So... Who do you want to win? AND Who do you think will win?

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Happy Valentines Day! I hope everyone had a good day with the people they loved!  This year we celebrated a day early so we didn't have to fight the crowds! We went to the Melting Pot with Ry and Britt! It was Paul and I's first time so it was really fun and soooo yummy!  It was well worth the money!  Then we went and saw a movie! On real V-day, we went car shopping and then we just chilled here with Laur and Adam and my friend Jana and her hub Cody came over!  

These are the beautiful flowers Paul gave me! He is so thoughtful!

And this baby is my HAPPY V DAY car! We were just going to keep my  car and run it to the ground but my car hasn't been starting the past few days so before it died we decided it would be better to get rid of it (not to mention I took it to a mechanic and tons was wrong with it!)
so... we went out to do a little car shopping and ended up driving this baby home!

This is me and Avail making heart cookies! It was way fun, Avail is so funny she is at the best age right now! She is at the pretending age and she cracks me up!  Thanks Brooke for letting me come over!  I love spending time with Brooke, Avail and Grade!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My Poor Hubby

This is Paul in the ER.. He was supposed to go to Cancun with APX a couple weeks ago but instead he was here.  He got misdiagnosed and got a way bad infection so we took him to the ER and he went into surgery a few hours later! He was not himself for the next week, anyone that knows Paul knows that he just goes goes goes, but the week after he just slept and laid around cause he was in so much pain! Poor thing.. he missed cancun and school the whole week! 

This is him for the whole week.. trying to work with ryan but instead he just laid on our chair haha... and Chloe being the good dog she is, watched over him!

Hawaii with my Fam!

I just got back about a week and a half ago from Hawaii!  My fam was going and my mom begged me to go so I finally decided to go! I flew out a few days before they got there and stayed with the kids I nannyed for .  It was so good to see them and they have gotten sooo big and cute!  

This is Malia, she is a tom boy and so smart and mature for her age! She is such a good kid and she listens so good and is such a good big sister! As you can tell she LOVES webkins

This is us again.. and I look crappy cause I just got done running

This is cute Ryder standing by the blankets I made them! He has changed so much! He used to be really  difficult and Carla (his mom) took him off wheat, gluten, and dairy and it is a SERIOUS night and day difference! I was shocked!  He is such a good kid and I loved being with him! I'm so proud of the progress he has made and how hard it is for him to not eat gluten and dairy but he knows it makes him feel gross so he doesn't! What a strong willed little kid huh!  He called me his girlfriend and always just wanted to cuddle... as you can tell from the beach picture of us!   I had a lot of fun seeing old friends, Carla and I went to Bikram yoga together (where it is WAY hot like 100 degrees) it was so hard but way fun and we got to go see a movie and breakfast another day, and Carla did a "beach clean-up" one day and I ran into some other friends there( uncle pete, karen, mathew ella) !  I got to go surfing with Ty and visit one of my way good friends Ry!  Thanks Billy and Carla for letting me stay there!

Then my parents came! It was blast! Collin and I laughed soooo much! It was fun spending time with my hilarious mom and spending time with my dad who can NOT pronounce anything in the Hawaiian language! Every time he saw a street sign he would just blab stuff like " kanahananan" haha it was hilarious! We got to meet up with John and Paula, and the Sweats! (which are some of my favorite people ever)  We did so much fun stuff, the bamboo forest, comando, haleakala, black rock snorkeling, A hi hi, and many many "good eats".... but BOTH of our cameras broke so we dont have any pics:(