Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Its sad to think that the last time I pulled up my blog yet alone posted on it was over a year ago. So much has happend since then. My sweet little boy is now 3 years old. I was actually looking at a newborn picture of him last night, I got a little teary-eyed looking at the picture and how tiny his little body was and now he is 3 years old and his body is so much bigger. It makes me happy watching him grow, he sure is such a fun, happy, smiley, teasy, tender, sweet boy. He is becoming so independent and tricky my days are filled with his little voice constantly calling to me "watch this trick mom!" I am beyond grateful he has such a healthy body, that he is learning and growing. Im pretty blessed to be his mamma.
The biggest change that has happened since my last post- We had a sweet baby girl! Lavell Morgan. Oh she is beautiful. She was happily welcomed into our family in September 2013 weighing 8lbs 4oz. She has light CURLY hair right on top of her heard. It was such a fun surprise getting a curly haired baby especially since Paul nor I have curly hair. We came to find out later that it probably came from Pauls grandpa or Pauls side of the family. It is getting tighter curls and getting long and thick but mostly just right on top. haha I love it! She has gorgeous blue eyes and is quite the chunky baby and is so squeezable! She is constantly giving us the biggest happiest open mouthed smiles! We are also so grateful for her sweet and special spirit she brings into our home. Paul says I am having way to much fun having a girl {its true!}
Paul is keeping busy with his Property Management Company, he absolutely loves his job and is happy with what he is doing. He is also kept very busy being the YM President in our ward, he LOVES his calling and is so great with the YM he is working with. There are a lot of meetings and extra responsibility that comes with that calling, it has taught us never to take advantage of the time that we have together as well as a the time we have as a family.
As for the mamma of the house- my days are filled with feeding hungry babies, rocking them to sleep, covering them with soft kisses and giving lots of big hugs, my days are filled with laughter and smiles, tears and frustration, picking up toys,  cleaning the kitchen, the house, laundry, playing outside, joy school with my boy, watching my babes sleep, meal planning, grocery shopping, spending alone time with my hubby, cuddles, date nights, mutual nights (YW Personal Progress advisor)  and much much more.  I am beyond blessed.

So as you can see we are growing and changing and learning new things, there is no one else I would rather be doing this with than my own sweet little family. 

NOW- Who else is still blogging!??????

Sunday, September 2, 2012

To my son.

Oh My Sweet Darling Little {Boy}
Oh how you've grown has it really already been almost 2 years since the day you were born?
I remember hearing your first cry & the nurse officially announcing "It's a boy!"
When they placed you in my arms oh the joy that I felt as we had such a strong & trusting bond a mother & son were born that day. You fit just right in our arms & as I look at this picture of your daddy holding you I get chocked up with happiness for look at his hands holding you, they are big & strong. They are my helping hands, we are in this together till the end to help raise you in the way you should go. To be some of your best friends. You are special, you are unique.
Oh how you've grown your talking & running & knowing what you want. Some of your favorite toys are your blue & yellow trucks that you race around & around all day, your big motorcycle that you push on the couch & do flips & tricks, your "guy", you love to read books some of your favorites are your learning color books right now, or bugs, or trucks, you would probably let me read to you all day you love it that much. your favorite blanket is your soft white with green frogs on it but to you they are turtles , can't persuade you other wise :) Your hair is getting so light, its the color of your daddy's, when it gets long it starts to curl up a little bit in the back. <3 You are still a little peanut but have a cute little round tummy that I love to tickle & kiss on. You have taken on a trait passed down from my side "rocking" you rock back & forth on the couch for long periods of time, according to your uncle Tanner (who also did it) it is relaxing. It is the funnest to watch. You have really been starting to know what to do when I pull out my camera- every time- cheesy smile oh how it melts my heart. You have this little gap in between your two front teeth, oh how I love it. You are so stinkin smart you amaze me, & catch me off guard when we are driving down the road & you shout out an object that I hadn't even noticed, you know the color blue, yellow, red, green, orange, black, & white & are working on your ABC's SONG. I love when we are at the store & we walk into the freezer section & you look up at me cross your arms & start shivering while saying coldie coldie with a big playful smile on your face. You know lots of animals & every sound they make. You are all boy! In every way possible <3
Oh My Sweet & Darling Little Boy thank you for being mine, thank you for being so loving & playful, thank you for being such a mamma's boy, thank you for making me a mother, thank you for being such a good boy, thank you for reminding me to slow down & to enjoy the small moments, thank you for being such a happy content boy, thank you for making me happy, & thank you for your sweet & tender spirit.
I love you my son,
Love Mom

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

{Our love story}

Paul & I's anniversary is today August 1st. We have been married for 4 years. It has flown by, it seems like just yesterday we were dating & getting married. Here is our love story...
It all began in the middle of March of 2008, Paul a recently returned very handsome missionary, me just a youngin really- a senior in high school. I had big plans people to move to New York to nanny, to go to Africa & help with service projects, to go to college! I wasn't looking for a boyfriend since I had just sent off a missionary...Paul came along and changed everything for the better! Our first meeting after the mission (we had gone on a few dates before his mission nothing serious nothing happened) he came over to my parents house here in Mesa for FHE to tell us about his mission. First thing he said to me as he gave me a side hug was "do you remember me?" uhhh YEAH haha it was cute. Our first date was Thursday of the same week that we had FHE. We went to the Easter Pageant, and ate at Apple-bees, we then went to a park where we had races on the slides & toys. Paul the competitive one was pushing and shoving and so he obviously won, it was fun :) For those of you who don't know Paul is a huge lover of snowboarding, he invited myself & my 2 older brothers to go snowboarding up at sunrise that weekend. On Friday night Paul, my brother Clayton & my girlfriend McKenzie & I took off on our way to Snowflake, it was a BEAUTIFUL night as it was raining & lightning like crazy. We listened to our girl Jordan Sparks which became a big deal for us all while we were dating we loved her music! Fun ride up. Pretty romantic too ;) we arrived up late and everyone went to bed but Paul & I stayed up talking and getting to know each other, we kissed right there in his parents living room. Our first kiss. It was sweet. We spent all weekend together and pretty much every day after that. Fast forward to June 22nd I went with Paul & his family on vacation to Durango, Colorado. I being the nieve or blonde one that I am did not even think about the obvious-I thought we were really just going on vacation. We had mentioned the idea of getting married a few times before but nothing too serious or so I thought :)...Well we went to the top of Purgatory ski mountain where Paul & I walked off by ourselves (still completely clueless) and found a rock- a kissing rock (we had this thing when we were dating we would find a rock I would stand on it for us to kiss because he is taller than I am). We talked for just a short time & then he sat me down- he knelt down & took my hands he started telling me all these sweet things & then took out a scripture box that said Celeste Johnson on the front he then proceeded to ask me to marry him, he had the ring tied to the scripture marker ribbon. Absolutely perfect. Would have been really awkward having my name engravin on scriptures but especially being on vacation with his whole family if I would have said no! haha {not that I would have but just sayin} About a month & 1 week later on August 1st 2008 Paul & I were sealed for time & all eternity in the Snowflake, AZ Temple. It was beautiful! It was perfect! We have experienced a lot together in these 4 years, true happiness, heartache, frustration, learning, loving, spiritual, patience, growth, and the list goes on and on. I have never been one to know how to write or express my feelings properly or in a beautiful way, but my heart is extremely full with gratitude for this man in my life. He has been my rock as we have gone through things just the 2 of us could have gone through together. He is so full of Faith, and love for our Savior. He is such a hard worker has always been & I know will always be, he has provided for our little family so well. He loves me for who I am, he knows my dreams, my desires, my goals, my frustrations, my heartaches. He is a great daddy, very involved & loves our son more than anything. He appreciates me & tells me so often, he tells me I am beautiful often. He kisses me tenderly & gives me big hugs often. He is a very good man. I love you my sweetheart more than you will ever know! I thank you for these 4 beautiful years & look forward to spending a very long happy life together! Creating lots more memories, creating lots more beautiful babies, and helping each other along our journey!
August 1st 2008 August 1st 2008 Our 1st Anniversary- Pittsburgh PA (Pirates baseball game) Our 2nd Anniversary- San Antonio TX (Alamo & board walk) Our 3rd Anniversary- Little Rock AR (dinner & movie)
Our 4th Anniversary- COMING SOON!

Monday, April 9, 2012

He Is Risen

He Is Risen-I love my Savior. I love his example of selflessness, of respect, reverence, compassion, & love. I am eternally grateful. Today in church as I was singing with the choir we were singing a song about Christ rising from the tomb, we sand loud and powerful but reverent, as I looked out in the crowd as the congregation joined us I got an overwhelming feeling of gratitude & humility! It was such a neat experience to look at all of the people singing, members of our church, who are all striving for the same thing & we are all doing it together- worshiping, giving thanks, & praising our Lord, and although that was just a chapel full of people I felt overwhelmed thinking of all the members through out the world who believes and worships in our Lord & Savior. This thought makes me happy!
Beck loved coloring the eggs with grandpa Nana & G-pa! Beautiful aunt Morgan helping show off Becks colored eggs We had a wonderful Easter full of family, coloring eggs, egg hunts, way to much candy, and lots of delicious food!! Beck loved finding all the eggs with the help of his daddy, he knew how to pick them up & put them in the basket- it was adorable.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

~Motherhood is the sweetest, most tender blessing I have ever received ~

My baby is almost 16 months old. My baby has grown up on me over night. His little personality is so playful, silly, sweet, and tender. He is ALL boy! What a blessing he is in my life.

Beck LOVES to smile, and is constantly doing it- His smile is contagious- how could you not smile at that cute little face! I am so very grateful for his example of being happy all the time, Positive attitude!

Beck LOVES his new camo/cowboy boots! {and so does his mommy}

Beck LOVES his daddy, he loves when we wrestles with him and throws him in the air!

Beck LOVES his mommy! He is a HUGE & I mean HUGE mamma's boy! Makes me feel so special!

Beck LOVES animals! He knows what the dog, elephant, duck, chicken, and fish say {fish- he opens & closes his mouth like a fish} Beck LOVES vroom vrooms. {Four-wheelers, motorcyles, etc.} He hears one from a distance & is immediately watching out for it going "vroom vroom" Beck LOVES his binkie & blanket, has always been that way! Beck LOVES horsey rides from his daddy <3 Beck LOVES his trucks, cars- and also refers to them as his vroom vroom Beck doesn't do this face anymore, but he went through a stage where this is all he did! ADORABLE!!!!! He would make this face as he threw his head back in the air making us all laugh!
This boy right here he melts my heart, he is my best little buddy, what a joy to have him in our home & apart of our forever family. I love you my Beck boy!


This last weekend Paul & I had the wonderful opportunity to make a quick trip up to beautiful Moah, UT. We made that quick trip with some fun people- Paul's family! What was this trip all about, you ask!? WELL.... my very FIRST race ever was ran. a half marathon. 13.1 miles people! Boy was it exciting! I was nervous, the wind was blowing against us, it was freezing at the beginning, and there were SO many people- I couldn't believe how many people there were. I got in a good rhythm had my music a goin & just enjoyed the the gorgeous canyons we got to run in!! After 2 hours & 4 min I FINISHED! I DID IT!! It was such an exciting accomplishment! Thrilling. So glad I did it!! Paul, Lynn, & Talia finished STRONG and we all finished pretty close together! Paula & Joe way to rock the 5.1 mile!! Thanks for such a fun weekend JOHNSON family! So grateful I get to be apart of your family, and that we can build fun memories like last weekend!!
This picture does not even do it justice!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New Determination

Blogging. I've been a slacker. I love to still look at & read others blogs. I set mine to private & pretty much forgot about it. Poor thing. Well im back unprivate and wanting to use this blog to update our family & friends. To express my feelings, and to connect with other women out there.
The Johnson family is doing well. We are in Mesa, AZ and plan on staying here- even for the summer! Woo-hoo! Mixed emotions about that, but ready to be here for the fun summer activities, family time, and be able to actually swim in our own pool. :) Beck is now 15 months old and is getting to be our big independent little man. He is getting too big to fast. Oh how we love him. Paul is starting up his own property managment company so spread the word! He would take great care of you & your {properties}. As for myself- well im blessed & lucky enough to be a stay at home mom, spend all day everyday with Beck boy, taking naps, learning how to sew, & other fun easy cheat crafts, going on walks/runs, enjoying this GORGEOUS weather, cleaning, taking care of my husband, and much much more. I love it!
Here is my first post about thoughts.
I am a thinker. Sometimes that is a good thing & sometimes well not so much. Thoughts are such a powerful thing. I've really been trying to learn how to control them & not just let them wonder but to be productive & think positive, and kind about others- sometimes that is a hard one for me, I hate to admit it but im human, we all are. I am a people person but there are lots of different personalities out there & when one doesn't match up with mine well I have figured out im not as accepting as I should be of who that person is- a Child of God. A person with talents, strengths. There are a few blogs I look at that uplift me & make me want to be better! Brittany http://randomthoughtsbybrit.blogspot.com/ your blog uplifts me, ispires me, helps me to think positive, and helps me know that I can be who I want to be, so THANK YOU!
There are a few others I have looked at recently- one was so powerful to me it was about owning who you are & what you do as in be proud of who you are & what you do. Dont try to change & be somebody else just to try to fit in. If you want to be crazy and dye your hair purple, or wear flower pants then DO IT!! Dont be afraid to do something because you are afraid of what others will think of you. There is ALWAYS going to be somebody who tries to put you down or to tell you what to do. In your dress style, in your personality. Just be YOU! Own it. (Thanks Misty Myers) your post made me happy & uplifted me as well!! http://mistyrdunny.blogspot.com/
Be better than you were yesterday, than you were today, be who you want to be & know your great potential!
I have a saying up in my house now that I absolutely LOVE:
Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
so true.
Glad to be blogging again! Thanks for listening (more like reading) my feelings. Until next time.
yours truly