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Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Calling Prolog from Java with Prolog Cafe

A couple two, three more details from yesterday's post. The first is how to establish the package name for a Prolog source file being compiled to Java:

Simply put the following at the top of the Prolog source:

:- package 'com.example.foo'.

Now, calling predicates from Java: each predicate and arity is compiled from Prolog to its own Java class. For example the following Prolog source:

main :-
 queens(8, Qs), write(Qs), nl, fail.

queens(N,Qs) :-

queens(UnplacedQs,SafeQs,Qs) :-

%% ...and so on.

If you omit the package name then the package defaults to "user" and the compiler creates a "user" directory for the Java source. Otherwise the Java files will be placed in a nested source tree corresponding to the package name you've defined.

The section of code above defines three predicates:

  • main/0 is compiled to a class named PRED_main_0 (i.e. a class for a predicate with no arguments, "arity zero")
  • queens/2 is compiled to a class named PRED_queens_2 (i.e. a class for the two-argument predicate, "arity two")
  • queens/3 is compiled to a class named PRED_queens_3 (i.e. a class for the three-argument predicate, "arity three")

These predicates can be called from Java using the Prolog Cafe API. The predicate main/0 will display the results to standard output using the write/1 and nl/0 predicates which write a given term and write a newline, respectively. Running that predicate was illustrated in yesterday's post.

If you want to find the values of the logic variables given in a goal, then the Java would look something like:

IntegerTerm eight = new IntegerTerm(8);
VariableTerm solution = new VariableTerm();
PRED_queens_2 queens = new PRED_queens_2(eight, solution, Failure.FAILURE);
BlockingPrologControl prolog = new BlockingPrologControl();
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
for (boolean r = prolog.call(); r; r = prolog.redo()) {
    buf.append("A solution: " + solution + "\n");
queens_solutions = buf.toString();

This Java code creates an instance of the queens/2 predicate corresponding to the following Prolog: queens(8, Qs), fail.

Constructors for a predicate instance require a "continuation" argument. Lacking no other interesting continuation, the default choice is Failure.FAILURE, a built-in predicate telling the search to backtrack for further solutions.

The IntegerTerm eight is a constant, telling the application to try to place eight queens. And the VariableTerm is a logic variable telling the application to unify found solutions with this variable.

BlockingPrologControl is going to conduct the search to satisfy its given predicate. The call method tries to find a solution, and returns true if it does. Subsequent calls to redo try to find further solutions, finally returning false when no more solutions exist.

The loop iterates once per solution. With each iteration the value of the logic variable, solution, is unified with the current solution. This code simply builds a string of all of the solutions, and I happened to use just one logic variable in the goal.

If you're not (yet) a Prolog programmer, note that a clause can have any number of variables, and the search will attempt to satisfy each of them so that the whole solution is true. Given the following definition of append/3, in which the third term is logically equated to the first term appended to the second term:

append([X|Y],Z,[X|W]) :- append(Y,Z,W).

The following goal will attempt to find values for each of the variables such that the two appends are satisfied:

append([N], [Y, Z], [X, 2, 3]), append([3], [2, 1], [3, 2, N]).

There is one solution:

N = 1,
Y = 2,
Z = 3,
X = 1

See that the variables N and X are unified to each other, and unified to the number 1 as well.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Prolog in Java

There are a number of implementations of Prolog in Java. Most of them are interpreters, and a number of those implement a complete Prolog system. Most implementations are a bit dated.

Wanting to get a bit more speed but remain in the JVM, I took a look at Prolog Cafe, which compiles Prolog to Java source. Even better, the source is as recent as 2009.

Then I looked around to see who might be using Prolog Cafe, and how recently. Even better news: The Gerrit code review system uses Prolog Cafe for rule checking. The team has been actively supporting a fork off the last original release of 1.2.5.

I just began trying Prolog Cafe (the new fork) this morning. The most significant difference so far is the Java package namespace. Below are a few notes illustrating the system, based off the original documentation, using the new namespace, etc.

  1. Install SWI Prolog for bootstrapping.
  2. cd to the prolog-cafe source directory.
  3. make

The package namespace has changed from
to: com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.*.

Prolog Cafe has an interpreter. Try it:

java -cp $PLCAFEDIR/plcafe.jar com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.lang.PrologMain com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.builtin:cafeteria
Prolog Cafe 1.2.5 (mantis)
Copyright(C) 1997-2009 M.Banbara and N.Tamura
| ?- [queens].
{consulting /home/patrick/dev/prolog-cafe-ex/queens.pl ...}
{/home/patrick/dev/prolog-cafe-ex/queens.pl consulted 350 msec}
| ?- main.

Compile Prolog to Java:

java -cp $PLCAFEDIR/plcafe.jar com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.compiler.Compiler ../queens.pl

Compile the resulting Java:

javac -d . -cp $PLCAFEDIR/plcafe.jar user/*.java

Run the compiled code:

java -cp .:$PLCAFEDIR/plcafe.jar com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.lang.PrologMain com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.builtin:cafeteria

Prolog Cafe 1.2.5 (mantis)
Copyright(C) 1997-2009 M.Banbara and N.Tamura
| ?- main.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Relative Coordinate Systems of Cappuccino's CPView

Cappuccino's Objective-J API is based on the Objective-C source for NeXTStep. NextStep was developed at NeXT in the 1980's. At that time it was considered the premier GUI programming API. As it happens the corresponding Cappuccino API should be considered the premier browser-based, "rich", "single-page app", whathaveyou, programming API.

I added a simple example to github which illustrates how easy it is to create multiple subdivided views that resize appropriately as the browser window resizes. Or you could use HTML5/CSS3 and write "puns" to trick the web page layout model into behaving like a window system. I find the straightforward approach significantly more productive.

The best way to solve a complex programming problem is to address simpler problems that add up. The nested views with relative coordinate systems goes back to something like the beginning of computer graphics. Complex layouts become simple combinations of much simpler layouts.

I'm putting most of my exposition in the README.org and jotting about updates on subjot, e.g. this one, or watch the github repository itself.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Objective-J Exuberant Ctags Regex

The following does a decent job of indexing Objective-J source using Exuberant Ctags (a ctags/etags replacement with a lot of features). Based on Greg Sexton's regexps for Objective-C.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Double Dispatch In Objective-J

My previous post describes a controller for separating an application's model from Cappuccino's CPOutlineView. But there's actually one place where the model and view kind of meet up:

- (id)outlineView:(CPOutlineView)outlineView objectValueForTableColumn:(CPTableColumn)tableColumn byItem:(id)item
  return (nil == item) ? @"" : [item objectValueForOutlineColumn: tableColumn];

I decided to have the controller give a model class access to a column, which is part of the view. Why?

This example has four kinds of columns and three kinds of model classes. Each column wants to display each kind of model element differently. One obvious solution is to use a conditional expression:

if the column is a ... and the model element is a ... then ...

But even simple object-oriented languages like Objective-J have easy mechanisms and patterns for reducing the need to test objects for their class or whether they implement some specific message. Going way back in Smalltalk lore, there's Double Dispatch.

The goal is to reveal to a column the presentation object to use in each of its rows. To do so, the column view, CPTableColumn, is subclassed for each kind of column in the example's outline:

  • SDNavigationColumn
  • SDTopicColumn
  • SDNotesColumn
  • SDDateColumn

Each of these subclasses implements the following methods:

  • objectValueForTopLevel:
  • objectValueForPriority:
  • objectValueForStuff:

Each of the model classes implements objectValueForOutlineColumn: by sending one of the above messages to the given column. For example, SDStuff is implemented as follows:

- (id)objectValueForOutlineColumn:(id)anOutlineColumn
  return [anOutlineColumn objectValueForStuff: self]; 

This dispatches right back ("double dispatch") to have the column respond with the awareness that it is on a row for detailed stuff. Each column will be interested in different aspects of the stuff. The navigation column is only interested in hierarchy and not details. Here is its implementation, which just returns the empty string to indicate its disinterest:

- (id)objectValueForStuff:(SDStuff)aStuff
  return "";

On the other hand the date column is interested in a presentation of the given date:

- (id)objectValueForStuff:(SDStuff)aStuff
  return [[[aStuff date] description] substringToIndex: 10];

Although this kind of brings the model and the view together, the names could be refactored because there is nothing really "column-specific" about this mini-protocol. Also Objective-J has "categories" for grouping methods. The intent of this protocol could be explained by placing the methods in a "presenting" category.

There are certainly more elaborate mechanisms available for keeping views and models separated, yet in-sync. Double Dispatch is just a simple one for reducing the need to test for classes and messages before sending them.

Programming with Cappuccino's CPOutlineView

I wrote in my recent post on Cappuccino about the OK but not great state of documentation. My learning process has been smooth though. I have always had a sense of moving forward with little frustration. But I should attempt to fill some of the documentation gaps myself.

I recently wanted to understand how to program outline views, but ran into some of those gaps. And so my second blog post of the day begins like so.

CPOutlineView is a subclass of CPTableView however from the code using an outline, the requirements are different. Rather than providing a two-dimensional array of data, an application has to provide more of a hierarchy of two-dimensional data. The way I achieve this in my first example is through defining a new class, an SDOutlineController.

(Don't worry about "SD" - that's just the class prefix I am using. Class prefixes are a convention going way back with NeXTStep and before that Smalltalk. Presumably Javascript itself will adopt a conventional if not standard namespace mechanism, and Objective-J can piggyback on that. But I digress...)

This example outline has two groups at the top level: "my stuff" and "other's stuff". Each top-level group has three second-level groups of priorities: "high", "medium", and "low". The third level of the outline are the lists of stuff, themselves. These are arrays of instances of SDStuff.

Here's the class definition for stuff with instance variables for a date, a topic, and notes:

@implementation SDStuff : CPObject
  CPDate   date  @accessors(readonly);
  CPString topic @accessors(readonly);
  CPString notes @accessors(readonly);

This is Objective-J, a superset of Javascript. I'm assuming that's fairly readable even if you've not programmed in Objective-C and Cocoa. Objective-J can be compiled to Javascript up-front on the server, or in the browser.

The SDOutlineController is the C in MVC for this outline. The V is Cappuccino's CPOutlineView class (and some others). The controller's job is to work with an application's model (the M) in order to present it in the view for user interaction. The model in this case is a little controved, but boils down the essence of a hierarchical model.

I have defined the top-level of the model hierarchy to be a simple class with a label and references to it's children, which group stuff into high, medium, and low priorities:

@implementation SDStuffTopLevel : CPObject
  CPString       label                     @accessors(readonly);
  SDStuffParent  highPriorityStuffParent   @accessors(readonly);
  SDStuffParent  mediumPriorityStuffParent @accessors(readonly);
  SDStuffParent  lowPriorityStuffParent    @accessors(readonly);

The middle of the hierarchy is similarly defined, but the children are maintained as an array of stuff:

@implementation SDStuffParent : CPObject
  CPString label @accessors(readonly);
  CPArray  stuff @accessors(readonly);

The model classes above organize data into a fairly simple hierarchical structure. However this structure does not suit all imaginable hierarchies. And so SDOutlineController is designed to avoid having the view depend on any given structure, and vice-versa. The controller has a reference to the top-level for my stuff and the top-level for other's stuff:

@implementation SDOutlineController : CPObject
  SDStuffTopLevel myStuffTopLevel;
  SDStuffTopLevel othersStuffTopLevel;

The controller has methods expected by CPOutlineView for mediating between the model and the view. The messages are:

  • outlineView:numberOfChildrenOfItem: is kind of obvious.
  • outlineView:isItemExpandable: should be YES (true) if the item has children.
  • outlineView:child:ofItem: should access a hierarchical node's children given an index.
  • outlineView:objectValueForTableColumn:byItem: should provide an object for representing the given model element in the view.

In this example, the top-level of the model always has two elements. The protocol for CPOutlineView uses the convention of passing nil (i.e. the Objective-J equivalent of Javascript's null.) to indicate the root of the model. And so I have not implemented the root as a class.

The following method provides the number of children for any given model element because I have implemented methods for the count message for each model class.

- (int)outlineView:(CPOutlineView)outlineView numberOfChildrenOfItem:(id)item
  return (item == nil) ? 2 : [item count];

Expandability of a hierarchical element is based on the number of children being greater than zero:

- (BOOL)outlineView:(CPOutlineView)outlineView isItemExpandable:(id)item
  return 0 < [self outlineView: outlineView numberOfChildrenOfItem: item];

Indexing the child of a hierarchical element is a little more complicated, again just because the root is represented as nil. Otherwise I have implemented objectAtIndex: for the model classes:

- (id)outlineView:(CPOutlineView)outlineView child:(int)index ofItem:(id)item
  var result = nil;
  if (nil == item) {
    switch (index) {
    case 0:
      result = myStuffTopLevel;
    case 1:
      result = othersStuffTopLevel;
  } else {
    result = [item objectAtIndex: index];
  return result;

The remaining method determines the the presentation object for a given model element. The root is never displayed, but to be compelete, this method returns the empty string. Every model class implements objectValueForOutlineColumn: in order to convert itself to its presentation object (which is always a string in this example).

- (id)outlineView:(CPOutlineView)outlineView objectValueForTableColumn:(CPTableColumn)tableColumn byItem:(id)item
  return (nil == item) ? @"" : [item objectValueForOutlineColumn: tableColumn];

I will use a follow-up blog post to discuss the implementation of objectValueForOutlineColumn:. Perhaps this post provides a little more clarity than other information I've found on the web for programming with CPOutlineView. Let me know if you have a correction or something to add.

On Cappuccino and Avoiding The Modern "Impedance" Mismatch

Wow. My head is just not geared toward writing a blog any longer. But I will model through it.

Cappuccino is a great system for writing rich web applications in the browser, without plugins. There's finally a growing emphasis on Model/View/Controller among modern javascript libraries. Most of them rely on HTML and CSS for the View mechanisms. Which is as you would expect. The problem is the "impedance mismatch" (if you will) between these mechanisms and the desired views for traditional rich applications.

Cappuccino does not suffer such a mismatch, being based on a good portion of the API of NeXTStep, OpenStep, GNUStep, and Apple's Cocoa. And so the Cappuccino API is essentially 25 years old or so.

This choice is not without its pro's and con's. The pro's win for me for applications with these characteristics:

  • At least one display screen greater than 10 inches, i.e. typically used on more than a tablet or phone
  • A good bit more data than would easily fit on a single page, and complex relationships throughout
  • More than a few operations on that data, with a good bit of keyboard input

Because Cappuccino provides an HTML view, this is not a total loss. I've not done much with this yet, but the "con" seems to become a "pro" by allowing for applying HTML and CSS when those mechanisms are the best fit.

Another initial "con" for me the first time I poked at Cappuccino turned "pro" eventually. I'd done a fairly extensive search several months ago on the state of the art of MVC for javascript. Cappuccino was low on my list because I wanted to use javascript per se. Just as Cocoa, et al. are written in Objective-C, Cappuccino is in Objective-J.

I actually like the syntax and class mechanisms, and their similarity to Objective-C and Smalltalk. (Also emacs' Objective-C mode works pretty well as-is with Objective-J.) As the javascript runtimes and tools are adapted to support multiple languages, the tool support for Objective-J should increase.

I came back to Cappuccino after frustration with manipulating HTML and CSS to do my bidding. I don't have any great need for the kind of styling afforded by HTML and CSS. (And with the fallback to an HTML view as per above, even less so.) Most of what I need can be provided satisfactorily using the traditional GUI views going back to Smalltalk-80's MVC.

As it happens, I've done a lot of GUI programming in Smalltalk and several other languages and libraries over the years, so my claim of the pragmatism of this approach also coincides with my experience. Some readers may recall a few years ago that I was in favor of programming web clients using Adobe Flex with ReSTful web services rather than immature javascript/HTML/CSS libraries.

The programmability of views from javascript/HTML/CSS is significantly better now than in 2007. But the majority of libraries are still immature and incomplete. Cappuccino is the best exception to the rule I know of. Fortunately one no longer requires a plugin to achieve Flex's level of productivity.

Cappuccino's class documentation is good, because the API and documentation is already 25 years mature. Tutorials and examples are good, growing, and fortunately supplemented by Cocoa material when the Capp material iteself is lacking.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Kotlin == Harry Potter, Scala == LoTR?

kotlin is a new JVM language, from JetBrains. To understand my title, you may want to read a comparison with Scala from the Kotlin perspective, and some of the discussion taking place in the Scala community.

Perhaps since I recently saw the final Harry Potter movie, the title of this post came immediately to mind. Harry Potter appears to me to be a fun story, whose details exist mainly to support that story. For example, characters seem to have the abilities they require to meet a specific challenge.

On the other hand, the characters in Middle Earth seem be situated in a world that has its own physics. The stories are based on that world, those characters, and the given physics. My understanding is that this is the intention and the process taken to write the books.

Arguably, Harry Potter is far simpler than LoTR. But, arguably, Harry Potter has less to offer than LoTR.

Ten years ago this analogy could have been (and was, essentially) made between Java and Smalltalk. Ten years before *that* the argument had been made between C++ and Smalltalk.

Java is not "pure". Java is in essence Smalltalk but with the "magic" its authors deemed necessary to make Java more successful.

Harry's world is not pure. Middle Earth is (minus some of the complications that can also be found in Smalltalk and Scala.)

Kotlin is a big improvement over Java, but it is merely Java minus some cruft, plus enough magic to be useful in 2011. Scala on the other hand has its own physics that makes sense, and provides for a more rich future than Kotlin.

Hmmm. Just thinking...

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Implementing McCarthy's AMB Operator in Javascript Using a Trampoline

John McCarthy in 1963 wrote about his "AMB" operator for making nondeterministic choices. ("A Basis for a Mathematical Theory of Computation", PDF) AMB is also explained in detail in the (free, online) book Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.

AMB provides nondeterministic choices with backtracking in the case of failure. This is one of the major components of logic programming, with unification being the other major component. But AMB is useful even without unification. For example AMB makes it easy to collect all permutations of mutliple choices and to generate selective permutations. (Remember writing permutations as a beginning programmer? Yeah - you probably wish you had been taught AMB ahead of that.)

The SICP book uses Scheme for AMB. Scheme makes this easy, using call/cc and macros. And Common Lisp makes this manageable and pretty using macros. Javascript should not be too bad either - no continuations, no macros, but first-class functions help.

Mihai Bazon recently provided an implementations of AMB in Javascript. (Along with some great examples of using AMB, for example to implement N-Queens and Map Coloring).

Implementing AMB benefits from first-class functions, but they are not necessary. Some mechanism for a dynamic escape is needed. In C this is setjump/longjump. In Javascript (and many other languages) this is throw/catch. C does not have first-class functions, so that part gets ugly. Javascript though is a semi-functional language with first-class functions.

Rather than throw/catch, another versatile way to implement control structures with dynamic extent is to use a trampoline. A few weeks ago I wrote here about NCONC, the core of a Scheme interpreter written in Javascript using a "trampoline" for tail-recursion efficiency as well as for first class continuations.

The project ambjs is an implementation of AMB I wrote in Javascript using a trampoline. The source and the tests are explained using docco.

Using trampolines for dynamic-extent control structures can be cleaner, and they can provide more control options. In the case of AMB this implementation exposes fewer mechanisms than Mihai's, the nesting of AMBs is more apparent (to me), and there are fewer rules to be obeyed (and so fewer opportunities for bugs).

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Moby Grape on the Mike Douglas Show

The video is not perfect, and the sound is not a lot better, but Moby Grape plays a couple of really good songs on the Mike Douglas Show. And it looks like they're having fun being there.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

I Have Monkeys In My Clouds

I took advantage of Amazon's offer for a year of 20GB free Cloud Drive storage by purchasing an album stored directly into the cloud. So far I am happy using the Cloud Player from linux, mac, and android. And I am v.happy uploading tons of music that had been spread over several machines and largely unsync'd together in a playable fashion.

The album I purchased to enable the additional storage is The Monkeys, "Head".

The Monkeys started as a TV show, and most of their work was produced and marketed as such. But they did have some talent, and fought, and broke through occasionally as a group that could sing and perform. On "Head" they reflect on their origins.

Hey, hey, we're The Monkeys
The money's in, we're made of tin
We're here to give you more!
"Head" is a movie starring The Monkeys and produced by Jack Nicholson. The music is a soundtrack and a really good album in its own right. It's no more dated than the best music from the late 60s, and it's more fresh because it hasn't been overplayed. Or even played.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Practical Common Lisp

I am reposting this from February 24, 2005 - given my renewed interest in Common Lisp. It has been 22 years since programming in CL professionally. I have brought up a CL implementation several times in between, but never to do much of anything real. Most of my Lisping over these years has been in various Scheme dialects.

I love Scheme and some great Scheme implementations like Gambit. I may not have given up on Scheme forever, but... After all these years the Scheme standard is a kernel and there's not much in the way of a portable registry of libraries.

There are several commercial and free Common Lisp implementations of very good quality. And an apparently long list of portable libraries. I've only recently tried Steel Bank Common Lisp (derived from CMU CL, which was first implemented in the early 1980s), but my impression is that any of these high-quality CL implementations is as good a choice as ever. Nothing like Java's base of software, but rich enough to keep exploring nevertheless.

What about Clojure? I've used Clojure a bit over the last couple of years. Clojure is great, and has access to Java's libraries. However I recently gave up the JVM for Lent. Really I'm just stepping away from the Java platform to see what other things can do. For exploring and fun I felt the need to step away at least temporarily from all the Java-based bits and pieces. I am not really missing anything so far.

I am happy to move around. There are a lot of good options in the wide web world. One dream not quite yet fulfilled is a world where all these languages can get along with extreme ease. (And by that I do *not* mean "running in the same virtual machine".) They can each get along fairly well with Javascript, running on a server and talking over HTTP. They can get along with each other modestly using JSON or XML, one as the HTTP client, another as the HTTP server. Better than ever, but the difficulties mount rapidly beyond this simple case.

Oh yeah, I digress. Here's that repost from 2005:

As seen on Lemonodor...

The book Practical Common Lisp shows the power of Lisp not only in the areas that it has traditionally been noted for—such as developing a complete unit test framework in only 26 lines of code but also in new areas such as parsing binary MP3 files, building a Web application for browsing a collection of songs, and streaming audio over the Web. Many readers will be surprised that Lisp allows you to do all this with conciseness similar to scripting languages such as Python, efficiency similar to C++, and unparalleled flexibility in designing your own language extensions.

Using SPARQL endpoints and 4store RDF databases from Common Lisp

Jeni Tennison posted an interesting article using the 4store for RDF databases from Ruby. This was an experiment to see how close one can get to meeting a challenge from Richard Pope. The challenge puts forth criteria for a set of easy-to-use "linked data" programming tools.

I have duplicated the essence of the ruby/4store demonstration, using common lisp. Mainly because I like programming in various lisp dialects, I want to explore using 4store, and I recently decided to pick up common lisp again after, for all intents and purposes, a 20 year hiatus from that particular dialect.

The source and sample data is on github at https://github.com/patrickdlogan/sbcl-4store

These are just some examples that a reusable package could be based on. The code in workspace.lisp includes instructions for installing 4store on ubuntu, installing Steel Bank Common Lisp, and using the quicklisp system (think ruby gems) for finding and installing useful libraries.

Several functions are defined showing quickly how to load, query, and process RDF data. Two primary functions and their results are listed here:

The function extract-rdfs-classes performs a SPARQL "select" query to select all of the RDFS classes from the sample data. Note: these are not 'object-oriented classes', rather an RDFS class is more like the identifier of a logical "set" of members which are themselves identifiers.

The SPARQL query is:

prefix rdf: 
prefix rdfs: 
select distinct ?type 
where { 
  ?x a ?type .
order by ?type
And running it from the lisp REPL:
* (extract-rdfs-classes)

"http://purl.org/net/opmv/ns#Artifact" "http://purl.org/net/opmv/ns#Process"
The function extract-persons performs a SPARQL "construct" query to construct a graph of FOAF Person instances along with their FOAF names and other triples having the instance as the subject.

The SPARQL query is:

prefix foaf: 
construct {
    a foaf:Person ;
    foaf:name ?name ;
    ?prop ?value .
} where { 
  ?person a foaf:Person ;
  foaf:name ?name ;
  ?prop ?value .                        
And running it from the lisp REPL:
* (extract-persons)

  "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name" #<"Philip Davies"@en>)
  "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name" #<"Philip Davies"@en>)

Bill Hicks

Netflix now has four "watch instantly" shows regarding Bill Hicks. Three standups and one posthumous documentary.

Youtube has a number of videos too, including a good portion of the posthumous documentary, and the 2009 Late Show With David Letterman with Bill Hicks' mother. The Late Show decided to censor Hicks' October 1993 appearance.

The following February, Hicks died of pancreatic cancer in his early 30's. Letterman had his mother on in 2009, regretted the censorship and the additional pain it caused in Hicks' last months, then aired the censored performance. Letterman had had Hicks on a dozen times, on his previous 12:30am NBC show.

(Aside: I also recall Letterman had an episode at 12:30am in the 1980s where, during the course of the hour, the broadcast rotated once around the center of the screen. i.e. at 1:00am the show was upside down. An ongoing theme originally was the absurdity of television. There were many ways the show was "toned down" for the 11:30pm slot.)

There are a handful of social critics/satirists/comedians I continue to rate high my the list:

I'd have to put the Pythons on the list too, from my early teens and their series showing up on PBS, waiting each week for the next one, trying to memorize as much as possible in the half-hour. I didn't really recognize the Pythons or Carlin as social critics at the time. And Andy Kaufman, in his own way. More recently, Bill Maher and probably Eddie Izzard.

Hicks and I were born the same year. I wonder where he'd have gone over the last 17 years. He was pretty far out on the edge back then, and he didn't seem to hold anything back.

"It's just a ride... a choice right now, between fear and love." -Bill Hicks

Common Lisp libraries and Quicklisp

I made a modest donation to quicklisp, a very handy hosted-library system for common lisp. (Think of ruby gems and clojure's clojars) Quicklisp is fairly new, but already worth using at very low effort.

One thing that strikes me about common lisp libraries, beyond quicklisp per se, is the number of libraries available. I've been away from common lisp for all intents and purposes since 1989. The total number of libraries, and the number of library alternatives in any one feature area, are nowhere near those for the currently popular languages like java, ruby, or python. However I am impressed at the ease I've had finding what I am looking for, and then installing and using these libraries with ease.

I can simply say my recently renewed engagement with common lisp has been more than satisfactory on this front, and others I'll write about later.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Richard Stallman at Portland State - April 7

Richard Stallman will be speaking at Portland State University next Thursday (April 7th) at 7:30.

Details are now on caligator:


Friday, March 25, 2011

Building and Running 4store on Ubuntu 10.10

Note to self, if no one else: it's not immediately obvious, but time-saving to know, that 4store 1.1.2 will build with raptor 2.0.2 and rasqal 0.9.25.

All the other dependencies are available as packages on Ubuntu 10.10.

Upon building and installing raptor and rasqal, it is also not immediately obvious, but you might have to run sudo ldconfig for those shared libs to be found by 4store.

Starting the sparql http server includes one strange message in its output, something like:

4store[31919]: 4s-client.c:129 kb=sample getaddrinfo failed for “fe80::21e:64ff:fe2b:f42%wlan0” with error: Address family for hostname not supported

This probably is related to 4store using avahi to perform dynamic discoveries. Running 4store on a single machine, with a single store, this does not seem to be a problem. (Although I don't want to ignore this for long... so if you have any information...)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bouncing Back

Over the years whenever I've wanted to learn a new programming language, the first significant application I've tried is a Scheme interpreter. Many (most?) Scheme interpreters on the web don't implement call-with-current-continuation and often do not handle tail calls well (i.e. they blow the implementation language's stack).

It's not hard to implement these things using simple mechanisms, but the simple mechanisms are not widely known. And as it happens, implementing these two very mechanisms tell you a lot about the implementation language. (Primarily because most languages have neither, and most languages do not have closures, and so you have to go to widely varying lengths to implement these two things.)

I've wanted to try out Javascript on a "significant" application. So below is a link to NCONC, which uses "trampoline style" to trampoline a "continuation-passing style" interpreter written in Javascript. I have a reasonable start on docco-style comments which I will put up asap. I presented this at pdxfunc last Monday and will use my memory of that to write more. 8^D

Note since I have only put in (parts of) a couple of weekends, and my only interest has been illustrating trampolines and call-with-current-continuation, you will not yet find more than a handful of implemented standard procedures. (Enough to run some tests.) And you will not find display so no printing yet. Oh, and no macros yet! But you do have call/cc.


Suggestions for better Javascript style are welcome too. I have a few in mind already, but people wanted to see the code. So.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Node.js and the Javascript Tools Ecosystem

I recently have been picking up some javascript tools to test the waters of "serious" programming in that language (browser-side or otherwise). Although I've not used node.js yet for application development, it curiously shows up in several javascript-based shell tools.

And it works fine so far. My initial impression was, "Why use a web server to run shell tools?" But, e.g. docco installed perfectly using node.js and npm.

Being a skeptic, I first tried pycco, a a similar tool but more traditionally installed pythonically. Something wasn't right and it didn't run. This is just one, unfair, data point. But it was a reassuring experience that javascript tools are showing up and working fine.

Another javascript tool installed and run using node.js and npm is PEG.js, a parser generator based on, well, PEGs (parsing expression grammars).

These tools run fine, and I'm thinking they startup much more quickly than the java-based rhino javascript runtime tools. I've not bothered to investigate though.

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Portland, Oregon, United States
I'm usually writing from my favorite location on the planet, the pacific northwest of the u.s. I write for myself only and unless otherwise specified my posts here should not be taken as representing an official position of my employer. Contact me at my gee mail account, username patrickdlogan.