iyolah iyolah aku hapdet la blog aku neh... huh!
ermm.. alkisah aku baru jek tender resign.. actually tak plan pun.. but due to unavoidable circumstances telah membuatkan aku mengambil tindakan nekad dan membuat satu anjakan paradigma untuk melangkah keluar dari comfort zone aku selama 5 thn yg lepas..
so what's next?
yg pastinya i still cant let go of my business.. ive spent too much oredi for that and would like to see something materialize before i can go back to makan gaji.. klu aku takde komitmen dust store tu i do believe i can survive with juz my business.. tp disebabkan dust store tu ler im still in dilemma whether to become work-at-home-mom (WAHM) or continue climbing the ladder of career woman.
at first i thot kakak n iman juz go to tadika, i stay at home with baby bam, pick them up after school and fill my time in front of the laptop promoting my website. but, a call from a friend changed everything.
she used to be tax consultant with ernst & young, a born & raised city girl, but she quit after her 2nd child was born and moved to kluang to be a fulltime housewife and concentrate on raising her kids. she said its not easy to survive on a single income in the city so that was her sacrifice just so she can be with her kids 24-7. she even attended seminars by the littlekittle.com on homeschooling and such but she said she doesnt have enough patience to homeschool her kids.
now, a little info on littlekittle.com, the mother is very very young, 2-3 years younger than me but they are already big names in the internet business. the mother loves writing and often wrote about her homeschooling techniques. their income comes from web design, advertisers, seminars, talks, etc. the mother even appears on some talk shows on tv.
so, i said to my fren ofcos she can survive, they're well off oredi wat.. my fren said, no, actually, they came from very humble background. they married young, and used to do odd jobs before. but one thing they had in common was they're very very committed. well, that certainly silenced any arguments i had in mind.
so i thot, if she can do, why can't i? the same question i had in mind when i see my clothing supplier, younger 2-3 years than me but oredi own a business and growing. so he's chinese, english oso not so good. but the question is.. IF THEY CAN DO, WHY CAN'T I?
bila fikir2kan my fren's words tu i tot to myself, betul jugak.. i do not want to quit my job, and become too engrossed in my business that i fail to see my kids growing. should i wish to sacrifice and be a WAHM, let it be for a greater purpose. i want to be a part of my kids life. i know that i am oredi a part of their life. what i meant was i do not want them to see me as a money making machine and i do not want to see less and less of them so i can bring more and more money. i want to see them more and yet still make money even though it wont be as much or as consistent as me being an employee.
i ask kakak and iman, which would they prefer, pergi ke sekolah atau ummi ajar? both said nak ummi ajar. so its confirmed then. this monday we'll be going to their school to collect all their books and stuffs, and i have to make a little corner for their study. juz to think of it, nak masak, nak ngajar, nak kemas umah, nak jaga baby bam, nak pergi post office, nak promot website, nak update kedai, nak layan boo, actually really really scares me. i even wonder whether ill have the time to be the jack of all trade. but I'VE GOT TO TRY.
well perhaps its time oredi i changed my bad habits, become more disciplined and moves faster. tgk batik sup sap sup sap sup sap wat keje i guess i have to move that way OR i wont have any time to anything at all, particularly regarding my business and its very very crucial that i get continuous sales. furthermore, next year kakak dah darjah 1 and she cant afford to be late for school. sekolah gomen tak dapat la nak berlagak macam anto ke sekolah tadika.. ngeh ngeh ngeh...
neways, im about to embark on a journey which is scary, and will demand total commitment in my time, patience, energy and attention. raising human beings are not an easy job but it certainly worthwhile beyond words. decisions have been made, the tribe has spoken. juz need to look forward, do what i've planned to do and at the end of the day have faith and leave the rest in HIS hands.