Monday, 16 May 2016

Difference Between Shaft and Axle in Automobile.?

Shaft is a mechanical element that transmit power and torque moment. Usually shafts are the elements with gears and pulleys attach on them (power transmission). The axle on the other hand is a mechanical element that does not transmit power. It can rotate or it can stand still. It is only loaded with bending moments.
In vehicles, the terminology is same. The shafts that transmit power to the wheels are called drive shafts. The driven wheels have axles. Some people like to call the drive shafts axles (or half axles), from where the confusion can occur. The right term is drive shafts.

One states that "true" axles are merely static rods that support rotating members, and only shafts transmit power and motion. Another defines an axle as any wheel support, whether or not it transmits power and motion, while a shaft accepts and drives gears, pulleys, sprockets, and other rotary power elements


Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions and answers for freshers on design, safety and maintenance.
1) What is an accident ?
An accident is a unexpected and unforeseen event which may or may not injury to a person or a machine tool.
2) What are the standard sizes of drawing board as per Indian Standards?
As per Indian Standards :1250×900,900×650,650×500,500×350,350×250 sizes are available.
3) What are the functions of a scale ?
(a) To measure distance accurately.
(b) For making drawing to scale either in full size, reduced size or enlarged size.
4) What is a sketching ?
This is freehand expression of the graphic language.
5) What do you mean by First Aid ?
First Aid is immediate and temporary care given to a person who affected accidental injury or a sudden illness before the arrival of doctor.
6) What is a Drawing ?
It is a graphical representation of a real thing to define and specify the shape and size of a particular object by means of lines.
7) What is Engineering Drawing ?
A drawing which is worked out an engineer for the engineering purpose is known as Engineering Drawing.
8)  What are the methods of extinguishing fire ?
1) Starvation. Separating or removing the burning material from the neighbour hood of the fire.
2) Blanketing. Preventing the air flow to the fire.
3) Cooling. Lowering the heat created by burning materials.
9)  What are the precautions to be taken to avoid fire ?
1) The buckets along with sand should be placed inside the workshop.
2) Switches and other electrical parts must be made of fireproof material.
3) Carbon dioxide gas should be place at required points in special containers.
4) Fire extinguishers of suitable type should be placed at accessible places.\
10) What safety precautions should be observed while working in the workshop ?
1) Keep shop floor clean, free from oil and other slippery materials.
2) Wear proper dress and avoid loose clothing and loose hair.
3) Wear shoes and avoid chapels.
4) Avoid playing, loose talk and funning inside the shop floor.
5) Keep good housekeeping and put all unnecessary items and rejected items in scrap box.
6) Learn everything about the machine before starting and clear all the doubts.
7) Keep a safe distance from rotating and sliding parts.
8) Never store inflammable materials inside or around the shop.
9) Never play with electricity, fire, parts with sharp edge etc.
10) Keep fire buckets and extinguishers ready for use.