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Blog che seguo:)
New Sprinkler Pad1 anno fa
Giving up blogging2 anni fa
Update5 anni fa
Hello... Goodbye5 anni fa
Saturated Canary Stamps8 anni fa
Byter blogg....9 anni fa
Changing Times.10 anni fa
venerdì 2 agosto 2013
Good moorning dearest friend ^_^
Come state? Qua c'è tanto tanto caldo e sto decisamente latitando col pc e con le creazioni.... perdonatemi ma più avanti vi aggiornerò su alcune novità che ora mi tengono impegnata e lontana...
Oggi vi mostro un'altra card fatta qualche settimana fa...
Good morning dearest friend ^_^
How are you? Here there is very very hot and I feel much inaction with the PC and with the creations... forgive me but later I will update you about few news that now keep me busy and far away...
Today I show you another card made a few weeks ago...
Quant'è dolce questa Tilda con la margherita...
How sweet is this Tilda with daisy...
E tanti dettagli romantici...
And many romantic details...
Tanti fiori e tante farfalle, pizzo e strass....come possono mancare sulle mie card ^_^
Many flowers and many butterflies, lace and rhinestones... how can they miss on my cards ^_^
Good moorning dearest friend ^_^
Come state? Qua c'è tanto tanto caldo e sto decisamente latitando col pc e con le creazioni.... perdonatemi ma più avanti vi aggiornerò su alcune novità che ora mi tengono impegnata e lontana...
Oggi vi mostro un'altra card fatta qualche settimana fa...
Good morning dearest friend ^_^
How are you? Here there is very very hot and I feel much inaction with the PC and with the creations... forgive me but later I will update you about few news that now keep me busy and far away...
Today I show you another card made a few weeks ago...
Quant'è dolce questa Tilda con la margherita...
How sweet is this Tilda with daisy...
E tanti dettagli romantici...
And many romantic details...
Many flowers and many butterflies, lace and rhinestones... how can they miss on my cards ^_^
E questa tag nascosta... mi sono divertita a crearla..... tutta luccicosa....
And this hidden tag... I enjoyed to create it.... all shining...
Che ne dite? Vi piace?
What do you think? You like it?
Con questa card partecipo ai seguenti challenge:
With this card I partecipate in the following challenges:
Divas by design ( Favourite colour combination)
Magnolia-licious (Anything goes)
Simply Magnolia (Anything goes)
Through the purple Haze (Favourite colors)
Eclectic ellapu (Anything goes)
Crafts and me (Anything goes)
Craftin' boutique (Anything goes)
Whimsy stamps (Ribbon and lace)
The paper nest dolls (Die cuts)
Die cuttin' divas (Anything goes)
Party time tuesdays (Anything goes)
Sister act (Anything goes)
Totally papercrafts (Inspired by a song: Daisy Lane by Stereophonics)
Pink gem (How charming)
Avenue613 (Anything goes/friendship)
Per oggi è tutto amiche ^_^
Pink gem (How charming)
Avenue613 (Anything goes/friendship)
Per oggi è tutto amiche ^_^
Passate uno splendido fine settimana^_^
All for today dear friends ^_^
I wish you a wonderful weekend ^_^
Festa della Mamma,
martedì 23 luglio 2013
Buongiorno a tutte mie care amiche creative ^_^
Sono tornata dal mare domenica, ma tra lavatrici, stirare, sistemare e pulire casa non ho un attimo di tregua.
Mi prendo una piccola pausa per mostrarvi questa card dolce dolce, poi con calma passerò da voi a vedere le splendide creazioni che mi sono persa in questi quindici giorni ^_^
Good morning my dear creative friends ^_^
I'm back from the sea on Sunday, but between washing, ironing, clean and fix the house I haven't a moment's respite.
I take a small break to show you this sweet sweet card, then I'll visit your blog to see the beautiful creations you did and I'm lost in these fifteen days ^_^
..una dolce Tildina con i suoi palloncini...
..a sweet little Tilda with her balloons..
E poi fiori e farfalle... e altri particolari..
And then flowers and butterflies... and other details..
..una piccola tag nascosta..
..a small hidden tag..
Che ne pensate? Vi piace?
What do you think? You like it?
Con questa card partecipo ai seguenti challenge:
With this card I partecipate in the following challenges:
Stamping sensations (Sketch or summer colors)
Joanna Sheen (Citrus color)
Anything goes (Anything goes)
Rhedd and Rosies (Anything goes)
Delightful (Celebrate with glitter bling and sparkle things)
Cute card thursday (Oranges and lemons)
Stampin for the weekend (Sparkle and bling)
I love promarkers (Anything goes)
Crafty sentiments (Bling it on)
Charisma cardz (Girly)
Per oggi è tutto, torno alle mie faccende... a presto mie care amiche ^_^
All for today, I return to my house chores... see you soon my dear friends ^_^
Buongiorno a tutte mie care amiche creative ^_^
Sono tornata dal mare domenica, ma tra lavatrici, stirare, sistemare e pulire casa non ho un attimo di tregua.
Mi prendo una piccola pausa per mostrarvi questa card dolce dolce, poi con calma passerò da voi a vedere le splendide creazioni che mi sono persa in questi quindici giorni ^_^
Good morning my dear creative friends ^_^
I'm back from the sea on Sunday, but between washing, ironing, clean and fix the house I haven't a moment's respite.
I take a small break to show you this sweet sweet card, then I'll visit your blog to see the beautiful creations you did and I'm lost in these fifteen days ^_^
..una dolce Tildina con i suoi palloncini...
..a sweet little Tilda with her balloons..
E poi fiori e farfalle... e altri particolari..
And then flowers and butterflies... and other details..
..una piccola tag nascosta..
..a small hidden tag..
Che ne pensate? Vi piace?
What do you think? You like it?
Con questa card partecipo ai seguenti challenge:
With this card I partecipate in the following challenges:
Stamping sensations (Sketch or summer colors)
Joanna Sheen (Citrus color)
Anything goes (Anything goes)
Rhedd and Rosies (Anything goes)
Delightful (Celebrate with glitter bling and sparkle things)
Cute card thursday (Oranges and lemons)
Stampin for the weekend (Sparkle and bling)
I love promarkers (Anything goes)
Crafty sentiments (Bling it on)
Charisma cardz (Girly)
Per oggi è tutto, torno alle mie faccende... a presto mie care amiche ^_^
All for today, I return to my house chores... see you soon my dear friends ^_^
giovedì 4 luglio 2013
Buongiorno amiche creative ^_^
Come state? Come avete letto dal titolo parto con la mia bimba per il mare, ha bisogno di riprendersi perchè sta ancora poco bene e là i medici dicono guarirà del tutto,speriamo....
Non pubblicherò per un paio di settimane, ma al ritorno vi farò vedere dei lavoretti fatti di recente^_^
Non pubblicherò per un paio di settimane, ma al ritorno vi farò vedere dei lavoretti fatti di recente^_^
Oggi vi mostro due card che ho fatto per due compleanni importanti, due persone speciali ^_^
Good morning creative friends ^_^
How are you? As you read the title I go with my daughter to the sea, she needs to recover because is still unwell and the doctors say will heal completely, hope....
I don't/can't publish for a couple of weeks, but on the way back I'll show you a few cards done recently ^_^
I don't/can't publish for a couple of weeks, but on the way back I'll show you a few cards done recently ^_^
Today I will show you two card I made for two important birthdays, for two special ladies^_^
Non è adorabile questo timbrino?
Isn't adorable this stamp?
Due card dolci dolci vero? Vi piacciono?
Two sweet sweet card right? do you like them?
Con questa card partecipo ai seguenti challenge:
With this card I partecipate in the following challenges:
ALBC (''Die-ing'' for it)
Simon says stamp and show (Anything goes)
Fab'n'funky (Anything but a square)
Divas by design (Cute)
Crafting for all seasons (Make it girly)
Inky chicks (Anything goes)
Bearly mine (Anything goes)
Scrap-creations1 (Ribbon and bow)
Artistic inspirations (Anything goes)
Card crafters circle (Birthdays)
C is for challenge (Flowers)
That craft place (Flowers)
Ladybug crafts (Favourite embellishments: flowers,bow and bling)
ALBC (''Die-ing'' for it)
Simon says stamp and show (Anything goes)
Fab'n'funky (Anything but a square)
Divas by design (Cute)
Crafting for all seasons (Make it girly)
Inky chicks (Anything goes)
Bearly mine (Anything goes)
Scrap-creations1 (Ribbon and bow)
Artistic inspirations (Anything goes)
Card crafters circle (Birthdays)
C is for challenge (Flowers)
That craft place (Flowers)
Ladybug crafts (Favourite embellishments: flowers,bow and bling)
Anche per oggi è tutto, ci vediamo tra 15 giorni amiche^_^
Felice weekend^_^
Well all for today, see you in 15 days dearest friends ^_^
Happy weekend ^_^
giovedì 27 giugno 2013
Buongiorno amiche mie ^_^
Oggi vi mostro una criss cross card che mi era stata commissionata per un compleanno^_^
Good morning my dearest friends ^_^
Today I show you a criss cross card that I had been commissioned for a birthday ^_^
Tanti dettagli femminili: fiori, farfalle, perle e brillantini ^_^
Vi piace?
Many feminine details: flowers, butterflies, pearls and glitter ^_^
Do you like it?
Con questa card partecipo ai seguenti challenge:
With this card I partecipate in the following challenges:
As you like it (Favourite 3 embellishments and why: flowers, butterflies and pearls because are romantic and elegant, very girly for all my creations^_^)
Rhedd and rosies (Take flight)
Totally gorjuss (Happy Birthday)
Kaboodle doodles (Pastel colours)
Catered crop (Die cuts and punches)
Fashionista (Wedding or Birthday)
In the pink (Pink with wings)
ABC challenge (P for Pretty in Pink)
Totally papercrafts (Flowers and bows)
Pan pastel uk (Lots of layers)
Sister act (Anything goes)
Stamping with dragon (Anything goes)
Crafty catz (Anything goes)
Digi haven (Flowers)
Ladybugs crafts ink (Flowers and ribbon)
Crafting for all seasons (Make it girly)
Simon says stamps (Anything goes)
Everybody art (Butterfly)
That craft place (Flowers)
Crafty sentiments (Girl power)
A presto carissime amiche mie, buon fine settimana a tutte ^_^
See you soon my dearest friends, good weekend to all ^_^
Buongiorno amiche mie ^_^
Oggi vi mostro una criss cross card che mi era stata commissionata per un compleanno^_^
Good morning my dearest friends ^_^
Today I show you a criss cross card that I had been commissioned for a birthday ^_^
Tanti dettagli femminili: fiori, farfalle, perle e brillantini ^_^
Vi piace?
Many feminine details: flowers, butterflies, pearls and glitter ^_^
Do you like it?
Con questa card partecipo ai seguenti challenge:
With this card I partecipate in the following challenges:
As you like it (Favourite 3 embellishments and why: flowers, butterflies and pearls because are romantic and elegant, very girly for all my creations^_^)
Rhedd and rosies (Take flight)
Totally gorjuss (Happy Birthday)
Kaboodle doodles (Pastel colours)
Catered crop (Die cuts and punches)
Fashionista (Wedding or Birthday)
In the pink (Pink with wings)
ABC challenge (P for Pretty in Pink)
Totally papercrafts (Flowers and bows)
Pan pastel uk (Lots of layers)
Sister act (Anything goes)
Stamping with dragon (Anything goes)
Crafty catz (Anything goes)
Digi haven (Flowers)
Ladybugs crafts ink (Flowers and ribbon)
Crafting for all seasons (Make it girly)
Simon says stamps (Anything goes)
Everybody art (Butterfly)
That craft place (Flowers)
Crafty sentiments (Girl power)
A presto carissime amiche mie, buon fine settimana a tutte ^_^
See you soon my dearest friends, good weekend to all ^_^
Criss Cross
venerdì 21 giugno 2013
Buongiorno a tutte mie care creative^_^
Oggi sono a casa dal lavoro, la mia bimba ha la febbre e non sta bene...
Mentre riposa vi mostro un lavoretto fatto un pò qualche mese fa, l' avevo lasciato a metà e poi l'ho finito con la giusta ispirazione qualche tempo dopo^_^
Preparatevi ad un sacco di foto...
Good morning my dearest creative friends^_^
Today I'm home from work, my daughter has a fever and is not feeling well...
While she rests I show you a work done a few months ago, left half and then taken up with the right inspiration after some time ^_^
Get ready for a lot of photos...
Due explosion box per un Battesimo ^_^
Two explosion boxes for a Baptism ^_^
Questa in rosa per una bimba...
This in pink for a baby girl...
Tanti dettagli: farfalle, strass, perle, la mia immancabile bustina embossata, il sentiment ed al centro una candela bianca, simbolo di purezza e luce di nuova vita^_^
Lots of details: butterflies, rhinestones, pearls, my ever-present embossed envelope, the sentiment and in the center a white candle, a symbol of purity and light of new life ^_^
E questa è quella in azzurro per un bimbo...
And this is the one in blue for a baby boy...
Cosa ne dite? Vi piacciono?
What do you think? Do you like them?
Con queste creazioni partecipo ai seguenti challenge:
With these creations I partecipate in the following challenges:
Bearly mine (Flowers galore)
Paper playtime (Anything goes)
The hobby house (Anything goes)
Love to scrap (No cards allowed)
Quirky crafts (More than one fold)
The ribbon reel (Treasure pearls)
Crafty calendar (Things with wings)
Bunny Zoe (Wings)
Craft lovin (Anything goes)
As you like it (Favourite paper and why: love all flower fantasy paper because are so elegant and romantic)
Animal friends (Butterflies or bugs)
No matter which (Bingo: Ribbons, flowers, bows)
E anche per oggi è tutto,vi auguro uno splendido fine settimana^_^
All for today, I wish you a wonderful weekend ^_^
Buongiorno a tutte mie care creative^_^
Oggi sono a casa dal lavoro, la mia bimba ha la febbre e non sta bene...
Mentre riposa vi mostro un lavoretto fatto un pò qualche mese fa, l' avevo lasciato a metà e poi l'ho finito con la giusta ispirazione qualche tempo dopo^_^
Preparatevi ad un sacco di foto...
Good morning my dearest creative friends^_^
Today I'm home from work, my daughter has a fever and is not feeling well...
While she rests I show you a work done a few months ago, left half and then taken up with the right inspiration after some time ^_^
Get ready for a lot of photos...
Due explosion box per un Battesimo ^_^
Two explosion boxes for a Baptism ^_^
Questa in rosa per una bimba...
This in pink for a baby girl...
Tanti dettagli: farfalle, strass, perle, la mia immancabile bustina embossata, il sentiment ed al centro una candela bianca, simbolo di purezza e luce di nuova vita^_^
Lots of details: butterflies, rhinestones, pearls, my ever-present embossed envelope, the sentiment and in the center a white candle, a symbol of purity and light of new life ^_^
E questa è quella in azzurro per un bimbo...
And this is the one in blue for a baby boy...
Cosa ne dite? Vi piacciono?
What do you think? Do you like them?
Con queste creazioni partecipo ai seguenti challenge:
With these creations I partecipate in the following challenges:
Bearly mine (Flowers galore)
Paper playtime (Anything goes)
The hobby house (Anything goes)
Love to scrap (No cards allowed)
Quirky crafts (More than one fold)
The ribbon reel (Treasure pearls)
Crafty calendar (Things with wings)
Bunny Zoe (Wings)
Craft lovin (Anything goes)
As you like it (Favourite paper and why: love all flower fantasy paper because are so elegant and romantic)
Animal friends (Butterflies or bugs)
No matter which (Bingo: Ribbons, flowers, bows)
E anche per oggi è tutto,vi auguro uno splendido fine settimana^_^
All for today, I wish you a wonderful weekend ^_^
Bebè azzurro,
Bebè rosa,
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Un po' di me * A little about me
- Sonia
- Verona, Italy
- Sono Sonia,ho 38 anni e vivo a Verona. Sono felicemente sposata dal 2009 e mamma di due bimbe meravigliose che mi riempino la vita e la rendono meravigliosa ^_^ I'm Sonia, I am 38 years old and live in Verona. I am happily married since 2009 and mother of two wonderful little little girls,they fills my life and make it amazing ^_^
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12 days to Christmas
Bebè azzurro
Bebè rosa
Blogaversary candy
Candy winner
Card uomo
Criss Cross
Explosion box
Festa della Mamma
Forever Friend Challenge
Hech of a Challenge
Heck of a Challenge
Meljen's Design Challenge
San Valentino
Thank you