I made a youtube playlist for Dion over at Bodytonic. Thought I'd share it here also and try and get back into the old blogging game again.
Opening Title - Halloween III: Season of the Witch - 1982
The opening title sequence by John Wash for Halloween III is a wonderful marriage of sound and vision. This sequence plays on the hypnotic power of television and hints at how the film plays out. Alan Howarth & John Carptenter ditched the infamous Halloween theme for a score even more sinister & doom laden. Something evil is being transmitted slowly through our tv screens, pixelated line after line. Watch this underrate movie to find out what.
Oh, there is an interesting interview with John Wash over at Art Of The Title, if your into that kind of thing.
Cabaret Voltaire - No Escape - 1979
Taken from The Cab first album "Mix Up". "No escape" is a cover of 60's nugget by American garage band "The Seeds". The video is great, just them in the lake district, rocking out. Love Richard H. Kirk's heavy distorted guitar and Chris Watson tape echo caterwauls . Hard not to shout along with Stephen Mallinder as he gurns "No escape". No Escape indeed.
I'm So Hollow - Touch (Live) - 1981
Another Sheffild post punk band but unlike Cabaret Voltaire they are relatively unknown. I dont know why that is, their one and only album, "Emotion/Sound/Motion" is killer, gem after gem. Im surprised it hasn't got a re-release yet? Great to see some live footage for them, this seemingly being the only video though. Taken from the hour long documentary "Made In Sheffield - The Birth Of Electronic Pop". Shout outs to Dan Gray for the hot tip.
Primitive Calculators - I Can't Stop It - 1980
I still dont know much about this Auzzie synth punk band other than a couple of songs. Hopefully do a homage of this vid for a Children Under Hoof video. The music is so brutal and hypnotic. Rudimentary thumping drum machine over dueling white noise synth/guitar attacks, with a pulsating synth bass line propelling it forward as two vocalist shout over each other about mundane, never ending arguments. Pretty perfect in it's two & half minute execution.
Palais Schaumburg - Wir bauen eine neue Stadt (Live) - 1981
I'm glad someone had the foresight to film Palais Schaumburg back in 81', so we can see how mindblowingly brilliant they are live. Note the young Moritz von Oswald (Basic Channel) drumming in the video, like his life depend on it. Bureau B re-released their self titled debut last year which this song is taken from.
DAF - Der Mussolini (Live) - 1981
Like Palais Schaumburg, Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft were also as it turns out another dynamite band, live and on record. The raw physicality of both Robert Görl pounding relentlessly on the drums and Gabi Delgado-López throwing himself about the stage is total intoxicating to watch. I wish more shows where this engaging, my own too.
Beverly Hills 90210 - Club Scene - 1991
I read online somewhere that Tones on Tail (The Side project from Bauhaus rhythm section that surpass their original group) were featured in an episode of Beverly Hills 90210. Who would have known the whole scene would be pure gold, "This place is never again". I shorten it down from the sake of the mix but both clips are worth viewing if and your into that sort of thing.
Trisomie 21 - The Last Song (live) - 1986
Quality live track from North France outfit, Trisomie 21. The original version appeared on their rather terrible three album, "Chapter IV". "The Last Song" (first song on the album) was the clear highlight. Which is a shame considering how the first two albums are essential coldwave classics. Network Awesome posted up the original footage of this fan made vide back at the start of the year.I was a little guttied to find out the club isnt in Europe but in San Diego, the Stratus Dance Club to be precise.

Front 242 - Controversy Between - 1983
For the next track, we go a little further north, to Belgium and like Philippe and Hervé Lomprez's Trisomie 21, it's the first couple of releases that gets my blood goin'. Especially the EP which this song is taken from,"Endless Riddance"EP. It's a pity everything post 85' or so when straight up industrial. The fight at the end of the video is too good..
Borghesia - Noćne šetnje - 1984
Love this early unreleased (?) version of Noćne šetnje from Slovenian electronic body music band, Borghesia. It's a far darker and gothic version of the song compared to the LP version. Like Front 242, their later atypical EBM / Industrial work holds little interest. It's the more dark, minimal synth sound from their first few releases, I find far more appealing.
Iron Curtain - Black Gloves (Live) - 1983
Rare VHS Basement footage of my one of my favourite American cold wave synth bands. This is the only band footage of them on the net and they have feckin' Duke Nukem on Minimoog, Amazin'. "Black Gloves" only surfaced in 2008, on a compilation of demos & live Iron Curtain on Pylon Records. They also re-released all Iron Curtain vinyl discography, all three singles and their only EP. I pick the lot up in a handy double vinyl compilation called Desertion 1982-1988 also on Pylon..
A Clockwork Orange - Promanada Fight Scene - 1971
An interlude if you will. One of many iconic scenes from Kubrick's "A Clockwork Orange".
"...suddenly, I viddied that thinking was for the gloopy ones, and that the oomny ones used like inspiration and what Bog sends. For now it was lovely music that came to my aid. There was a window open, with a stereo on, and I viddied right at once what to do."
Whirlywirld - Window to the World - 1979
So I tried to keep the playlist as visually interesting as possible, this might be the only exception since its a video of moving stills. The stills are from the cult Australian 80s punk movie "Dogs In Space" which features songs by Whirlywirld.& Primitive Calculators. Taken from Whirlywirld debut EP from 79', "Window to the World" is one of the finest post punk/ new wave songs you'll likely hear. For a great pre Whirlywirld interview of Ollie Olsen & Rowland S. Howard (The Birthday Party) aged 19 & 17 respectively, go here.
BLANCHE BLANCHE BLANCHE - "Fireworks" - 2012
Taken from "Wink With Both Eyes", one of four albums they released last year alone and is easily my favouite LP of the year, out on my favourite label of the year, "Night People". Recorded on a Yamaha MT8X eight track, all 16 fast paced portasound pop ditties by Zach Phillips and Sarah Smith are so cleverly constructed, with strange chord structures and sweet pop boy/girl vocals melodies. You can listen to the whole album here.