Friday, May 27, 2011

Project 52: "cheese!"

David is at the stage where he likes to have his picture taken. If he sees the camera, he calls: "Cheese, mama, cheese!" which means he wants me to take his picture. So cute.

Can you tell he needs a hair cut? It's even more obvious from the back, where he has a bald spot that he gave himself.....LOL, waiting for the right time/tools to cut it properly.

Project 52: Glimpses Into Motherhood

Friday, May 20, 2011

Project 52: freshly bathed and wrinkley!

I gave Heidi a bath this morning and afterward she was all wrinkley and cute!

I didn't post last week because I was sick, sick, sick. I got the flu and then it went from viral to bacterial in my lungs and I had to get on antibiotics and was miserable. Thankfully I am on the mend!

Project 52: Glimpses Into Motherhood!

Friday, May 06, 2011

Project 52: finding new "friends"

What with crawling and pulling herself up on anything and everything, Heidi has discovered several new "friends". Here's one of them:

And, I thought this one too cute...I just had to share!

Project 52: Glimpses Into Motherhood