tomorrow starts September.....
if you want to get technical, about 40 minutes stand between me and the beginning of September.
September's a fairly big month for me.....for us.
September means only one more month until we welcome this new baby into the world. I am ready.....but not ready at all. there is so much to do in such a short amount of time:
*re-transition the crib from toddler bed to crib.
*make sure all three car seats will fit in the car (I think they will with a little finessing, but haven't actually tried yet)
*find, wash and otherwise prepare all the baby stuff (clothes, blankets, swing, bouncer, etc)
*figure out how I am going to store another human's clothes...possible need another dresser.
*order birthing kit (which probably should have been done way longer ago than I care to think about)
*finally decide on a boys name.....since we don't know which gender this baby is.
there must be more to do, I just can't think of it right now......
September is also the month Jonny goes to Mexico. I am so happy for him, it will be so good for him.
September is when we have our second Echo done on baby's heart......wait....I didn't tell you about that, did I? At the beginning or so of August, we found out baby's heart has an irregular beat. Kind of scary, usually benign, but can be a problem. So, we went to Children's and had an Echo cardiogram done on baby's heart to check on things. Things look good, but the doctor wanted us to go back for a follow up look at the heart when it's a bit more mature. So, we'll be doing that.
September is when I house sit for my parents for a weekend.
September is my father-in-laws birth month.
September's when my best friend's baby is due.....actually, any day now!
I am sure the list goes on, but it's getting late and I am getting sleepy. Hope I am able to sleep tonight as I haven't been getting much rest lately.
So, welcome to September! Or nearly.....half hour or so from now!
Beautiful Little Things
17 hours ago