Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Catching up!!

 Kendall and Chase playing in his bed!!  Chase doesn't know what to think!

Mother's Day

 Davy Crockett on Trigger!!

 Lunch with daddy at the park by his office!

 Chase learning to walk!

 Chase growing up!!

Paige's end of the year program for 3 year old preschool!!

I am so behind that I am catching up with just highlights from the month!!  Life has been really busy with these two kiddos and the Summer just slipped away!!  

Friday, May 18, 2012


We took the kids to the rodeo that was in town.  Paige loves the rodeo and especially the cowgirls!  This was the first time we have taken Chase and he had a blast.  He loved all the movement.  Paige told us she wanted to be a cowgirl one day like the ones that were on the horses!!

Daddy/Daughter Dance

Our church has a daddy daughter dance they put on each year.  This was Paige and Clif's second time to go.  Paige of course had a blast and dance the night away.  Before the dance Clif took Paige to Roadhouse for dinner.  Then they headed to the dance.  They made hair clips, ate ice cream and had a blast dancing.  Paige was so tired that she fell asleep as soon as the truck started.  I just loved seeing these two faces with each other.  Clif is such a good dad to Paige and loves doing things with her.  I just hope that continue to have this relationship as she gets older!!

Kendall Elizabeth

Meet Kendall my sister's little girl!!!  She is just precious and is very loved by her cousins!!!  Chase loves to poke her eyes and belly!!

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday was such a great day!!  The kids woke up and they looked through their Easter baskets.  We then got ready for church and had a great Easter service.  Afterwards we headed out to my parents house for a late lunch, swim and egg hunt.  It was a really good day spending the day with family and celebrating the resurrection.

First swim

Paige and Chase had fun playing in their little pool.  I think Chase enjoyed playing the with water hose more!!  The days are starting to get hot and long around here so pulling out the pool always gives me about an hour to relax!  I see more pool in our future:)

Dyeing Easter Eggs

 Getting ready to dye their eggs!!  
 All done!!
 Chase played while the girls dyed their eggs!
Paige had been asking me for awhile if she could dye her Easter Eggs.  I figured it would be fun for her to do it with her cousin Grace.  So Grace came over one afternoon and the girls had a blast.  They actually did really well for 3 1/2 year olds!  Chase really had no interest and had fun playing by himself.  Paige wasn't really into eating her eggs.  She did try but she didn't like them.  All in all they turned out great!!