Thursday, March 29, 2012

Rodeo Day

Paige had Rodeo Day at her school. She was so excited that she got to wear her cowgirl boots to school. They had several games that the kids played and then we headed inside and ate lunch. Paige wasn't a big fan of the chili so I made her lunch. She is really into horses and loved every minute of Rodeo Day at school!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Houston Rodeo

Melissa, Leah and I took the kids to the Houston Rodeo over Spring Break and had a blast!! The kids loved all the carnival rides and ate lots of good food. I have never been and didn't prepare right but it was still fun. After lots of fun in the HOT sun we headed inside and watched kids showing their steers. Then we headed over to the showing of pigs. Those were the cleanest pigs I have ever seen!! The kids area was really neat and educational. There was a birthing center were baby pigs, cow, and goats had been born. It was a great day and Paige had a blast!! Hopefully we can make it again next year.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Waco Zoo

I took the kids to the Waco Zoo over Spring Break and we met up with some of my friends from Baylor. Waco is always our meeting spot because we are coming from Austin, Dallas/Ft. Worth and College Sation (me). It is so fun to see everyone and catch up. Every Waco trip we eat at Ninfas. That was the big hang out in College and honestly is the best Ninfas I have ever eaten at!! Then we usually make it over to campus or the bookstore. My crew skipped that part this time and headed home. It was really fun and I can't wait to do it again soon!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Chase's birthday

My family came over to celebrate Chase turning 1 on his actual birthday!! We had pizza and cookie cake. Chase had a good time celebrating again for his birthday. We opened gifts and just hung out. I can't believe my baby is ONE!!

1 Year Old

Chase is 1 year old!! Wow time has flown! I can't believe how fast he is growing up. Here are some of his highlights the past month!!

*He is sleeping from 8:15 to around 6:30!!! I never thought this would happen!!!

*He is crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything

*He talks in his own language ALL THE TIME! He thinks screaming is a form of communication!

*He points at everything and says "Ahh Da" or "Da Da"

*He eats everything we eat and drinks cow's milk twice a day

*He has ALL of his teeth!!!

*He loves water, going outside, playing with his toys, eating and just about anything that involves doing something!!!

*He does not like vaccum cleaners and lawn mowers!!

I can't wait to see what this next year brings!!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Farm Birthday!

Chase had a farm themed birthday party for his first birthday!!! He loved riding the pony and watching all the action around him. Clif made his tractor birthday cake and I make cupcakes for the kids. We had a pony for the the kids to ride, pin the tail on the horse and sack races. When the kids arrived they each got a cowboy hat and bandana to wear. Everyone looked so cute dressed as a cowboy or cowgirl. As a thank you for coming each kid got to take home chicken feed (trail mix). The weather was beautiful and everyone had a great time celebrating with Chase!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

I want to help!!!

Chase watching the guys put up a new fence!!

"Mom can I help"?

Chase watched some guys put up our new fence for about 45 minutes. He LOVED everything about it. I was able to clean the back porch off, plant flowers and weed. He would change positions but was always aware of what they were doing. I have heard stories about Clif at this age and he would do the same thing watching his daddy farm. Chase loves everything mechanical and I know will be right by his daddy one day working!!