Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Veggie Tales Live

Melissa, Chris and I took the girls to see Veggie Tales live in Houston. It was so much fun and the girls had a blast. We took them to dinner before heading over to the performance. Paige had fun singing a long with the characters and watching them dance. It was such a great night and perfect way to spend some one on one time with Paige.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I love mommy day

This is the aide in Paige's preschool room. Her name is Lauren and Paige adores her. Here are some of her friends in her class. As you can see she drew a picture of me!!!

Paige and some of her friends at school!

Enjoying Chick-fil-a!!

Getting ready for the program to start!!

Paige's Preschool had a mommy day to celebrate mom's. They had a little program to begin with and then we had lunch. Paige showed me all the stuff that she made for mommy day. Everything was so special and I especially love the picture she drew of me:) I just love the different things her school does:)

Friday, February 10, 2012


Paige striking a pose at the carnival!!

Chase is having fun!!!

Paige going down the long slide

As we are driving down the highway I hear Paige scream in the backseat "Mom the carnival is here" "Look, look". So we got Mimi and Papaw and loaded up the cars to head to the carnival. The girls had so much fun. Paige's favorite ride was broken but she still had a blast. Melissa and I even got to ride a ride!!! We rode the swings and can I say that I had a BLAST! I LOVE riding things and that was perfect. Although my body can't take a lot of that anymore I still had a blast. Grace is the one that I see in the future doing all the scary rides with me. Paige is a little more hesitant. We all had fun and I can't wait until the day we can go to Six Flags or even Disney World!!

Hello February!!!

February is here and every single weekend is booked the whole month!!! I am excited about another fun month. Lots to do and that means lots of pictures to come!!! Happy February!!

Papaw's 60th Birthday

We celebrated my dad's birthday on January 30!!! He turned 60 years old! We went out to eat and then back to my house for cake and presents. The girls had fun blowing out his candles and opening his presents. We are so blessed to have him and for the grandkids to have such a great Papaw!!!

Chase 11 months

I can't believe Chase is another month old!!! It seems like yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. In one short month he will be 1 and that I can't believe!!! This month has been fun:) Here is what Chase is doing as of now!!

*Goes to sleep around 8 and wakes up for a bottle around 5-5:30. He is really good about going back to sleep until around 7.

*Wears 12-18 month shirts and 12 months pants.

*Drinks 3 7oz bottles a day and eats all table foods. He really likes meats and fruits!!

*Is crawling really fast everywhere!!!

*Already has 10 teeth and is getting his top 1 year molars right now!!

*Is very sensitive and likes his mommy and daddy to be around all the time:)

*Loves to play with his toys!! He has learned how to move his tractors around and makes noises doing so.

*Points at everything and babbles all the time!!!