Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Building a sand castle

Paige and Clif making a sand castle

Paige's sand castle

Chase watching Clif and Paige build the sand castle!!

It is weird that Clif and Paige are making sand castles in January!!! Paige loves creating things and making a castle in the sand was on top of her list. Both of them had a blast and were out there forever creating. I came outside to see how it was going and Paige asked me "mom can you go back inside". I think she was having a blast with her daddy and needed that one on one time:) She also asked me "mom will you take Chase with you in the house?" I had to laugh!! I love that she loves her daddy so much and that he will take time out to play with her:)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

10 Months

WOW Chase is 10 months old (actually 10 1/2)!!!! I can't believe how fast this year has gone. Well Everything is pretty much the same as last month. Here are some things he is doing so I can always remember!!

*Says dadada and mamama

*Is crawling

*Still wakes up once at night but usually around anywhere from 5 - 6 and then goes back to sleep for a little bit longer

*Wears 12 month clothing!!

*Still drinks around 3-4 bottles

*Naps a short nap in the morning and usually a little longer one in the afternoon

*Loves to play with toys and be outside

*Is very very attached to me

I can't wait to see what the next month brings!!!

Tennessee Christmas

Chase riding Little Bit

Paige riding her miniture horse Little Bit

Paige taking care of her new miniture horse Little Bit

Learning how to brush her

Driving one of Big Daddy's tractors

Chase and Clif

Chase learning how to drive

Opening presents

Paige and Bridget

Chase riding his new horse

Chase on Christmas Morning

Paige looking at what Santa brought

Paige, Colt and Bridget making a Gingerbread House

Paige with her Christmas present a new miniture horse named Little Bit!!

This Christmas we went to Tennessee to have Christmas with Clif's family. Paige had a blast there running around the farm! She got a new miniture horse for Christmas from Clif's parents. Little Bit stays in Tennesse. Paige had a blast learning to ride her and take care of her. It was a good visit. We can't wait to go back!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mobley Christmas

Paige is ready for Mobley Christmas!!
Gracie is ready also!!

Paige showing her new Cinderella outfits!

Chase got "Bulls eye" from Kristen and Marshall

Paige helping Chase open his present

We had Mobley Christmas the Saturday before Christmas. This was the year The Parks went to TN to be with Clif's parents. Paige and Grace had a blast opening and playing with their gifts. Chase had fun riding on his gift when Paige didn't have it. All of Chase's gifts were taken by Paige and she decided when he could have them. I had to nip that in the bud quickly because he wasn't able to play with anything!! We had a great time and can't wait until next year!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Preschool Program

Paige's Preschool put on a Christmas Program. Her class was the star in Bethlehem. It was really cute and I loved watching her on stage. She didn't like being up there but I hope that gets better as she gets older!!

9 Months

WOW!! Time flies and is getting faster:) Chase was 9 months on December 8!! So he is actually almost 10 months. This last month has gone so fast with the holidays. Chase has had a really good month. We will see what the next one brings!!

Night in Bethlehem

Paige and Chase in front of the well

Making an ornament at Night in Bethlehem

Making bread!

Our church has "Night in Bethlehem" every December. They turn the nursery wing into Bethlehem and have lots for the kids to do. Paige has really enjoyed it the last 2 years. It is something really neat for the kids to walk through and see what Bethlehem could have looked like when Jesus was born.

Christmas Tree Lighting

In front of the Christmas Tree in Downtown Bryan

Chase taken it all in !!!


Dinner at Mr G's pizza before the Chirstmas Tree Lighting


We spent Thanksgiving in Texas this year at my parents house. We had our traditional Thanksgiving meal and spent the whole day at my parents house. In the past we would go to a movie or play a game. This year everyone just sat around and watched the kids play. We had a lot of fun spending time together!!