Thursday, September 29, 2011

Alike or different???

I thought I would do a comparison picture of Paige and Chase!! They do look alike in some ways but in others they look totally different. Everyone says Paige looks like Clif and Chase looks like me. I don't know because I see them everyday and I think they look similar!!

Crawling is to much work!!!

"I think I can get this toy"

"Maybe Mommy will get it for me if I smile"

"I will try"

"This is to much work!! I will just look at it"

Friday, September 23, 2011

6 Months

Chase is 6 months old ( I am late on this)!!! He is getting so big and is such a laid back baby. He loves to play with his toys and especially the ones that are teethers. I am waiting for those top two front teeth to come through. He got his bottom front ones at 4 months!!! His sleep is still the same with waking up once at night. Other than that he is playing a little more and will rock on his tummy like he wants to start moving. I am excited to see what the next month brings!!

Aggie Day!!

Clif loves these pictures because we are all in Aggie gear!!! He thinks he has 2 little Aggies but we will see what college they really want to go to in the future!! Sic'em:)

Labor Day!!

Chase enjoying the pool for the first time!
Swimming in Mimi & Papaw's pool

Smore's for dessert


First day of Preschool

Paige and her Preschool teacher at "Meet the Teacher Night"

First day of 3 year old Preschool 2010-2011

Paige started 3 year old Preschool this year and she is having so much fun. She go 3 days a week instead of 2 like MDO. I have to remind myself on Thursday nights that she has school the next day. We are not use to that!!! She loves to learn so I knew she would enjoy going to school instead of MDO. She is growing up so fast and I think looks so old in these pictures!