Monday, August 8, 2011

5 Months Old!!!

Chase is 5 months old!! Actually he was 5 months on the 8th!! He is getting a little personality and starting to really interact!! Here are some things he has done this month!

*He still sleeps from 8:00- around 4:30 and then goes back to sleep until around 7-7:30. I am really ready for him to drop that bottle!!

*He has started turning over on his own to sleep on his belly. He actually sleeps better during naps now that he sleeps on his belly.

*He has rolled from tummy to back a couple of times. He loves rolling from back to tummy!!

*He has started eating cereal and fruit. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we will get a set schedule on eating solids!!

*He loves pretty much anything and will chill for the most part. His favorite toys are any small toy that he can put into his mouth.

*He is starting to really sit up but still gets tired and falls!!

*He is wearing some 6 month clothing but mostly 9 month clothing!!! He is a big boy:)

I can't wait to see what the rest of this month brings!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


It is crazy how fast life goes and how much my own life has changed in the last 5 years. I knew I always wanted to be a mom, loved babysitting other people's kids, etc... I have to admit I had no clue what "being a mom" really meant!! I love these two precious littles one so much but everyday brings on a new challenge. It could also be that Paige is all about her own opinion and is living up to being 3 years old!! WOW is all I can say about 3 year olds:) I for sure have learned a lot from her about myself lately. As I watch Paige and Chase play and interact with life I get a little sad that they are already growing up so fast. Paige is starting 3 year old preschool in the Fall and Chase will be in MDO. This time of year has been hard for me that past 4 years because this is when I would go back to teaching and get everything ready for the new school year. I do miss that but I know that I will get to do that again one day!! I do love staying home with these two but do miss my teaching days:) I tell myself daily to hang in there because once Chase starts school I am going to wish for these peaceful days at home with my little ones!!! I think parenting is the hardest but most rewarding job ever!! I just have to prep myself some days to make it through the whole day but remind myself each day they get older. This means closer to starting school. That is why I hug them a little longer/tighter, pray & stay calm before I react to some situations and remember that God is teaching me something everyday!!! I love you Paige & Chase!!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Not again.....

Paige decided Chase needed to be the prince!!

Paige playing dress up with Chase. She told him that he was the prince and she was the princess!!

It is really neat to see how Paige interacts with Chase. She is always wanting to play with him and hold him. Once he shows no interest she is on her way to something else!! I hope these two will one day be good play mates!! Chase is pretty laid back and will let her do whatever to him. If she hurts him he will let everyone know but other than that he doesn't care. I know soon he will start defending himself and Paige isn't going to like it one bit!!!