Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lots of first

* These are backwards*

Just finished rolling over from back to tummy

Almost there!!

Starting to roll

Thinking about rolling

First time in a highchair

First playdate

First time in an exersaucer

First rice cereal

First chew toy!!

Chase has had a lot of first in the month of July!! He is getting so big and really starting to interact with everyone:)

Friday, July 8, 2011

4 Months

Wow I can't believe Chase is 4 months old!! He is still a happy content baby. Eating is one of his favorite things to do. He is on a 3 hour schedule but once that 3 hour mark hits he is ready to eat!! Sleeping is still the same. He wakes up once at night and that time differs everynight. I do feed him because he is one hungry guy. I am going to start solids soon. I have been giving him rice cereal but he isn't really interested. He loves to squeal, play on the floor, play in his exersaucer and sit in his bumbo. He also has rolled from his back. He gets made when he is on his stomach so I can always turning him back over!! I can't wait to see what next month brings!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Fourth of July

Fourth of July weeked was busy and fun!! Clif's brother Colt came to visit us!! Paige LOVES her Uncle Colt so she was having a blast all weekend. Then on Monday, July 4 we went out to my parents house to cookout and swim. Like usual Paige had a great time swimming and Chase had fun watching!!