Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mulching the flower beds!!

Paige loves helping especially when we are doing something outside!! She helped Clif mulch the front and back flower beds. Chase just watched while I did stuff inside the house. She is not afraid of getting dirty. I hope this continues in the future:)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day Swim

For Father's Day we went out to my parents house to celebrate. Chase got into the pool for one of the first times. He LOVES water and had a good time. It was hard holding him up the whole time so I handed him off to his papaw. We had a good time swimming, eating and celebrating with family.

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to the best daddy in the world!!!!


Chase and Paige

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Paige and Grace on the seawall

Paige couldn't wait to get her feet in the water!

Paige at Moody Gardens


Clif, Chase and I at the beach

Paige, Papaw & Grace building a castle

This is what I got when I asked Paige to smile!!

Chase is having fun!!

We took a Mobley family vacation last weekend to Galveston. It was really fun and the kids had a blast. We went to Moody Gardens, Schlitterbaun, the strand, swimming in the pool and the beach. The Hotel Galvez was having their 100th year celebration and had a huge fireworks show on Saturday night. Paige was in awe. She loved all the colors and still wanted more when it was done. That was actually the best fireworks show I have ever seen. On Sunday we went on a dolphin tour and then headed home. It was a lot of fun!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Chase is 3 Months Old!!

Chase is growing up so fast!! He is already 3 months old! He started smiling, holding his head better and grabbing onto things this month. His little personality is starting to show. He is very content unless he is hungry!! Most nights he will sleep from 7:45-4:30 and then back down until around 7:00. We have to work on the naps during the day. He is just like his sister and doesn't nap very long at a time. I am really liking both of my littles ages right now. They are both doing something different all the time and both keep me on my toes!!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Paige's 3rd Birthday Party

Paige had her little party at my parents splash pad. We also rented a princess bounce house because Paige said she would like a princess castle party!!! Of course I didn't get any pictures of the bounce house. Everyone had a good time and I can't believe she is already 3!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Paige's Birthday!!

Chase, Paige and I outside of Chuy's for Paige's birthday lunch. She got to pick the place she wanted to eat and I kind of helped her with her decision!!
Clif, Chase and Paige eating at Chuy's for Paige's birthday lunch!!

Grace and Paige swimming in the backyard for Paige's birthday!!

About to open presents for Paige's birthday!!

Paige loving her princesses and prince dolls that she got for her birthday!

Paige turned 3 on June 3!! I can't believe she is already 3 years old!! For the past two years the day of her birthday I have let her do whatever she wanted. We started out the day in swim lessons. Then we headed to Chuy's for lunch with Clif and Chase. I helped her pick that place. Then after her nap Grace came over to swim. We order pizza for dinner and the whole family came over to celebrate.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Last night as a 2 year old!!

Paige telling us she will be 3 tomorrow!!!

Last night as a two year old!!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Chase has been smiling and talking for about a week now!! I love hearing his little sounds he makes. He was really smiling this morning for Clif and I. I love these little milestones!!


Chase smiling with daddy's tractors he played with as a little boy!

Singing "Happy Birthday "

to Paige

Clif's family celebrating Paige's birthday while we were in TN. They aren't going to be able to make it here for her birthday so they threw her a little birthday celebration.

At Shoguns for Paige's birthday

Clif, Colt and Paige at Shoguns

Paige excited to eat cake for her birthday

Clif, Paige and Chase on a tractor. This was Chase's first tractor ride:)

Clif and Paige riding Shadow. Clif's parents put these sand bags around their whole house because their town was the town that would have flooded if the levee broke on the Mississippi river two weeks ago. Thankfully it went down but everyone in their town took all their furniture out of their houses because it was a high possibility that the town was going to flood.

Chase on Shadow!!

Memaw holding Chase for the first time!! This is Clif's grandmother that is 92 years old!!! Doesn't she look great!!!!

We went to TN last week for Clif's mom's mom funeral. She passed away last week so we all loaded up and headed to his parents. We got to see lots of family and Chase got to meet everyone. They both got to ride horses and ride the tractor. We celebrated Paige's birthday while we were there and got to have some quality family time. The next time we make it back Chase will be 9 months old!!!

Chase's Baby Dedication

Sorry this picture is a little blurry but it was the best one I had of us on stage.
Our little family of four!! Paige is refusing to smile at the camera. Actually both kids are not looking but you get what you can get!!! This was after the dedication.


Baby dedication is one of my favorite times in my children's lives. This is a special time to show our church what the Lord blessed us with. Clif and I pray daily for both of our children and that with the Lord we will raise them to love him and they will live their lives for him. I am so excited to see what the Lord has planned for our family in the future. Each day is such a special day that I try my best to love on Paige and Chase and thank the Lord for these two.