Friday, May 20, 2011


I just love little boys in hats!!! This is the first time Chase has been in the swing outside. He loved is so much he feel asleep:) He is getting so big!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Chase had his little friend Gabe over yesterday for a playdate. Well actually both boys slept the whole time and Marcy and I talked. It was so good to have adult conversation in the middle of the day!! Chase is 10 weeks old and Gabe is 3 weeks old!!! Chase looks huge in this picture.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Woodlands

For my Mother's Day present Chase and Paige sent me to The Woodlands for a night off. It was heavenly!!!!! I took my two sisters with me and we had a blast. We drove there around 3:00 on a Friday and got there around 4:30. We checked into our hotel and relaxed a little. It was weird laying down on the bed and not having to get up because a baby starts crying or a certain 2 1/2 year old needs to go potty!!! We went to dinner at Benihanas and sat with all the prom kids!! After dinner we went to Target to get matching pj pants. One of my favorite things to do is get in my pjs early and watch a movie. Well with a newborn and 2 1/2 year old that is hard. So we did just that. We went back to the hotel and got settled into our beds and watched 2 movies. It was incredible. My younger sister Kristen did say she hasn't gotten in bed that early in awhile and could we please go to the pool. Of course not 30 minutes later she was asleep! Haha!!! The next morning we all slept in and get ready really slow. We went to lunch at Lupe Tortillas and then headed to the mall. After a little shopping we had cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory. Wow we had a blast but were glad to go home. I could do that once a month but when I told Clif that he just looked at me:) Thank you Clif, Paige and Chase for sending me away for the night. I was well rested to start back on mommy duty!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

I had a great Mother's Day 2011!! We went to church and just hung out as a family of four. Clif let me take a Sunday nap which I miss so much right now. Chase usually isn't on Paige's nap schedule so when he fall asleep she is getting up. I use to love taking a Sunday nap, so that was really nice!! Chase and Paige gave me a night off at a hotel for Mother's Day. I really wanted this since I have a newborn and don't remember what it is like to sleep all night and not have a baby to take care of 24/7. So Clif booked a hotel room for me and my sister's for the next weekend in The Woodlands. The next post will tell you all about it!! It was heavenly but I was excited to come home to my little family. Mother's Day was a great day and I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family:)

2 Months Old!!!

Chase turned 2 months old on May 8th!! He weighed 12 pounds 14 ounces at his 2 month check up. I still don't think he looks anything like Paige. He loves to sleep during the day but is waking up a little more. He will sleep from 8:30 to around 3:30 am. Then goes right back down after a bottle and will usually sleep to anywhere from 6:30-7:30. He has gone all night to around 6:00 a couple of times but he usually likes a bottle in the middle of the night. To sooth himself he sucks his finger. He started out using a pacifier but will not take one anymore. So I will just have to break him of thumb sucking down the road!!! For now it works:) He has smiled a couple of times and loves to stare at the fan!!! All in all he is growing up and I can't wait to see what happens this month!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Church Fair

Paige showing me her bumblebee
Playing a toss game

Riding a horse

Eating popcorn and riding the train

Family Picture!! Here is proof that Chase did attend the fair!! We all had a great time and the weather was awesome. This was the first one that Paige could do everything there. She had a great time playing in the bounce house, riding the horse and playing all the games. I can't wait until the Fall Festival and hopefully Chase will get to do a little more at that one:)