Friday, April 15, 2011

Daddy/Daughter Dance

Tonight was our churches Daddy/Daughter dance. Paige was so excited to go dance with her daddy. She was showing me some moves at the house before they left!! She got to wear her dress from Aunt Kristen's wedding. Clif said that she danced the whole time and had a blast. Chase and I had a date to Target and then Chick-fil-a. He slept the whole time but he was still a pretty good date:)

Houston Zoo

Melissa, Grace, Kristen, Marshall, Paige, Chase and I loaded up this morning and headed to the Houston Zoo. The girls love the zoo and we usually go to the Waco Zoo. We decided to do something different and tackle the Houston Zoo before the Summer. The weather was perfect and the girls had a blast. Chase was even awake for some of it!! We all had a blast and can't wait to go again after Summer ends!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

1 Month Old!!

Chase is 1 month old!!! I used the same rocker to take Paige's monthly pictures and decided to do the same with Chase. Paige wanted to be in the picture with "little brother"!! This past month we have been doing the whole newborn thing around here. Chase sleeps alot and wants to eat every 2- 2 1/2 hours. I try to hold him off for 3 hours!! He is waking up about every 2-3 hours at night. I forgot how hard nights can be!!! When Chase is awake he is pretty content unless he is hungry. This past week his little eyes are open a little longer which I love to see!! I am excited to see what the next month brings!!