Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A sister's love

Can you find Chase in this picture? Paige decided she wanted to read to him and put stuff animals all around him. Don't worry I moved the ones that were to close. She is a great big sister!!
Paige wanted to give Chase his first bath. So we let her and she did a great job. Chase did great also. This is so different from Paige's first bath. Paige screamed and Chase chilled. I am wondering if this will be his personality.
Paige giving Chase his bottle. This was her first time to give a him a bottle and she loved it. I had to finish it for her but she enjoyed starting it.
We are on our way to the doctor for Chase's jaundice visit. We ended up in the hospital for 2 days after this with him under the light. Luckily his levels went down quickly and we were back home after that.
Paige holding Chase for the first time!! She loves him so much and is always wanting to help us do things for him. I hope this excitement continues and they become friends one day. I just love them both so much and can't wait for both of them to interact with each other!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Chase Edward Parks

Born: March 8, 2011
Weight: 8 pounds 8 ounces
Height: 19 1/2 inches
Time: 12:04
I am so in love with this little boy!! I will say it is hard starting over again but he is worth it! He is the sweetest little baby. He likes to eat every 2 hours so I am not getting much rest. I have started holding him off during the day to every 3 hours. I am hoping this helps!! Paige loves him so much. She is always wanting to help out. I can't believe he is 2 weeks and 2 days old. The time has flown since I have Paige to help me:) Everyone says he looks like me and nothing like Paige. I will have to post some of Paige at this age to let you see the difference.