Thursday, January 27, 2011


Christmas Morning at our house

Christmas with the Parks at Colt's house

We spent Christmas this year at home and with my parents. Paige got some fun new toys and "Baby Brother" got some new clothes!!! We had a great day hanging out with family. Over New Year's we went to Oklahoma to Clif's brother's house. We did Christmas with the Parks there!!

Gingerbread House

Paige had so much fun making her first Gingerbread House. I know this will be one of our traditions every Christmas. She is just like her daddy and that she loves putting things together and making them work. I think Clif had just as much fun if not more making this house!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

December Pictures

Paige in front of tree
Paige's "Happy Birthday Jesus Party" at MDO

Paige at Camryn's first birthday

Grace, Papaw & Paige
Paige excited about picking out a tree

Night in Bethlehem

Ready to go to Night in Bethlehem
I am soooo far behind so I thought I would start posting all the fun pictures from December. I still have more to post but here is a little bit of what went on in December!!