Friday, September 24, 2010

Clif's Birthday

Clif turned 34 this year!!! Paige had fun helping wrap the gifts and make the cake. She loves birthday parties and wanted to open all of Clif's presents herself. After we opened gifts we dropped Paige off at Aunt Kristens so Clif and I could go to a quiet dinner:) It was a great day and we can't wait until the next birthday in the family:)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First day of MDO!!

Paige was really excited about MDO starting back up. She gets to have her same teacher as last year and loves her:) I am also excited to have a little break on Mondays and Wednesdays.


Paige has started gymnastics and to my surprise likes it. I signed her up for a trial run and she seems to enjoy it. So we will stick with it!! Here cousin Grace is doing it with her so that makes it more fun:)