Sunday, June 27, 2010

Texas Reds

We had a really good time this year at our town's annual Texas Reds Festival. Paige got to enjoy the kids zone and eating all the good carnival food. It was extremely HOT this year but we had a good time anyways. Paige took a second nap when we got home and that hasn't happened in over a year!!! We can't wait until next year:)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Polka Dot Party

Paige had her 2nd birthday party on Saturday. We had it at my parents house at the splah pad. All of her friends had a really good time playing and eating cake. It took Paige a little bit to warm up to all the people being out there. Once she got used to everyone she started to play. Her birthday was a success and she had a great time.

Thursday, June 3, 2010



1 year old

2 years old

I wanted to show how much older Paige looks and how much she has changed in just 2 years!! The first pictures was taken in the hospital, the next one at her 1st birthday and the last was her 2 year old pictures:)

Happy Birthday!!!!

Paige turned 2 on June 3rd!!!!! I can't believe that 2 years ago she entered this world!!! We had a really fun day planned. After she woke up and got dressed I took Paige and her friend Eli to eat donuts. Afterwards Eli and Paige played in the front yard for a little while. Then we headed to the mall to play with Maddie, Peyton and Eli. We also ate at Paige's favorite place Chick-fil-a!!! After naps Eli's mommy came and got him, so Paige and I headed to U-Paint-it. Grace met us there and the girls got to paint. Paige painted a ladybug and Grace painted a G. Once we were done painting my family headed over to the house and we celebrated Paige's birthday with everyone. Paige had a really good day and got to do fun things all day long. I picked all of her favorite things and that is what we did. I can't believe another year has gone but I am excited to see what this year brings:)