Tuesday, May 25, 2010

2 year pictures

These are some of Paige's 2 year old pictures that were taken in Downtown Bryan. It took her about 30 minutes to warm up but then she decided getting her picture taken was fine. She is a child of many faces. When I was making her outfit I was deciding between 2 fabrics. I am so glad I went with the one I did because those colors looked really good with the many backgrounds!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Summer Fun!!!

Paige has become a little fish!! Last year I was worried because she didn't like the pool very much but this year is a different story. We have been going to the pool a lot lately and Paige has loved every minute of it. Yesterday we went out to my parents house and Paige got to try out the slide for the second time. She wouldn't go down by herself but she loved it when we would go down with her. I see a lot of pool time in our future:)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Church Country Fair

Paige loving on the goat
Paige on the pony with Clif holding onto her

Paige and Grace playing a duck game

Paige playing ring toss

Paige and Grace eating snocones

Our church does a fair every year around May and then in October. Paige is now at the age where she was able to do some of the games. She had a blast riding the pony and petting all the animals. I always look forward to the fair because it is a huge outreach to the community and lots of games and bounce houses for the kids to enjoy.