Saturday, December 12, 2009

Making Christmas Cookies!!!

Paige stirring the mixture

She loved the cookie cutters
Making the cookies

"When will they be done Mommy"?

Putting the sprinkles on the iced cookies


Finished product:)

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Ready to go the "Bethlehem" at the church Making pottery like they did in Bethlehem

Playing with the animals in the Bethlehem petting zoo

Making bread from dough

Painting an ornament
I took Paige to Bethlehem at our church and she loved playing at the different centers they had set up. The preschool wing of our church was transformed into Bethlehem from the time before Jesus was born. There were different stations set up that the children could explore what it would be like during that time. It was a really neat learning and playing experience. Paige did not like taking her picture with Mary and Joseph but she had a good time other than that!!

Feeding the deer

The crew about to go feed the deer apples!!

Papaw, Grace & Paige getting the deer to come eat the apples from them
Paige eating the apple that she is suppose to be feeding the deerPaige trying to get the deer to play with her!!
The girls have so much fun feeding the rescued deer that my dad has out at his house. Paige will wait for the deer to come to her and she will hold out the apple. The deer eat right out of her hand. Then she tries to hug them and it always scares them away. Paige LOVES animals and she thinks that she can hug all of them even if they are deer:)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Washington D.C.

Arlington Cemetery
Jefferson Monument

Mt. Vernon
George Washington's Home

The Capitol

Leaves changing colors!!!
Clif goes to Washington D.C. a lot for business and he always wants me to tag along. Well I finally decided it was time to leave Paige for longer than 2 days and go with him. I LOVED it!!! The buildings were beautiful and there was so much to see. Clif did an internship there in College so he had fun showing me around. My favorite was going to Mt. Vernon to see where George Washington lived. We had a really good time but missed Paige a lot. I am so glad I finally made it to Washington D.C.!!