Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Galveston, Texas

Paige and Grace wouldn't look at me because the sun was in their eyes.
Paige has so much fun in the water!!
Clif, Paige and I taking our annual picture on the steps.
Grace looks terrified as Paige pushed her around the house. This was the first night we were in Galveston and the girls had to try out the dump truck.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Charleston, South Carolina

Paige loved looking at all the fish at the aquarium

The Parks family
The houses in Charleston were amazing and well kept!
This was one of my favorite houses. It was actually one of the smaller ones but I loved the way it looked. The houses were all amazing and most of them gigantic.
Paige playing in the ballroom at the Old Exchange building in Charleston. This is where the continental congress met and debated the declaring independence from Great Britain before the Revolutionary War.
We went on a carriage ride through downtown Charleston. Paige loved watching the horse and all the people.
Paige pushing her stroller down the street
This is what the inside of the submarine "The Hunley" looked like. This submarine was the first submarine to carry out a successful attack on an enemy vessel during the Civil War.
Paige's first time on a beach. She loved playing in the sand and sitting in the water. I think she liked the water the best because she kept drinking it!!
Paige and Clif looking at the Atlantic Ocean. Paige loved looking at all the birds and pointing to them.
Paige having fun in the restaurant before dinner.
This is the inside of Fort Sumter where the first shot of the Civil War happened.
This plantation home was the only one that survived the Civil War along the Ashley river. The home looks just like it did back then. This plantation is called Drayton Hall.
Paige and I on the plane to Charleston, South Carolina. We met Clif's parents and brother there for a vacation. We had so much fun and learned so much. Charleston is a very beautiful town that has so much history. I would love to go back one day.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Watching Veggie Tales

Paige has started to really like watching cartoons. She is usually playing while she watches, but when she needs down time this is how she focuses. Her favorite right now are Veggie Tales and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse:)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy Fourth of July!!

We had a very relaxing Fourth of July this year. Clif, Paige and I just hung out at the house until about 4:00 Saturday afternoon. Then we headed to my parents house to swim and cookout. Paige stayed in the pool for about an hour which is great for her. Around 9 we headed back to town and went to the airport to see the fireworks. It was a great day!!!!