Saturday, May 23, 2009


We went to Oklahoma for Memorial weekend to visit Clif's brother Colt.  Paige went to the zoo for the first time and LOVED all the animals.  She would reach out to them to pet but she didn't realize she couldn't touch them.  She also rode Colt's horse and loved him.  We had a really good trip and can't wait to go again!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Paige thinks she is helping me but really she is making TONS of messes!!  It is really neat to watch her try to do something that I just did.  She follows me around like my shadow and is always wanting what I have.  I love this age:)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Pony ride

Paige had her first pony ride at Zachery's birthday party.  She LOVED the pony and would have stayed on it if I let her.  I think she will like horses just like her daddy:)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Fun at the park

Paige saying hello!
Paige loves crawling through tunnels

Her daddy taught her how to climb the slide which was a very bad idea!!
Just look at those legs!!  The girls had a lot of fun playing at playgroup today.  Paige really didn't like the splash pad because the water got in her face.  She is going to have to get use to it because we will be at the splash pad or pool all summer!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

First swim

Paige and Grace had a really good time swimming at Mimi and Papaw's pool.  Grace was all over the place but Paige decided to stay in the same spot until she was ready to get out.  She splashed water in her eyes at one point and was done with the pool after that.  They both a good time and I know there will be lots of swimming this Summer.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

11 months old!!

Paige is 11 months old today!!!