Sunday, April 19, 2009

Church Country Fair

Paige hitting Grace!!

Our church had their annual County Fair tonight and the weather turned out to be great!!  Paige had a good time petting the animals and watching all the people.  There were lots of games and bounce toys that she will enjoy next year.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Paige had a great first Easter!!  We went to church and then out to mimi and papaw's house to play.  She had lots of fun with all the plastic eggs.  We tried to get her to crawl to them but she was only interested in one at a time.  Paige was not into taking pictures today.  She wouldn't look at the camera and smile like she usually does.  Oh well I tried:)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Making Easter Eggs

Paige helped make the rice krispie treats and dye Easter eggs.  She had more fun with the dye.  She would watch Clif pick up an egg and then drop it in the dye.  Before we knew it she was picking up the egg and dropping it in the dye.  Her drop was a little rough and dye ended up on her hands and pjs.  Paige really liked eating the rice krispie egg and I let her this once.  We had a lot of fun:)

Friday, April 10, 2009


Courtney, Mandi, Kristi, Jaime, Me, Naomi
The babies of the group
Kensley and Paige at the fountain
Reed, Chloe, Wyatt, Kensley, Ashley, Reese, Paige and Caroline
Paige looking at the Baylor Bear
Paige riding the horse at Aunt Kristen's apartment
Playing in the rocks at Aunt Kristen's apartment

Paige and I went to Waco to stay with Kristen for the night and to meet up with some of my college friends.  We had so much fun and Paige loved playing at the park.  I know there will be more fun road trips for us in the future!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

10 months

Paige is showing me her leaf!!
Paige is showing me her stick. She loves to explore outside in the grass. You never know what she has in her hands. Her favorite are rocks!!

Paige is climbing on everything these days!!!

Paige crawling to her toy. She started crawling last week!!!!!

Paige is 10 months old!!! She started crawling last week and is getting better at it everyday. She loves to crawl and cry while doing it:) I don't think she understands that she can now be happier because she can get places. We have also been spending a lot more time outside. Paige would rather be outside then inside. She is getting her top 2 teeth right now and has 2 ear infections. This month has been interesting but she has been learning so much. I can't wait to see what she does this next month.