Thursday, March 26, 2009


Here are some pictures of Paige in the bluebonnets. It was very difficult to get her to look at us with a smile. She was so interested in the bluebonnets that she could have cared less about the camera. I know we were entertainment for the cars driving by because Clif and I were both jumping up and down trying to get her to smile. It was a lot of fun!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New trick!!

Here are two of Paige's new tricks. When I come get her from a nap or in the morning this is how I have found her. I guess it is time to lower the bed!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Pool Fun!!

Paige decided the grass was more fun than the pool!!

Melissa and I put the girls in the pool for the first time this year. The water was a little cold and Grace didn't like it. Paige got use to it and played for a little while. She loved splashing the water until she found the grass. Once she discovered she could get to the grass the pool was no longer fun.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

9 months old!!

Paige is 9 months old!! I can't believe that she is just 3 months from a year old. She is just fine sitting and playing with all her toys around her. If something is out of reach she will move to another toy instead of crawling to get the one she wants. She is in no hurry to crawl. She will still rock on her knees and reach but then she sits back down if she can't get to something. She started to wave bye bye and clap this month. Paige is also eating a lot more real food and cutting back on baby food. Her favorite word right now is dadada and "ah". I am excited to see what this next month brings!!