Saturday, January 31, 2009

Papaw's birthday

Papaw turned 57!!!

Papaw, Grace and Paige

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tutu and bathing suit!!

Paige had a photo session today. She got a tutu for Christmas and I decided to put it on her. She loved playing with it. I also got her a bathing suit for the summer. She is going to have lots of fun swimming at Mimi and Papaw's house!!! I love the water and I can't wait for Paige to take the baby swimming class. I know it is January, but you can never be to prepared:)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas with The Parks

Paige's new outfit from Clif's grandmother for Christmas
Paige loves her new horse mobile from her grandma

Paige's Christmas gifts

Colt and Paige opening her gift

Clif, Colt and Paige

Saturday, January 3, 2009

7 Months Old!!

7 months old!!!

Paige wouldn't sit still long enough for me to get a good shot!!

Paige wouldn't look at the camera. All she wanted to do was hold the sign. Wow have things changed!!

Finally she looked at the camera!!
Paige is 7 months old!! She has really developed a personality over the last month. She loves to sit up and sit in a highchair at resturants. She has two front teeth coming in. They are so little and cute. She loves to babble "da da" and talk really loud. Her favorite toys are the real ones that she doesn't need to play with. This past month has been really big for her. I know the next will be even more exciting.