Saturday, December 12, 2009

Making Christmas Cookies!!!

Paige stirring the mixture

She loved the cookie cutters
Making the cookies

"When will they be done Mommy"?

Putting the sprinkles on the iced cookies


Finished product:)

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Ready to go the "Bethlehem" at the church Making pottery like they did in Bethlehem

Playing with the animals in the Bethlehem petting zoo

Making bread from dough

Painting an ornament
I took Paige to Bethlehem at our church and she loved playing at the different centers they had set up. The preschool wing of our church was transformed into Bethlehem from the time before Jesus was born. There were different stations set up that the children could explore what it would be like during that time. It was a really neat learning and playing experience. Paige did not like taking her picture with Mary and Joseph but she had a good time other than that!!

Feeding the deer

The crew about to go feed the deer apples!!

Papaw, Grace & Paige getting the deer to come eat the apples from them
Paige eating the apple that she is suppose to be feeding the deerPaige trying to get the deer to play with her!!
The girls have so much fun feeding the rescued deer that my dad has out at his house. Paige will wait for the deer to come to her and she will hold out the apple. The deer eat right out of her hand. Then she tries to hug them and it always scares them away. Paige LOVES animals and she thinks that she can hug all of them even if they are deer:)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Washington D.C.

Arlington Cemetery
Jefferson Monument

Mt. Vernon
George Washington's Home

The Capitol

Leaves changing colors!!!
Clif goes to Washington D.C. a lot for business and he always wants me to tag along. Well I finally decided it was time to leave Paige for longer than 2 days and go with him. I LOVED it!!! The buildings were beautiful and there was so much to see. Clif did an internship there in College so he had fun showing me around. My favorite was going to Mt. Vernon to see where George Washington lived. We had a really good time but missed Paige a lot. I am so glad I finally made it to Washington D.C.!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I am so thankful for many things that the Lord has blessed me with. This year has been one of the best years of my life watching Paige grow into a little lady. She has changed so much and has become VERY independent. As you can see looking at the camera and smiling doesn't happen these days because it was not on her terms. She is such a joy and I am so thankful that God blessed us with her. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


This year for Advent we hosted a table for our Sunday School class. It was so much fun looking at all the amazing tables, talking to our friends and eating dessert!!! This was our table that we set up!! I really enjoyed the girl time and getting ready for the holidays. It made me want to go home and get out all my Christmas decorations:)

Monday, November 2, 2009

New camera!!

For my birthday Clif got me a new camera. I am always getting mad at my old one because it doesn't take quick the picture quick. Paige has already stopped smiling or has moved on by the time takes the picture. I love my new camera and the pictures are soooo much better. The only problem with something new is you have to learn how to use and practice with it. I am getting better but still learning. Paige is helping me open my presents. I can't believe I am another year older!!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

My insects!!

This is Paige last year in her bumblebee costume!
This is Paige as a ladybug this year for Halloween!! It is crazy what a difference a year makes when they are young!!

Fall Festival

Ladybug Paige with her snack trap!!

Clif and Paige
Paige loved the pig and tried to ride it.
The goats were a hit!!!

Me, Paige, Melissa and Grace

Ladybug Paige

Clif and I took Paige to our churches Fall Festival. Paige had so much fun running around and playing. She loved the petting zoo. We were going to ride the horse but the line was really long. She had a good ole hot dog for dinner and her daddy's lemonade:) We all had a good time and can't wait until next year.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Melissa and I took the girls to the pumpkin patch. They had so much fun running around and picking up all the pumpkins. There were some animals and a hay maze that they went through. The Fall is always such a fun time of the year because there is so much stuff to do with kids!!! Paige got to pick her own pumpkin and we put it next to her scarecrow on the front door. I will have to take a picture of her with her Fall decorations and post them later:)

Remodeling and boots

My dad is remodeling his pool and the girls got a chance to play in it while there was no pool water. They loved climbing on the rocks and sitting in the waterfall area. Paige put on her boots and had so much fun splashing around in the rain water. You can't tell but it was raining a little during this time but it didn't seem to bother the girls. Now every time we go outside Paige wants to wear her boots!!!