Saturday, December 27, 2008


I don't think Paige is going to be afraid of big animals. She loves her Papaw's office that is full of animals. Clif put her on the bear and she started feeling the fur. She was a little scared of the alligator but got used to it fast. I know between her Papaw and Clif she is going to be hunting in the next couple of year.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas afternoon

Paige is playing with one of her new toys she got from Mimi and Papaw.
Paige and Grace

Paige is very curious these days and when she is trying to figure out something she makes this face. She is sitting in her new chair from Mimi and Papaw. She got an outdoor set for the back porch. It is the perfect size for her and she loves sitting in the chair and watching things.

Paige and her new outdoor set!!

Paige and Grace before we opened gifts

Christmas morning

Paige had so much fun playing with her new gifts that Santa brought her. She loves playing with the little people farm and her blocks. The farm makes all the animal sounds if you open the gates. She doesn't really understand how to make the noises go so she waits until I move something to make them go. One day she will get it!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Clif and I took Paige to the Christmas Eve service at Central. Paige had a good time wearing her Christmas dress and playing with all the other little ones in the nursery. When we got home I read her the Christmas story and put her to bed. She was so excited that Santa was coming:)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sitting is so much fun!

If I don't sit Paige up she gets so mad. The days of laying her on her back the whole time she plays is over. It is kind of sad that she is growing up so fast. I was cleaning the kitchen and put her on the counter. She had more fun playing with an envelope and talking. She would have sat here all day if I let her.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It snowed!!!

Paige loved the snow and cold weather. She had so much fun playing in the snow. I can't believe that for her first Christmas she got to see snow!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

First Christmas Tree

Paige had so much fun picking out our Christmas tree for this year. It was way past her bed time but never fussed while we were putting the tree up. She wouldn't take her eyes off the Christmas lights.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

6 months old!!

Paige is 6 months old today!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Look at the difference between the two of them!!!
Paige and Grace

Paige attacking Grace on the cheek

Grace and Paige