Everyone in northern Europe seems to be enduring snowy conditions but before it arrived in earnest, we had a day just before Christmas when there was a very light dusting of snow. Maybe it was the fact that there was only a dusting which made them stand out...so I looked closer at the snowflakes.
And do you know what? It was the first time that I had ever noticed the details in real snowflakes with my own eyes! So I grabbed the camera...
C'est difficile à croire, mais jusqu'à la semaine dernière, je croyais que le coup des flocons de neige , c'était....TRES exagéré!
Comme si les flocons stylisés décoratifs que j'ai toujours connu et les vrais flocons qui tombent du ciel présentaient "la même différence" qu'Hello Kitty et ...un vrai chat!
So much detail in a couple of millimetres! And all different! It makes the mind boggle when you consider the quantity that have fallen recently :)
It seems that nature can hold her own when it comes to making beautiful miniatures!
Voici donc quelques miniatures entièrement naturelles, rien que pour vos yeux :) (faut pas toucher, sinon ça fond...)