Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Unique Miniatures - Naturally...

Everyone in northern Europe seems to be enduring snowy conditions but before it arrived in earnest, we had a day just before Christmas when there was a very light dusting of snow.  Maybe it was the fact that there was only a dusting which made them stand I looked closer at the snowflakes.

And do you know what?  It was the first time that I had ever noticed the details in real snowflakes with my own eyes!  So I grabbed the camera...

C'est difficile à croire, mais jusqu'à la semaine dernière, je croyais que le coup des flocons de neige , c'était....TRES exagéré!

Je m'explique: bien sûr j'ai entendu dire que ces petites choses étaient d'une beauté étourdissante, et qu'ils étaient tous différents (ce qui laisse à réfléchir, j'avoue, avec rien qu'avec ceux qu'il ya devant chez nous ;-) mais je croyais que c'était au niveau MOLECULAIRE, pas que c'était visible à l'oeil nu!!!!!!
Comme si les flocons stylisés décoratifs que j'ai toujours connu et les vrais flocons qui tombent du ciel présentaient "la même différence" qu'Hello Kitty et ...un vrai chat!

So much detail in a couple of millimetres!  And all different!  It makes the mind boggle when you consider the quantity that have fallen recently :) 

It seems that nature can hold her own when it comes to making beautiful miniatures!

Voici donc quelques miniatures entièrement naturelles, rien que pour vos yeux :) (faut pas toucher, sinon ça fond...)

Comme quoi, il n'est jamais trop tard ;-)

Friday, 24 December 2010

Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noël !

The presents are wrapped, the turkey is in the oven and the foie gras is slowly coming up to room temperature, which leaves just one more thing to do before we start 'Le Réveillon de Noël"...

Les cadeaux sont emballés, la dinde est au four, le foie gras mi-cuit nous attend sagement, il n'y a plus qu'une chose à faire avant de commencer le réveillon.....

... and that is to wish you a....
....c'est à dire vous souhaiter.....

Christmas croquembouche by Emmaflam

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Gift Certificates!

We now have gift certificates available in our Etsy store.  Available in $25, $50 and $75 denominations, they are in pdf format and emailed to you within a couple of hours (depending on the time of day!) ready for you to print out and give.

Other denominations available upon request.

So if you're still struggling to find that perfect last minute gift for the miniature-lover(s) in your life, maybe this will help!  We'll be able to send them out right up until Christmas Eve...

Click on the image below to find the listings which contain all the information you need about purchasing and redeeming.

Gift certificates for Etsy now available here

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Wintertime Miniatures and a Snowy French Village! / Ca caille!!

There's a bit of a wintertime snowy theme to today's new miniatures - cool colours, lots of snow and even a brand new stalactite stand!

Allez, on change de crémerie, rouge et vert, c'est bien gentil, mais aujourd'hui, on a décidé d'assortir les miniatures au paysage, c'est à dire un  joli camaïeu de blanc, transparent, glace bleutée et autre couleurs frigorifiées....comme nous!

It's not difficult to see why we're in a wintery mood when you see the view we woke up to this morning! :)

On dirait Narnia!

Wrap up warm!!

Allez les gens, un chocolat chaud et une gaufre, et au lit!

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Christmas Miniatures...

We're well and truly snowed in!  So what should we do?  What about making some....Christmas minis?!  And muffins. Real ones.  And a beef Bourguignon.  Ditto.  At least we won't starve :)

Bon, cette fois ça ne rigole plus, on est officiellement bloqués chez nous par la on fait quoi pour s'occuper?! Ben des miniatures tiens! la cuisine, des muffins choco-banane, du boeuf bourguignon, de la bonne vieille puré maison... mais du vrai, tout ça, du qui se mange, du qui réchauffe :)
Restez bien au chaud les gens!

Here are today's new additions to our Etsy store...

Festive meringue display on shabby chic stand

"Christmas in Paris" French chocolate display

Festive Christmas St Honoré

Christmas cappuccino

Sunday, 5 December 2010

New Christmas Miniatures and last chance to save 10%!

Just a reminder that our 10% saving on Etsy finishes at midnight tonight - remember to use the code "CHRISTMAS" in the promo coupon code box in our Etsy checkout to enjoy the reduction (in price, not quality!)

Why not use it to procure one of these brand new Christmas-related miniature goodies?!

Now in our Etsy store at:

Remember that the savings are on everything in our store, not just Christmas items!

So think about gifts!  Or think about yourself!  Maybe it's the perfect time to treat yourself to a unique handpainted mini painting, fridge magnet, super fine earrings, pretty macaroon ring or other piece of jewellery!

Just make sure you choose before midnight tonight...!

Friday, 3 December 2010

American Miniaturist Christmas Issue 2010

It looks like we made it into the December issue of American Miniaturist!

The photos and the text for articles can often submitted weeks or months in advance so we'd forgotten all about it until a customer mentioned it yesterday.  So some of you will undoubtedly have seen it before us, but we're excited, even if it is old news!!

Ouais, on est contents, on est dans l'édition de Noel d'American Miniaturist :)

Les photos et autres articles sont généralement collectés des mois en avance, et ce sont le plus souvent des collectionneurs qui nous préviennent!

You might recognise the face on the Santa mug - he's currently decorating the background of our blog...

Si la petite tronche du père Noël vous dit quelque-chose, c'est normal, elle est en arrière plan du blog:)

Thursday, 2 December 2010

More Christmas Miniatures...

Here's a quick glimpse at the new miniatures that we finished today.

It's 100% Christmas today, so apologies if you're sick of Christmas all ready!  You'll find some tableware, a couple of cappuccino sets, more types of cookies than you could ever dream of and the first of this year's Christmas wreaths.  Phew!

Head over to the Christmas section of our Etsy store to see them all now...

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Christmas Savings at Paris Miniatures!

Until Sunday at midnight, you can save 10% on everything in our Etsy store!


Enter the code CHRISTMAS (in capitals) into the promotional coupon code box at the Etsy checkout and your discount will be applied.


In our Etsy store at


NOW!  With immediate effect until midnight (French time) on Sunday.


ALL ITEMS!  Everything!  Not just Christmas items.  Even new items that will be listed over the next 4 days are eligible.  Yes, even items we haven't yet made will be eligible!!


You!  Your family!  Your friends!  Pets!  Share the love :)

Anything else?

The discount does not apply to shipping, nor to custom orders and can not be combined with any other offers.  Sorry but the discount cannot be back-dated to orders that have already passed through Etsy's checkout.

Youpi, les gens, c'est parti pour le shopping de Noël!!

Ca commence maintenant dans la boutique Etsy, ici: et c'est jusquà dimanche soir minuit.

Ca concerne TOUT ce qu'il y a dans la boutique, y compris les choses qui seront listées à partir de maintenant et jusqu'à la fin de la promo.

Il faut juste entrer le code secret (!!!) "CHRISTMAS" en majuscules dans la boîte "coupon code" au moment du checkout, et ça va tout faire tout seul....

Voili, voilou, en parlant de shopping de Noël, va falloir que je m'y colle, moi! vous les gens, vous êtes du genre "à la bourre", ou "je maîtrise,  j'ai commencé en Janvier"?!*

*Personnellement, j'ai VRAIMENT commencé en Janvier, mais il y a eu un trou de 11 mois et des brouettes..., et là, la panique monte!!!!