Monday, 29 November 2010

Christmas Stollen - Little & Large

This miniature Christmas stollen cake is one of the new Christmas miniatures that we've listed today.

On reste dans l'ambiance, maintenant que c'est parti, c'est Noël pour un bout de temps ;-)

And of course, if there's the full-sized equivalent lying around, there's only one thing to do (before eating it!). Photograph them together!

Ça alors , on a réussi à faire une photo des deux ensemble AVANT de tout manger!

(...euh, c'est surtout parce que c'était un pseudo stollen sans pâte d'amande qu'il en restait...SANS PATE D'AMANDE!!!!...N'IMPORTE QUOI!!!!!)

Miniature stollen with a real one
Here are some of the other new pieces from today...

They can be found in the Christmas section of our Etsy store

And yes, there's even a Christmas St Honoré!

Eh oui, j'ai osé...le Saint-Honoré "DE NOEL", je ne recule devant rien.... ;-)

Sunday, 28 November 2010

A closer look at the new Christmas miniatures / Les miniatures de Noêl

We teased you a couple of days ago with a single photo of some of our new Christmas minis, so now here's a better look at each of them.

I love the tiny gingerbread men on the cupcakes - which is your favourite?

Click here to see the current Christmas minis in our Etsy store.

Wrapped bonbons on shabby chic stand

Fantasia Christmas Cream Cake

Festive Christmas Cake

Bûche de Noêl (Yule log)

Cupcakes and tiny gingerbread men

Gingerbread cupcakes

Wintery blue ice snowman cupcakes

White cupcakes

Festive gift box of French Britanny galettes and caramels

Friday, 26 November 2010

New Christmas Miniatures

Hello!  It's been a while.  How have you been?  We're happy to let you know that after a couple of quiet weeks, we're ready to launch some brand new Christmas miniatures into the world!  Yay!

Here's a picture to tease you.  Go on, admit it - you love to be teased...

The Christmas booty will be listed later today in our Etsy store

UPDATE - It's all listed!  We've added a 'Christmas' section to our Etsy store - see it here

Thursday, 18 November 2010

“Le Beaujolais nouveau est arrivé!” / "It's Beaujolais Nouveau Time!"

This time last year we were in the center of Paris - the Beaujolais Nouveau had just arrived.  It was impossible to miss!   

It would be nice to think that this enormous bottle was filled with Beaujolais, but no such luck.  100% alcohol-free air...

L'an dernier sur les grands boulevards, il y avait une bouteille géante , c'est cool, nous on aime les trucs tout petits et les trucs géants :)

It's once again time to celebrate the arrival of "Beaujolais Nouveau"!  The bottles in Paris may be enormous (which is cool because as well as small things, we like too-big things!) but we've been working on something much, much smaller....

Une bouteille géante?! Le troisième jeudi de novembre?!!  Ouais, youpi, youhou, le beaujolais nouveau est arrivé!!!!....On s'en fout!!!  C'est pas bon!!!
Mais la charcutaille, c'est chouette, et tout ça en miniature, ça devient encore plus ...euh, petit!

1/12 scale  glass of Beaujolais with saucisson, olives and crisps.
The service is handpainted in a traditional provençal style:)
Un petit parfum de Provence format maison de poupée:
la vaiselle est peinte à la main, vous les entendez les cigales?
Provence set - available to buy here

With a miniature selection of charcuterie, cherry tomatoes and bread
Accompagné d'une assiette anglaise (ah oui, vraiment?
du rosbif saignant et du chorizo, et ça s'appelle une assiette anglaise?!)
French Country Kitchen Charcuterie Set - available to buy here

Ham baguette with butter, pickles and extra ham!
Jambon beurre/cornichons, la tuerie!
Et maintenant, même les poupées peuvent en avoir!
French Country Kitchen Ham Baguette Set - Sold

The three Beaujolais sets together
A table !!!

Which would be your favourite to accompany a glass of Beaujolais Nouveau....?

Alors les gens, c'est quoi, votre miniature préférée of Beaujolpif day??? et en vrai, vous mangeriez quoi, avec?

Monday, 15 November 2010

Chocolate - Paintings and Miniatures / Chocolat, je te veux!!!!

Another weekend has passed in a flash and here we are at the start of another week; a week that will see the following coming to our Etsy store...

I've been slipping back into painting recently and here are some of the mini paintings that I've finished.  Some formats are great for decorating miniature scenes and others are great for fridge magnets/mini tableaux in the "real world".  Our fridge is plastered in them as each new one turns out better than the previous - so I keep them :-p

Aahhhaaah, ça passe trop vite, encore une semaine de cuite!

Je continue de faire des minis tableaux/magnets, sauf que maintenant, ils ne sont aimantés que si on me le demande gentiment, c'est vrai, c'est plus facile de les coller après coup, que de les décoller, non?!

Alors voilà un petit tour dans la "galerie/pâtisserie" (de toute façon , le frigo est plein...enfin, l'extérieur du frigo  surtout (!))

Assortment of new miniature paintings - listed here
We're not abandoning miniatures though (who booed?!!).  These will hopefully be listed this evening if we can keep our eyes open long enough.  If not they will be on Etsy before lunchtime tomorrow...

Mais bien sûr, qui dit chocolat dit chocolat en miniature, c'est un petit avant goût de ce qui Vous attends, période de Noël oblige :)
A table!!!!
Cream and chocolate cake

Assorted French feuille (leaf) chocolates - listed here

Assorted chocolate treats and candy - listed here


Left side

Right side
Hmmmm, je crois  que le VRAI moelleux au coeur coulant s'impose pour le Dessert, ce recette qui se fait plus vite que son ombre, c'est parti, j'y vais, j'en peux plus!!!!!!

Je (Neil) viens de lire ça - quelle jolie surprise!  En plus du plat anglais "bubble & squeak" qui m'attend ce soir (miam!), il y aura du gateau!! Si je termine ces listings, bien sûr....!  Au boulot!! :)

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Croissant, Cakes, Chocolate and Choux

It's the Remembrance Day 'Bank Holiday' in France today but it's business as usual at "Emmaflam Towers"!*  We've been battered with wind and rain all day so any thoughts about going outside have been well and truly quashed.

C'est le 11 novembre, il fait froid, nuit, et venteux, comme il se doit, et nous sommes habillés comme Joey quand il avait mis toutes les fringue de Chandler....  :)
Néanmoins, ce n'est pas une raison pour commencer à hiberner, on verra ça la semaine prochaine, voici donc quelques miniatures toutes fraîches à se mettre sous la dent, bon app' les gens!

Anyway, here's what we've finished up today - it's all on Etsy right now.

French breakfast

Chocolate pastries

Birthday cake

Chocolate and strawberry cake - available to buy here

French chocolates

Pastry swan

*There are no towers.  Emmaflam does not live in a chateau :-p

Monday, 8 November 2010

New! Vanilla St Honoré with Butterfly

We have a new addition to our French Pastry Collection!  It's a vanilla St Honoré decorated with a white sugar butterfly with caramel antennae.  Very romantic :)

Now available in our Etsy store - click here

Quand y en a plus, y en a encore, des parfums de Saint-Honoré ;-)
Celui-ci est à la vanille, et décoré d'un papillon en sucre, ou en pâte d'amande, en tout cas quelque chose qui se mange.... très "mariage" comme style...

Et le prochain parfum, les gens, ce sera quoi?! J'ai bien fait quelques essais "pistache et griotte", et de "café / noisette" mais rien encore de concluant....

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Sunday croissants!

It's not very often that we're up early on a Sunday, day of rest and all that (yeah, right!), but seeing as our craving for croissants didn't go away yesterday, we popped out for brekkie this morning - and guess what we had?

On est pas du matin (euh, surtout la partie française de la bande, à vrai dire...), mais quand il faut, il faut!
Se lever tôt, si c'est pour des croissants, c'est parfaitement acceptable!

This time they're real ones!
Croissant and a pain au chocolat!

There's something beautiful about the texture of a good croissant - those super thin layers of buttery pastry, the golden colour, the light crisp when you bite into it which sends wisps of warm buttery air over the taste buds and flaky crumbs all over your chin...

And all that before 9 o'clock!!!

These miniature versions are now in my Etsy store!
OOOooooh, que c'est beau, un croissant.....

Miniature Viennoiserie - Breakfast Pastries
So what's your dream breakfast?
C'est quoi, le petit déj' de rêve pour vous, les gens?

Friday, 5 November 2010

Give us this day our daily......croissant!

Just preparing the photos for our upcoming Etsy listings.  When I saw this one, I was suddenly overcome with a desire for a couple of buttery croissants and a cup of hot black coffee - for dunking! :)

But it's 9 o'clock in the evening - so I guess I'll have to wait until the boulangerie opens again tomorrow morning...

Nous préparions  les photos des listings à venir, et maintenant c'est tout mélangé!
J'ai fait un rôti avec des champignons, et des pommes dauphines, et on veut quoi, en vrai?!!!! Un café, avec deux croissants :-(
A 21 heures....C'est malin!!!

Coming soon....

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Halloween Giveaway Result! Avez-vous gagné ?

We've finally found time to do the draw for our recent Halloween give-away!

Nous avons - il était temps! - effectué le tirage au sort du "donne-loin" d'Halloween, mettant fin à cet insupportable attente qui rongeait le moral des collectionneurs de miniatures, anxieux et désespérés  blah, blah, blah ....(si si, on commençait à avoir des réclamations!!)

Here's how we did it - as you will see, each stage was watched over by an independent adjudicator to ensure that there was no funny business.  He also happens to be a papier mâché pumpkin head in his spare time...

Afin de limiter les risques d'embrouille, nous avons fait appel à un huissier indépendant (de sa volonté...) dans la gueule duquel nous avons fourrés les noms des participants, préalablement imprimés, puis découpés, et bien mélangés... 

The name of every entrant was printed onto A4 paper...

The names were all cut out.

They were then stuffed into the mouth of our pumpkin-headed friend.

Having warned Mr Pumpkin Head not to bite - Emma bravely entered her hand into his mouth.

And pulled out a piece of paper so quickly that we barely caught the name - she does claim that her speed was due to excitement and not fear of losing her fingers.

Et j'ai mis la main dedans, j'en frissonne encore!

So here is the name a little more clearly....

Congratulations - "Athena"!!!  

Youhou, Athena, félicitations, vous avez gagné!

Thanks to everyone for entering the give-away.  We really enjoyed reading all of your wonderful comments!

Merci beaucoup, les gens, d'avoir participé, c'était un plaisir de lire tous vos commentaires , et à bientôt pour un prochain "donne-loin";-)

Monday, 1 November 2010

Halloween Giveaway! Gagnez une miniature de Halloween!

This miniature plate filled with Halloween/Autumn-coloured treats could be yours!

On l'avait dit, on le fait: c'est l'heure du "giveaway" ou "donne loin" en French.....
Si cette petite assiette de cochonneries vous tente, laissez simplement un commentaire!

This plate could be yours!  Just comment!

To enter, just leave a comment on this post.  Make it Halloween-ish - tell us which of our Halloween pieces you liked for example.... ;-)

We'll close the thread on the morning of Monday 1st November, so be sure to get your entry written before then.

The winner will be drawn at random early next week.

Inutile de suivre officiellement le blog, on s'en fout, on est pas comme ça ;-) mais pas de commentaire anonyme si vous voulez participer (ce serait ballot, en même temps!)
Vous avez jusqu'à dimanche soir minuit, ou lundi matin, tranquille ;-) et nous ferons le tirage au sort en début de semaine...

Leave a comment to win this - easy!

You don't need to be a "follower" of the blog to enter. 

Please make sure you do not post as "anonymous" because if you go on to win, we won't know who to contact :)

Good luck!
Bonne chance, WHHaaahaaahhhahahahah ha ha ha!!!!!!
(c'est un rire dément de sorcière tordue)