Showing posts with label father. Show all posts
Showing posts with label father. Show all posts

We have never been involved in any of my Father's political moves. His triumphs meant sorrow for us his children because it felt like losing him for the rest of the community. He may have shortcomings as a father like everyone else...he is not perfect but I admired him dearly for his leadership, his dedication to serve and his truthful governance. The projects he spearheaded and the respect he earned from people speak for what he had become as a public servant.

He served for more than a decade as Councilor and Barangay Chairman. We were younger then so we wanted more of him and therefore grudgingly shared him with the rest of the community. Now that we are, well, a bit older and wiser or shall we say more forgiving and accepting, we can now willingly share him and therefore freely express our support for his candidacy as Chairman of Barangay Bambang in Los Baños, Laguna.

With confidence, we are campaigning for our father who's passion is to serve others and lead people to the best of his ability.

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School has Began

Posted by Papa Sez | Monday, June 07, 2010

Today, I rode the school service with our eight-year-old son. It was not what I had in mind when Mama Sez informed me yesterday that only primary school pupils are scheduled today to have their two-hour orientation for the new school year, and so one of us can take our eldest daughter’s spot in the school service.

It’s good that Mama Sez convinced me to go with our son. It was a chance to show him that he is important and deserves my undivided attention. Besides it’s also his first day in a new, bigger school, and also his first time to ride a school service.

We’ve been psyching our school kids up in recent days to slowly switch them from vacation mode and for them to anticipate a more challenging school environment; not only because they have to adjust to a new school, but also because this particular Montessori school incorporates certain traditional practices that they are not used to.

Besides checking out the school cafeteria and other facilities, I also had time to buy their textbooks and school uniform. I eagerly waited to get some feedback on how it is in his new class. I got the chance when I spotted him on his way to the toilet and got some affirmative remarks from him such as “(his classmates are) not cruel and are actually nice” and “yes, I spoke in class.”

I got more affirmation in the vehicle on our way back when he finally broke his silence and got into an animated conversation with the boys his age. His confidence was showing when he also asked for the name of a younger girl who was part of the group but was silent when he entered the discussion with the boys.

I am confident that he’ll do just fine on his own tomorrow. Well as far as I can tell, he already did better than I did when I was his age in terms of chatting with new acquaintances on the first day of a new school. Now that’s enough to warm my heart for today I did well as a parent.

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Follow parentsjourney on TwitterIt is 6 o’clock in the afternoon and it's a bit unusual. NO, it is largely peculiar because my school kids and my husband are out of the house. They left four hours ago to attend a Father and Child Camp organized by the school. In their case, it is a Father and Children Camp, my daughter is in grade four and my son in grade one :). They will be staying at the campsite of Eden Nature Park and Resort, Davao City.

The night will definitely be cold so sweaters and jackets were packed for them together with thick socks. They are wearing old clothes for they are expected to get dirty while having fun with Father and Child games. Scrumptious dinner and breakfast awaits them as prepared by yours truly, who truly wished she could join them but…sorry, no Moms allowed.

On the brighter side of it is my appreciation to the Abba’s Orchard School’s effort to strengthen bonds of father and child. This camp will give chance to fathers to reflect on their fatherhood journey, learn more through a seminar prepared for them, share their experiences with other fathers, know more about their children and care for them outside of his wife’s shadows. This is an opportunity for children to get their father’s undivided time and attention as they feel safe and secured in the wilderness because their hero is beside them. Oh my, I’m jealous!

Before they left, I just had one request....HAVE FUN but BE SAFE!

My husband just texted that he is chatting with a friend whom we know is a busy person but gave time to attend the camp. Thank God the signal is good up there in the mountain.

See you tomorrow guys...I LOVE YOU :)

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About Us (circa 2009)

Our journey led us to this place. A little more than 10 years ago we began our journey as husband and wife. Three years later, we found ourselves with two bundles of joy- a daughter and then a son. They're the children we've dreamed of having.

About five years since the birth of our son, an unexpected gift came- a younger brother to our school-age kids. And soon enough, a baby girl arrived to round the family membership.

Brave was a term used by a friend to describe us. Challenging... and loving it -- yeah, this journey is not for the faint of heart.