Reader Submission: Paranormal Activity at the Pharmacy Museum

As a ghost tour guide in New Orleans, you tend to get repeat questions: Are we going inside any haunted locations ? Unfortunately, no, not unless you have a cool million or so to put down on a historic residence in the French Quarter. Do you believe in ghosts? The answer to that is yes. I’m fully aware that many guides out there are all-in-out skeptics, but I’m not one of them. Which leads us to . . . Will we experience any paranormal activity on our tour tonight? This one’s the kicker, mainly because all guides only wish that we could make ghostly phenomena perform on demand. How much easier would that be for tour companies or paranormal investigators? So much easier. So that question of whether or not guests will experience ghostly phenomena while on a tour? Highly unlikely—until, that is, it actually happens. ** The first time occurred last August. I remember only because it was deathly hot outside and I was, unfortunately, sweating pr...