Gus was kind enough to grant Pappy's Dog Blog a blog love award. I, in return, love Gus not just because he is constantly threatening to send his housemate Teka to live with us, but also because he is the pasha of posting. The doctor of diligence. Every time I open my Google home page there is always an update from Gus waiting in the news reader, guaranteed. But I can't really give him an award because then we'd get into a feedback loop.
In advancing the love, my appreciation of the core group of the Dogs with Blogs community can't be left unsaid, including Finnegan, Ferndoggle, Fleasgang, Jackson, Joe Stains and Doofus Tanner, Murphey, Nugget, Sophie, these Texas Dachsies, those Texas Dachsies, and about a billion others that I'm too worn out to link. (Hope everybody got a little Technorati boost from that.)
But there are a number of blogs that lurk further out on the fringes of the dog blogging community and beyond that I'd like to recognize. I always follow the exploits of Minou and Birdie, mostly because I am trying to figure out what the heck Birdie is saying. I figure she's sort of like the Rosetta Stone for dog communications. Then I have always admired the wry satire and entrepreneurial spirit of Ayatollah Mugsy and the Pug Life Ministries. Finally, in the human realm, I am a fan of Momopeche since last November's Nablopomo when she carved a goldfish out of salami. I like to think my Pappy obsession resonated with her, contributing to her later getting a dog, Cisco.