torek, 21. februar 2012
"Pink Birthday" in "Dandelion Birthday"
Lep pozdravček vsem,
Dve voščilnici zelo na hitro za danes. Zadnji dnevi so izjemno naporni in čaka me še kar nekaj dela pa upam da tudi počitek pride na vrsto, saj je utrujenost na vrhuncu.
I have for you a quick post with two cards today. This last few days were extremely exhausting, I have a lot of work to do for today and I hope I would be also able to rest a bit, since I am very very tired.
Prva voščilnica je za izziv na blogu "The Play Date Cafe - PDCC119", kjer je inspiracija naslednja barvna paleta: črna, bela in kanček vroče roza.
The first card was made for the challenge over at "The Play Date Cafe - PDCC119", for which this week's color inspiration are black, white and a splash of a hot pink.
Druga voščilnica je bila izdelana za izziv na "CR84FN48 Color Challenge", kjer je izziv barvna paleta zelena, siva in lila.
The second card was made for the challenge over at "CR84FN48 Color Challenge", fo which this week's inspiration are colors green, grey and lavander.
Kaj več pa z naslednjimi stvaritvami in naslednjim postom, zdaj pa hitim naprej. Lepo se imejte, uživajte v večeru in mirno noč vsem. Pozdravček,
More in my next blog post. Now I am running to do some stuff before I fall into bed. Have fun, enjoy the evening and have a peaceful and blessed night! Greetings,
petek, 10. februar 2012
Warmth of a Sunflower
Rada imam tople barve. In barve tokratnega izziva na blogu "Color Throwdown #178" so kot nalašč za moje ustvarjanje. Nastal je nov kompletek uhančkov in pripadajoče voščilnice. Ti so mi zadnje čase kar pri srcu in ne morem se upreti, da zraven voščilnice ne izdelam še kosa nakita.
I love warm colors. And this week's colors over at "Color Throwdown #178" are perfect for my inspiration. I made another collection of an earings and a matching card. Recently I love making them and I hardly resist making a piece of jewelry to go with a card.
Kolekcija "Warmth of a Sunflower" - A collection "Warmth of a Sunflower"
Uhančki "Warmth of a Sunflower" - An earings "Warmth of a Sunflower"
Voščilnica "Warmth of a Sunflower" - A card "Warmth of a Sunflower"
Detajl voščilnice "Warmth of a Sunflower" - A closeup of the card "Warmth of a Sunflower"
Voščilnico sem izdelala po skici, ki je aktualna na blogu "Card positioning systems - 5. obletnica 8 dan" in jo nekoliko obrnila :).
I used a sketch from the blog "Card positioning systems - 5th Anniversary Day 8" and rotated it a bit :).
Hvala za vse vaše prijazne komentarje in lep dan želim vsem blogovcem :).
A big thank your for all your nice comments and a great and blessed day to all of you in the blogoland. :)
torek, 7. februar 2012
Fancy Butteflies
Tokratni izziv na blogu "The Play Date Cafe PDCC117" je bil poln fotografij z nakitom, kar je bil pravi navdih za novo kolekcijo uhančkov in pripadajoče voščilnice. Barve izziva so bile nežne, pastelne, lila, modra in slonokoščena. Nastala je naslednja kolekcija:
This week's challenge over at "The Play Date Cafe PDCC117" was full of pictures with jewelry, which was perfect inspiration for another collection of earings and a matching card. The colors were soft and pastel, lilac, soft blue and ivory. This is what I made:
Uhančki "Fancy Butterflies" - Earings "Fancy Butterflies"
Voščilnica "Fancy Butterflies" - A card "Fancy Butterflies"
Detajl voščilnice "Fancy Butterflies" - A closeup of a card "Fancy Butterflies"
Skico voščilnice sem našla na blogu "Card positioning systems - 5 obletnica bloga, 2. dan".
I found the sketch inspiration for the card on the blog "Card positioning systems - 5th Anniversary - 2nd day".
Vesela bom vaših komentarjev in se vidimo ob naslednji objavi. Uživajte v dnevu.
I will be happy of your thoughts and comments and we see each other with the next post. Enjoy the day.
torek, 31. januar 2012
"Perfect Pear"
Pozdravček vsem,
Pa je nastala še ena poročna kolekcija - tale s hruškami me je že dolgo mikala in končno sem se je lotila. Navdih za barvno paleto sem poiskala v tokratnem "Play Date Cafe Challengu PDCC116", shemo pa sem za vabilo poiskala na tokratnem "CAS-ual Fridays CFC37", ostali deli poročne kolekcije pa so izpeljani iz vabila. Hruška je digitalna štampiljka s strani "Beccy's Place", papirji so "Bo Bunny".
I finally managed to make another collection of wedding stationery. This one with the pears was long ago in my head and I finally made it. I took the color inspiration from this week's "Play Date Cafe Challenge PDCC116" and the sketch for the invitation from this week's "CAS-ual Fridays CFC37". Other parts of stationery came from the wedding sample. The image is a free digi stamp from "Beccy's Place" and the papers are "Bo Bunny".
Poročna kolekcija "Perfect Pear" - Wedding collection "Perfect Pear"
Poročno vabilo "Perfect Pear" - Wedding invitation "Perfect Pear"
Poročna imenska kartica "Perfect Pear" - Wedding name card "Perfect Pear"
Poročni meni "Perfect Pear" - Wedding Menu "Perfect Pear"
Poročna zahvala "Perfect Pear" - Wedding Thank you card "Perfect Pear"
Nisem pa se mogla odločiti ali dodam še en malo "nagajiv" dodatek kolekciji ali ne, zato sem poizkusila samo na vabilu. Kaj mislite? Vesela bom mnenj. Prvi deluje bolj elegantno, drugi bolj igrivo... Mislim, da sta mi po svoje všeč oba...
But I couldn't decide whether or not to use something a little bit "naughty" on the wedding stationary so I tried it only on an invitation. What do you think? I will be happy of your oppinions. The first one is a little bit more elegant and the second one a little more playful... I think I like them both...
Imejte se lepo in se upam da vidimo jutri. Božji blagoslov in mirno noč vsem.
Have a nice day and see you tommorrow. Blessings.
ponedeljek, 30. januar 2012
"A Thank you Note" in CASE Study Challenge #75
Lep pozdravček vsem,
Ker sem imela že od samega začetka dve ideji za voščilnico za tokratni "CASE Study Challenge #75" in se nikakor nisem mogla odločiti katera mi je ljubša, sem se odločila izdelati še drugo. Še dobro, da so voščilnice preproste in hitro narejene. :)
Since I had two good ideas for the cards for this weeks "CASE Study Challenge #75" right from the beginning and I just couldn't decide which one to give a shot, I decided to make another one too. Good thing is that they are simple and quickly made. :)
Ponovno preprosta voščilnica, nota je brezplačni clipart, notno črtovje sem ustvarila z nitmi za vezenje v dveh odtenkih zelene, sivem in dveh odtenkih modre. Napis sem skreirala sama. Uživajte do naslednje objavice. :)
Again a clean and simple card, the music note is a free clipart, musical lines are made with twine in two shades of green, grey and two shades of blue. I made a sentiment by myself. Have fun and see you with the next post. :)
nedelja, 29. januar 2012
"Sweets for my sweet" in Color Throwndown #176
Nisem si mogla kaj, da ne bi izdelala voščilnice za tokratni "Color Throwdown Challenge #176", saj je barvna paleta zelo privlačna: "Pool Party", "Crumb Cake","Choc. Chip" in "Rose Red". Nastala je voščilnica za valentinovo ali drugo podobno "ljubezensko" priložnost.
I couldn't help myself but to make a card for this week's "Color Throwdown Challenge #176". The color story is simply amazing: "Pool Party", "Crumb Cake","Choc. Chip" in "Rose Red". I made a valentine card or card for any other similar "love" occasion.
Sladoled je digitalna štampiljka s strani Beccy's Place, pobarvana z akvareli. Napis sem izdelala sama - verz iz znane zimzelene "Sweets for my sweet" pesmi, uporabila sem papir od Dovecrafta - Tea House.
The icecream is a digital stamp from Beccy's Place, colored with watercolor pencils. I made the sentiment by myself, it is from a known old song "Sweets for my sweet". I used papers from Dovecraft - Tea House.
Želim vam mirno noč in prijeten začetek novega delovnega tedna. Lahko noč.
I wish to all of you a sweet and peaceful night and a nice beginning of a new working week tommorrow. Good night.
"Sew special" in CASE Study Challenge #75
Lep nedeljski pozdravček vsem blogovcem
Tokratni "CASE Study Challenge #75" je zadnji z Jen Rzasa in njenim CAS stilom. Zanj sem pripravila naslednjo voščilnico:
This week's "CASE Study Challenge #75" is the last one with Jen Rzasa and her CAS style. I made a following card from her inspiration creation:
Večinoma so vsi materiali ročno narejeni, uporabila sem bel in kraft karton, z nitkami za vezenje izdelala šive in kolutek, zataknila vanj šivanko, v napis sem namestila gumbek. Preprosto in dokaj hitro narejeno.
Mostly all things are handmade. I've used white and kraft cardstock, I made stitches with twine and a reel, added a needle, in the sentiment I replaced an "O" with a button. Simple and quite quickly made.
Se vrnem še z eno objavo. :)
I 'll be back with another post today. :)
Uživajte. Enjoy!
petek, 27. januar 2012
Poročna kolekcija "Sreča"
Poročna sezona 2012 se počasi a vztrajno približuje in tako je v polnem teku tudi priprava vzorčkov poročnih kolekcij 2012. V zadnjih dneh je v mojem ustvarjalnem kotičku nastala naslednja:
The season for weddings is slowly approaching and so I am in the middle of preparing new wedding collections 2012. In the last few days I was making following collection:
Dodana je tudi na podstran Poročna vabila.
I've also added it in the section "Wedding invitations".
Uživajte v petkovem večeru! Pozdravček,
"Vintage Birthday" in "ColourQ Challenge #121"
Lep sončen pozdravček vsem, tokrat z voščilnico za "ColourQ Challenge #121". Tema je barvna paleta rdeča, olivno zelena, gorčično rumena, kraft in bela. Zraven je za navdih podana ljubka fotografija krila, ki je takoj preusmerila mojo pozornost, saj mi je hitro šinilo v glavo, da imam v svojih zalogah nekje papir s skoraj identičnim vzorcem. In tako je nastala tale voščilnica:
A beautiful sunny "Hello" to all bloggers in the crafting blogoland. This time I would like to show you a card that I made for this week's "ColourQ Challenge #121". The colors of the challenge are riding hood red, old olive, more mustard, kraft and white. There was also this picture of a lovely skirt with beautiful flowers, which immediately caught my eye, since I remebered I have almost identical paper somewhere in my stash. So I made thi card:
Uporabila sem K&Company papirje McKenna in Julianne, metuljčki so iz zbirke štampiljk Just Rite Clear - Botanical Butterflies, izdelala sem tri rožice v barvah olivno zelene, rdeče in gorčično rumene in dodala drobne perlice in biserčke.
I've used papers from K&Company - McKenna and Julianne, butterflies are from Just Rite Clear set Botanical Butterflies. I've made three handmade flowers in olive, red and mustard and added some pearls.
Pa gremo še malo na delo. :) Ko jo dokončam imam z vami za deliti še povsem novo poročno kolekcijo. Uživajte, pred nami je vikend. :)
Off to make some more. :) I have a brand new wedding collection to share with you... soon. Enjoy the day, there is a beautiful weekend ahead..
ponedeljek, 23. januar 2012
"Spring Birthday" in "CASE Study Challenge #74"
No pa mi je uspelo dokončati tudi tole. Voščilnica za tokratni "CASE STudy Challenge #74", katerega inspiracija je čudovita kreacija Jen Rzasa.
Yeey, I managed to finish off one more. This card is for this week's "CASE Study Challenge #74", for which the inspiration is another wonderful creation from talented Jen Rzasa.
Uporabila sem papirje "K&Company - Tim Coffey", motiv izrezala v koščkih, za podlago dodala papir "K&Company - Julianne Solid Mat Pad". Robove prvega in zadnjega koščka sem zaokrožila kot so v voščilnici, ki je inspiracija.
I used designer papers from "K&Company - Tim Coffey", I cut out the motif in squares and added some paper from "K&Company - Julianne Solid Mat Pad" for the background. I shaped the edges of a first and the last square, like they are shaped on the inspiration card.
Zdaj pa šibam urediti še nekaj stvari po stanovanju in skuhati kosilo preden se mož in otroci vrnejo domov. Lepo se imejte do naslednjič.
I am now off to do some cleaning and cooking before my children and hubby come home. Have fun till next time.
bye, bye
"Give Flight to your dreams" ter "Sketcbook Saturday Challenge #46" in "CR84FN46 Color Challenge"
Najprej hvala vsem za čestitke in lepe želje. :) Počasi se navajamo na povečano družinico. Je pestro, ampak tudi luštno, vesela pa sem, da se kljub temu uspe najti še kakšen trenutek, da se malo umaknem v svoj ustvarjalni svet. Tokrat je v njem nastala voščilnica, za katero sem sledila skici nadarjene Iwone Palamountain in njenemu izzivu "Sketcbook Saturday Challenge #46". Barvno paleto pa je navdihnil izziv "CR84FN46 Color Challenge".
First I would like to thank you from my heart for all of your kind wishes. We are slowly adapting to our increased family. It is merry and beautiful. But I have to admit I am very happy to be despite it able to create a bit. This time I made a following card. The sketch is from talented Iwona Palamountain and her "Sketcbook Saturday Challenge #46" and the colors are from this week's "CR84FN46 Color Challenge".
Papirji so "K&Company - McKenna" in "Ledger Paper Pad", štampiljke "Just Rite Clear set - Botanical Butterflies", rožice so "Maya Road Fresh Chipboard - Blossoms III", pobarvane z roza akrilno barvo in delno okrašene z "Ultra Fine Flower Softom - Raspberry Fizz".
The papers are "K&Company - McKenna" and "Ledger Paper Pad", stamps are from "Just Rite Clear set - Botanical Butterflies", flowers are from "Maya Road Fresh Chipboard - Blossoms III", colored with pink acrylic paint and partly covered with "Ultra Fine Flower Softom - Raspberry Fizz".
Ko sem že ravno v elementu lahko poskusim ustvariti še kaj, zdaj, ko so starejši otroci v varstvu, mlajši pa spi. Uživajte na ta lep sončen dan!
Since I allready have my creative juices flowing and my childrens are in the daycare or sleeping, I can try and maybe make another one. Enjoy this beautiful and sunny day!
sobota, 21. januar 2012
Altered Ballerina slippers for Lindy's gang DT call 2018
Hi my dearest crafty friends,
Today I'm sharing with you a special project, I think you will like, made for this year's Lindy's gang DT call. You know the feeling that you have to put your everything in something? Ohhh my... how much of a pressure this can bring. That was the exact feeling I had when I decided I would apply for my dream team. Suddenly you are overwhelmed with excitement, joy, fear and pressure at the same time. So I really took some time to think about the project I should prepare. And the more I was thinking of it, the more unclear it felt. But I was leaning towards altering ballerina shoes for most of the time, so this is what I eventually went with. I hope I choose good and you will like my project. I used the quote I thought it went perfectly together with my thoughts and emotions.
BUT.... :) That is not it!!! I've done some experimenting and decided to make my own waxes with Lindy's gang products to use them on my project. And I have to tell you... I looooved them! And the best news is that I will be sharing the recipe with you in one of my upcoming videos on my youtube channel so stay tuned. ;)
For coloring the slippers I used Lindy's gang products that you can purchase in their online store:
- Cotton Candy Pink Starburst spray,
- Autumn Maple Crimson Starburst spray,
- Jazzy Jivin' Purple Starburst spray,
- Alpine Ice Rose Magical,
- Bavarian Blue Magical Shaker for wax,
- Glory of the seas Gold Starburst spray for another wax,
- Purely White embossing powder.
I've also prepared a video tutorial for all of you, who'd like to follow along and make your own ballerina slippers with amazing Lindy's gang products. Feel welcome to visit my youtube channel, it makes me so happy! <3
Thank you for stopping by and have a great day!
Today I'm sharing with you a special project, I think you will like, made for this year's Lindy's gang DT call. You know the feeling that you have to put your everything in something? Ohhh my... how much of a pressure this can bring. That was the exact feeling I had when I decided I would apply for my dream team. Suddenly you are overwhelmed with excitement, joy, fear and pressure at the same time. So I really took some time to think about the project I should prepare. And the more I was thinking of it, the more unclear it felt. But I was leaning towards altering ballerina shoes for most of the time, so this is what I eventually went with. I hope I choose good and you will like my project. I used the quote I thought it went perfectly together with my thoughts and emotions.
BUT.... :) That is not it!!! I've done some experimenting and decided to make my own waxes with Lindy's gang products to use them on my project. And I have to tell you... I looooved them! And the best news is that I will be sharing the recipe with you in one of my upcoming videos on my youtube channel so stay tuned. ;)
For coloring the slippers I used Lindy's gang products that you can purchase in their online store:
- Cotton Candy Pink Starburst spray,
- Autumn Maple Crimson Starburst spray,
- Jazzy Jivin' Purple Starburst spray,
- Alpine Ice Rose Magical,
- Bavarian Blue Magical Shaker for wax,
- Glory of the seas Gold Starburst spray for another wax,
- Purely White embossing powder.
I've also prepared a video tutorial for all of you, who'd like to follow along and make your own ballerina slippers with amazing Lindy's gang products. Feel welcome to visit my youtube channel, it makes me so happy! <3
Thank you for stopping by and have a great day!
torek, 17. januar 2012
"Puzzle Birthday" in "CASE Study Challenge #73"
Po dolgem času spet en lep pozdravček vsem. Najprej naj vsem zaželim srečno, zdravo, mirno a veselo, predvsem pa blagoslovljeno leto 2012, v katerega smo vstopili. Pri nas se je začelo pestro in zelo lepo, saj se je najinima punčkama pred dobrim tednom pridružil še bratec Mark. Tako je trenutno pri nas kar živahno, saj trije tako majhni otroci (med vsakim je razlike po eno leto - torej 2,1 in novorojenček) zahtevajo obilo najine energije in časa. Kljub temu pa sem uspela pripraviti svojo prvo voščilnico v letošnjem letu, in sicer za tokratni "CASE Study Challenge", katerega inspiracija je tokrat čudovita kreacija ustvarjalke Jen Rzasa. Spodaj pa je moja voščilnica.
After a long long time a nice and warm "Hello" to everyone. First I would like to wish you all a very happy, healthy, peaceful but merry, and above all, blessed year 2012. Ours began extraordinary. Our family got bigger, a week ago our son Mark was born. We are all very happy and sisters love him. It is nice but rather exhausting, while three so little kids (there is a year between each of them - therefore 2,1 and a newborn) demand a lot of energy and time. Anyway I somehow managed to make a card, first one this year, for this week's "CASE Study Challenge", for which the inspiration is a creation of a talented Jen Rzasa. And here is my take on it.
Iz voščilnice, ki je za inspiracijo sem vzela idejo o negativnem "die-cuttingu", motivu zadaj in pa napis z dodatkom perlic. Končno sem uspela uporabiti svojo šablono s sestavljanko, za koščke sestavljanke sem uporabila različne papirje iz kolekcije K&Company - McKenna, za motiv v ozadju pa odtis vrtnice štampiljke Inkadinkado "Flower Flourishes".
From the inspiration card I took the idea of a negative die-cutting, the motif behind it and the saying with three little pearls. i finally managed to use my puzzle die, for the pieces I used different papers from K&Company - McKenna collection, for the motif I stamped beautiful roses from Inkadinkado - "Flower Flourishes".
Upam, da vam je všeč. Vesela bom komentarjev, :) ... Zdaj pa šibam, saj me moji malčki že nestrpno kličejo ;). Uživajte.
Hope you like it. I will be very happy of your comments :) ... Now I have to go, my little ones are eagerly calling me ;). Enjoy the day!
petek, 6. januar 2012
nedelja, 27. november 2011
"Colorful Butterflies" in "Colorthrowdown #169"
Lep večerni nedeljski pozdravček vsem. Upam, da ste preživeli lep dan. Pri nas je bil zelo aktiven in družinsko obarvan, temu primerna pa je tudi utrujenost. Zato bom danes kratka. Že dolgo spremljam izzive na blogu "Colorthrowdown" pa se do sedaj nekako nisem in nisem opogumila in se jim pridružila. Ta vikend pa mi je končno uspelo izdelati voščilnico za trenutni izziv "Colorthrowdown #169", ki se odvija v naslednji barvni shemi:
One beautiful Hello to all. I hope you have spend a great sunday! Ours was very active with my family, so I am a bit tired today. My post will not be too long. For quite some time now I was following the challenges on the "Colorthrowdown" blog and I kind of haven't gather together the courage to join them. But this weekend I've made a card for the current "Colorthrowdown #169", which features the following color scheme:
Ob teh barvastih metuljčkih sem dobila luštno idejo in preizkusila svoje nove štampiljke "Inchieje" od "Inkadinkadoja" - "Morphic Patterns". Metuljčki so bili seveda kot nalašč za to, odtise pa sem delno pobarvala kar z vsemi barvami "Colorthrowdowna". Nastala je tale voščilnica:
With these colorful butterflies I've come to an idea and I tried out m new stamps "Inchies" from "imkadinkado" - "Morphic Patterns". The butterflies fitted in perfectly, and I colored the stamped images in all of the suggested color variations of the current "Colorthrowdown". I made this card:
Ti "Inchieji" so mi bili tako ljubki, da sem izkoristila priložnost in se še malo poigrala z njimi ter ustvarila še dve voščilnici, barvni kombinaciji pa sem tudi tokrat poiskala med preteklimi izzivi na blogu "Colorthrowdown".
I so loved those cute little stamps that I had to try a few more, so I made two more cards. Color combinations are also from the past challenges on the "Colorthrowdown" blog.
Se opravičujem za malo slabše fotografije... spet me muči večerna svetloba. Morda jih jutri nadomestim z novimi. Lepo se imejte do takrat in vsem en uspešen začetek novega delovnega tedna.
I am truly sorry for the bad quality of pictures... having troubles with evening light. Maybe I will replace them tomorrow with ne ones, but I don't promise anything. :) Have a nice res of the evening and I wish to all of you great and successful start of new working week.
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