WOW! 2011 was deifinitely a good year for paper-and-string...I've been re-reading my blog over the past few days and I have compiled some many that it's taken 2 blog posts!! HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my friends, blog readers & customers ... here's to a fantabulous 2012!...I'm excited to see what it brings!January was spent planning and waiting to move into my new workshop...the
Ikea book got a lot of use!!

I soon learnt that Solicitors are SLOW and I finally moved in in MARCH!!! but the delays did mean I had time for sewing....

...on my new sewing machine!
February...was the month of the box!...I made loads of sample boxes ::

...took loads of photos and voila! introduced made-to-order items to my Not On The High Street Shop

To mark the launch I advertised my alphabet boxes in the Not On The High Street Catalogue and had my boxes photographed by a professional photographer!

March I was very proud to be able to make a prize & join in the Japan raffle that Jo organised.

the rest of the month was spent packing


and unpacking!

..and finally filling my new workshop with all my things
April was the month for moving in properly...making ribbon spools look pretty::

...and re-using my old cassette tape holders for large ribbon spools ::

My first paper-and-string computer was delivered and set up, no more working from the home computer for me!!

There was also time for a little bit of pebble
key rings::

..and a free bird pattern for you all...
May: Finally! The month I could spill the beans and tell you all that my BIG secret was to supply John Lewis...finally all the piles of stock everywhere made some sense...

..and I could share all the felt cutting...

...and ribbon cutting that was filling my months!
June my workshop was bulging at the seams ...

...all the printing arrived and was stored on the stairs!...

...the kit felt had a whole room to itself!!...and the fluff, ginormous bags of fluff that just sat in the middle of the floor!!

But it wasn't all about BIG things...there were new teeny tiny polka dot buttons

...and a huge box FULL of pom poms!!