Is it just me or is this year whizzing by?
It only seems like 5 minutes ago that I did the March freebie, but already it's time to announce April's freebie!
So lets get to it....

I have made up two piles of supplies with more than enough goodies with which to make a felt cupcake purse...(it seems 4" zips are not that easy to come by which is what inspired this freebie!)
There will be two prizes and each prize contains ::
4 pieces of 12" felt, 2m of grosgrain ribbon, a few buttons and the elusive 4" zip :-)

As always, all you need to do to enter is leave a comment on this post and I will randomly pick two winners on Sunday 5
th April 2009. I will post world wide so everyone is welcome to enter :-)
Good Luck!