I spent yesterday tidying and stock taking
(boy, I know how to have fun....I also went to Argos and bought a clothes airer, but that's WAY too exciting to talk about on this post!)
It's something I have been meaning to do for AGES (the stock taking, not the clothes airer shopping)...hopefully it will mean that I'll be super organised, with full up shops from now on...I don't know about you but I can always find time to make things, but the photographing and listing of them sometimes gets put off!
So I updated my website, etsy and ebay shops, and many many things are now back in stock, hurrah!
Oh, and my see-through bags arrived so I spent a while putting my new *much-better-even-if-I-do-say-so-myself* style brooch kits together, this is the new package design...

...I'll show you the rest tomorrow :-)